1,835 research outputs found

    Gis and Geomorfometry to Pedological Mapping.

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    This work applied a pedological mapping methodology, in an experimental center of ?APTA-Frutas? in Jundiaí, SP, using the geomorphometric parameters and GIS tools to elaborate pedologic maps. The aim of the work is show a methodology to obtain a preliminary legend of a soil map, it can guide the pedologists in the field works. The objective is compare the preliminary map with others maps made by tradicional pedological methodologies. The study area is located in a mountainous relief in the Atlantic Plateau. Is a small area with 59 hectares. The original soil map of the area was made in 1:10,000 scale in the detailed level. Was generated a digital elevation model (DEM) with 4 m of spatial resolution based in a topographical map in 1:10,000 scalle, the level curves are equidistant of 5m. Was used the TOPOGRID function with ArcInfo software. Based in the DEM are generated derivated maps like altitude, curvature and slope. Was generate a buffer around the hydrography to map hydromophic soils. Was generated frequency distribution graphics about altitude, curvature and slope maps. After interpretation of frequence distribution were defined classes to predict the soils types. The curvature map was divided in two classes intervals ( 0), the altitude map was divided in four classes intervals (690 ? 703, 704 ? 714, 715 ? 730, and 731 ? 757 m), the slope map was divided in four classes intervals (0 ? 9, 10 ? 19, 20 ? 44, and 45 ? 72 %). The maps were reclassified and converted to shapefiles. In the shape file format the function INTERSECT was applied in the maps. All shapefiles were intersected with the otherrs to generate the final preliminary soil map. This methodology presents in this work showed adequate to effect the preliminary mapping of some types of soils

    Geração de mapa de declividades para o Estado do Maranhão como base para Zoneamento Ecológico-Econômico.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi apresentar metodologia empregada na geração de um mapa digital de declividades para o Estado do Maranhão, como base para o Zoneamento Ecológico-Econômico. A base de dados foi gerada a partir de modelo digital de elevação SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) com correções realizadas pela FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization). Foi utilizado o Sistema de Informações Geográficas ArcGIS 9.0 para o tratamento do modelo digital e geração das declividades em porcentagem, executando-se posteriormente os processos de filtragem, reclassificação e refinamentos para eliminação de áreas indesejadas. Os resultados mostraram que a metodologia de refinamento permitiu um delineamento eficiente das classes de declividades, denotando um predomínio de terras com baixa declividade. O mapa de declividades juntamente com o mapa pedológico e outras informações apoiarão o zoneamento a ser realizado

    The Use of GIS and Digital Elevation Model in Digital Soil Mapping: a case study from São Paulo, Brazil.

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    This paper applied pedological mapping in an experimental center of APTA-Frutas in Jundiaí São Paulo, Brazil, using morphometric parameters and GIS tools. The aim of this work was to obtain a preliminary legend of a soil map and to compare the preliminary map with maps made by the traditional soil survey methods. The area has 59 hectares and is located at a mountainous relief in the Atlantic Plateau. The original soil map of this area was made at 1:10 000. A digital elevation model (DEM) was generated with 4m spatial resolution based on a topographical map at 1:10 000 scale, where the level curves are equidistant at 5 m. Based on the DEM we generated altitude, curvature and slope maps. In order to map the hydromorphic soils it was generated a buffer around the hydrography. We also calculated frequency distribution graphics of altitude, curvature and slope maps. After the interpretation of the frequency distribution, we defined classes to predict the soils types. The curvature map was divided into two class intervals ( 0), the altitude map was divided into four class intervals (690, 703, 704,714, 715, 730, and 731, 757 m), and the slope map was divided into four class intervals (0-9, 10-19, 20-44, and 45-72%). The maps were reclassified and converted to shape files. The shape files were intersected with the others to generate the final preliminary soil map. The methodology was adequate for the preliminary mapping of some types of soils

    C/NOFS Satellite Electric Field and Plasma Density Observations of Plasma Instabilities Below the Equatorial F-Peak -- Evidence for Approximately 500 km-Scale Spread-F "Precursor" Waves Driven by Zonal Shear Flow and km-Scale, Narrow-Banded Irregularities

