49 research outputs found

    An accurate determination of the Avogadro constant by counting the atoms in a 28Si crystal

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    The Avogadro constant links the atomic and the macroscopic properties of matter. Since the molar Planck constant is well known via the measurement of the Rydberg constant, it is also closely related to the Planck constant. In addition, its accurate determination is of paramount importance for a definition of the kilogram in terms of a fundamental constant. We describe a new approach for its determination by "counting" the atoms in 1 kg single-crystal spheres, which are highly enriched with the 28Si isotope. It enabled isotope dilution mass spectroscopy to determine the molar mass of the silicon crystal with unprecedented accuracy. The value obtained, 6.02214084(18) x 10^23 mol^-1, is the most accurate input datum for a new definition of the kilogram.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, 3 table

    The granite‑hosted Variscan gold deposit from Santo António mine in the Iberian Massif (Penedono, NW Portugal): constraints from mineral chemistry, fuid inclusions, sulfur and noble gases isotopes

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    The study area is located in the Central Iberian Zone, a major tectonic unit of the Iberian Massif (Variscan belt). In this region the basement is composed of Cambrian-Ordovician sedimentary and minor volcanic rocks that underwent deformation and metamorphism during the Carboniferous. These metamorphic rocks host ca. 331–308 Ma granitic plutons emplaced during the D2 extensional and D3–D4 contractional deformation phases. The gold-bearing quartz veins from the Santo António mine (Penedono region) occur in granite formed at 310.1 ± 1.1 Ma and post-dated the peak of metamorphism. Gold–silver alloy is included in quartz, but mainly occurs in spaces between grains or micro-fractures within arsenopyrite of all three generations and less in pyrite. Late sulphides and sulphosalts were deposited along fractures mainly in arsenopyrite, and locally surrounding the gold–silver alloy grains. Ferberite, scheelite and stolzite replace arsenopyrite. The abundant aqueous carbonic fluids and the occurrence of a low-salinity fluid and their minimum possible entrapment temperature of 360–380 °C suggest that this gold-forming event began during the waning stages of the Variscan orogeny. The mean δ34S values of arsenopyrite and pyrite are − 4.7‰ and − 3.8‰, respectively. He–Ar–Ne isotopic data suggest a crustal origin. The ascent of the granite magma has provided the heat for remobilization of gold, other metals and metalloids from the metamorphic rocks. This gold-arsenopyrite deposit has thus similar characteristics as other selected gold-arsenopyrite deposits from the Iberian Massif, but it contains tungstates.El área de estudio está ubicada en la Zona Centroibérica, una importante unidad tectónica del Macizo Ibérico (cinturón varisco). En esta región el basamento está compuesto por rocas sedimentarias y volcánicas del Cámbrico-Ordovícico tectonizadas y metamorfzadas durante el Carbonífero. Estas rocas metamórfcas sirven como caja de los plutones graníticos datados en torno a 331–308 Ma y que fueron emplazados durante la fase de deformación extensional D2 y las fases de deformación contraccional D3 y D4. Las venas de cuarzo ricas en oro de la mina de Santo António (región de Penedono) que aparecen en un granito datado a los 310.1 ± 1.1 Ma son posteriores al pico metamórfco regional. La aleación de oro y plata se incluye en el cuarzo, pero se produce principalmente en los espacios entre granos o micro-fracturas dentro de arsenopirita de las tres generaciones y menos en pirita. Los sulfuros y sulfuros tardíos se depositaron a lo largo de las fracturas principalmente en arsenopirita, y alrededor de los granos de aleación de oro y plata. Ferberita, scheelita y la estolzita sustituyen a la arsenopirita. Los abundantes líquidos acuosos carbónicos y la presencia de un fuido de baja salinidad y su posible temperatura de atrapamiento mínima en torno de 360-380 ºC sugieren que este evento de formación de oro comenzó durante las etapas fnales de la orogenia varisca. Los valores medios de S de arsenopirita y pirita son − 4.7 ‰ y − 3.8 ‰, respectivamente. Los datos isotópicos de He–Ar–Ne sugieren que en el origen de los fuidos mineralizados participa la corteza continental. El ascenso del magma granítico ha provisto el calor para la movilización del oro, otros metales y metaloides desde las rocas metamórfcas. Este depósito de oroarsenopirita tiene así características similares a otros yaciamientos con arsenopirita y oro del Macizo Ibérico, pero sin embargo contienen tungstates.This research was financially supported by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia through the projects GOLDGranites, Orogenesis, Long-term strain/stress and Deposition of ore metals—PTDC/GEO-GEO/2446/2012: COMPETE: FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-029192 and UID/GEO/04035/2013

    The IMERAPlus Joint Research Project For Determinations Of The Boltzmann Constant

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    Abstract. To provide new determinations of the Boltzmann constant, k, which has been asked for by the International Committee for Weights and Measures concerning preparative steps towards new definitions of the kilogram, the ampere, the kelvin and the mole, an iMERAPlus joint research project has coordinated the European activities in this field. In this major European research project the Boltzmann constant has been determined by various methods to support the new definition of the kelvin. The final results of the project are reviewed in this paper. Determinations of the Boltzmann constant k were achieved within the project by all three envisaged methods: acoustic gas thermometry, Doppler broadening technique, and dielectric constant gas thermometry. The results were exploited by the interdisciplinary Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA) in their 2010 adjustment of recommended values for fundamental constants. As a result, the CODATA group recommended a value for k with a relative standard uncertainty about a factor of two smaller than the previous u(k)/k of 1.7×10 −6

    Si primary standards for the calibration of ion-current ratios in the molar-mass measurement of natural Si single crystals

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    none4sìA procedure is described to obtain SI-traceable silicon isotope amount ratios in the BaSiF 6form. On the basis of a gravimetric approach, three synthetic isotope mixtures were made, very similar to natural Si, by blending silicon isotopically enriched with 28 Si, 29 Si and 30 Si. These mixtures served as references to calibrate measurements of (SiF 3 ) + current ratios. In this way, it was possible to make SI-traceable measurements of silicon isotope amount ratios, without any assumptive correction. The isotopic composition of the natural Si crystal WASO17.2 was remeasured and its molar mass was redetermined.data base WoS; WoS : subject category: instrument & instrumentation; indicatore di impatto: Article InfluenceS VALKIERS; MANA G; K FUJII; P BECKERS., Valkiers; Mana, Giovanni; K., Fujii; P., Becke

    A three-ratio scheme for the measurement of isotopic-ratios of silicon

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    This paper proposes a scheme of measurement sequences that has been used for the redetermination of the molar mass (atomic weight) of silicon at the Central Bureau for Nuclear Measurements (now Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements). This scheme avoids correlations among the measured ratios caused by normalizing all ion current measurements to that of the largest ion current. It also provides additional information for checking on the consistency of these ratios within a cycle of scans. Measurements of isotope abundance ratios of silicon are used as an illustration