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    As solar activity has increased, the ionosphere F-peak has been elevated on numerous occasions above the C/NOFS satellite perigee of 400km. In particular, during the month of April, 2011, the satellite consistently journeyed below the F-peak whenever the orbit was in the region of the South Atlantic anomaly after sunset. During these passes, data from the electric field and plasma density probes on the satellite have revealed two types of instabilities which had not previously been observed in the C/NOFS data set (to our knowledge): The first is evidence for 400-500km-scale bottomside "undulations" that appear in the density and electric field data. In one case, these large scale waves are associated with a strong shear in the zonal E x B flow, as evidenced by variations in the meridional (outward) electric fields observed above and below the F-peak. These undulations are devoid of smaller scale structures in the early evening, yet appear at later local times along the same orbit associated with fully-developed spread-F with smaller scale structures. This suggests that they may be precursor waves for spread-F, driven by a collisional shear instability, following ideas advanced previously by researchers using data from the Jicamarca radar. A second new result (for C/NOFS) is the appearance of km-scale irregularities that are a common feature in the electric field and plasma density data that also appear when the satellite is below the F -peak at night. The vector electric field instrument on C/NOFS clearly shows that the electric field component of these waves is strongest in the zonal direction. These waves are strongly correlated with simultaneous observations of plasma density oscillations and appear both with, and without, evidence of larger-scale spread-F depletions. These km-scale, quasi-coherent waves strongly resemble the bottomside, sinusoidal irregularities reported in the Atmosphere Explorer satellite data set by Valladares et al. [JGR, 88, 8025, 1983]. We interpret these new observations in terms of fundamental plasma instabilities associated with the unstable, nighttime equatorial ionosphere

    Chinchilla lanigera (Molina 1782) and C. chinchilla (Lichtenstein 1830): review of their distribution and new findings

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    Chinchilla lanigera (Molina, 1782) y C. chinchilla (Lichtenstein, 1830): revisión de su distribución y nuevas observaciones Tanto Chinchilla chinchilla como C. lanigera estuvieron muy cerca de la extinción debido a la caza histórica y masiva de que fueron objeto, y que acabó con millones de ejemplares durante la primera parte del siglo veinte. Para determinar el rango de distribución de estas especies y localizar nuevas colonias, analizamos las publicaciones científicas, los informes técnicos, la información facilitada por personas residentes y los trampeos en vivo. Detectamos una nueva colonia silvestre de pequeño tamaño de C. lanigera en la región de Atacama, Chile. El estado de conservación de ambas especies sería de “en grave peligro de extinción”, ya que la distribución está muy fragmentada y la mayor parte de las colonias detectadas son pequeñas y están aisladas.Millions of Chinchilla chinchilla and C. lanigera were killed during the early twentieth century and they were nearly hunted to extinction. In order to establish the current range of distribution of these two wild species and to localize possible new colonies, we used the available scientific literature, technical reports, information from residents, and live trapping methods. Both species are ‘critically endangered’ since their current distribution is highly fragmented and all recognized colonies are small and isolated. We report a small new wild colony of C. lanigera in the Atacama region, Chile.Chinchilla lanigera (Molina, 1782) y C. chinchilla (Lichtenstein, 1830): revisión de su distribución y nuevas observaciones Tanto Chinchilla chinchilla como C. lanigera estuvieron muy cerca de la extinción debido a la caza histórica y masiva de que fueron objeto, y que acabó con millones de ejemplares durante la primera parte del siglo veinte. Para determinar el rango de distribución de estas especies y localizar nuevas colonias, analizamos las publicaciones científicas, los informes técnicos, la información facilitada por personas residentes y los trampeos en vivo. Detectamos una nueva colonia silvestre de pequeño tamaño de C. lanigera en la región de Atacama, Chile. El estado de conservación de ambas especies sería de “en grave peligro de extinción”, ya que la distribución está muy fragmentada y la mayor parte de las colonias detectadas son pequeñas y están aisladas

    Spatial variability of soil physical attributes in Machadinho d Oeste (Ro), Amazon Basin.

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    The aim of this paper was to understand the spatial variability of soil physical attributes within the superficial layer (0-10 cm) in an area of agricultural colonization in Machadinho d?Oeste (RO). The attributes analyzed were real density, clay, silt, coarse sand, and fine sand contents. In September, 2004, 76 samples were collected through an irregular sampling strategy, based on soil and topographic features. Oxisols and Ultisols are the predominant soil types in the area. The clay content ranged from 2 to 67%, silt from 2 to 63%, coarse sand from 4 to 78%, fine sand from 6 to 45%, and real density from 2.08 to 2.60 (g cm-3). Some of the high contents of silt can be due to resistant aggregates of the clay fraction, as the adopted methodology did not separate clay grains. The majority of attributes presented coefficients of variation higher than 40%, except for real density. Real density is highly correlated with the coarse sand fraction (r = 0,94) and with the sum of the clay and silt fractions (r = -0,86). Geostatistics was used to understand the spatial variability of such attributes, through the analysis of semivariograms, kriging, and isoline maps. Despite statistical distances among the samples, the spatial dependence ratio (RD) was classified as moderate and strong. The spherical model had good adjustment for the studied attributes. Similarities were found for the spatial behavior of some attributes, such as clay, coarse sand, and real density. The lowest range values were for clay, silt, and coarse sand (i.e., around 10,000 m). For fine sand and real density, the range was between 15,000 and 16,000 m. Kriging techniques were suitable to depict the space distribution of the studied attributes. Soils with clay contents higher than 30% are predominant in the area, followed by soils with loam texture

    Ciencia en el aula. una propuesta para el desarrollo, adquisición y evaluación de las competencias

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    Desde el SXVIII (nacimiento del museo moderno) hasta hoy ha habido un cambio sustancial en las instituciones museísticas. Las funciones de conservación, exhibición e investigación han cedido parte de su protagonismo a la educativa. El Parque de las Ciencias articula esta función desde el Departamento de Educación y Actividades que desde el año 2006 viene desarrollando la actuación Ciencia en el Aula, dentro del programa Asómate a la Ciencia y financiada por la Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Andalucía. En este artículo se presenta Ciencia en el Aula como algo más que un espacio para exponer las actividades de investigación realizadas en los centros educativos andaluces. La presentación y el desarrollo expositivo de las mismas puede constituir una herramienta que permite el desarrollo y adquisición de las competencias básicas , así como la evaluación de todo el proceso

    Caracterização química e granulométrica de solos da baixada maranhense.

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    A área de estudo corresponde aos campos flúvio-marinhos com risco de inundação e presença de solos hidromórficos da região conhecida com Baixada e Golfão Maranhenses. os solos dessa região, por apresentarem drenagem com alguns impedimento e condições favoráveis a inundação, ficam sujeitos aos processos de evaporação, o que associado a proximidade do mar, pode elevar as concentrações de sais solúveis e inviabilizar ao reduzir a produção. Foram coletadas 38 amostras de terra em 22 pontos com trado holandês a profundidades variáveis, normalmente de 0 a 20 e de 30 a 50 cm de profundidade. A análise da terra fina seca ao ar (TFSA) permitiu a determinação de atributos químicos e granulométricos dos solos. Na região predominam solos com argila de atividade alta, relativamente ácidos e com elevados teores de bases e também de hidrogênio e alumínio, ocorrendo solos com caráter alumínico. Os teores de magnésio são predominantes em relação aos de cálcio. Apesar dos elevado grau de floculação. predominam solos de textura argilosa, porém ocorrem solos de textura arenosa, média e siltosa. Na fração área predomina a areia fina. Foram verificadas várias correlações entre os atributos dos solos

    Genetic variation of the dopamine D2 receptor gene: association with the reinforcing value of food and eating in the absence of hunger in Chilean children

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    BACKGROUND: food is a powerful reinforcer that motivates people to eat. The TaqI A1 polymorphism (rs1800497; T>C) downstream of the dopamine D2 receptor (DRD2) gene has been associated with diminished DRD2 receptor density, higher food reinforcement, and impaired eating behavior in adults. OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the association between the rs1800497 polymorphism and the reinforcing value of food and eating in the absence of hunger in Chilean children. MATERIAL AND METHOD: nineteen Chilean children (aged 8-12 years) who were carriers of the A1-allele and 19 age- and gender-matched non-carriers (A2-allele) were evaluated on the reinforcing value of food and eating in the absence of hunger. Anthropometric measures were performed by standard procedures. Briefly, children received a standard pre-load lunch followed by an ad-libitum exposure to palatable foods. RESULTS: no differences were found between A1-allele carriers and non-carriers, whether obese or non-obese, in ad libitum energy intake, macronutrient consumption, or the relative reinforcing value of food (p > 0.05). In obese children, A1 carriers reported significantly lower satiety and fullness before lunch (p < 0.05). However, in children with normal weight A1 carriers were found to exhibit trends for greater satiety and fullness before lunch when compared to non-carriers, but this trend reversed after lunch such that carriers exhibited lower satiety and fullness (p = 0.06). CONCLUSIONS: although TaqI A1 may play an important role in some eating behavior-related traits such as satiety and fullness, especially in obese children, our findings indicate that this polymorphism does not appear to affect eating in the absence of hunger or food reinforcement in children