249 research outputs found

    Per una pedagogia valoriale

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    This work aims to reflect on education and the drifting of which it is oftenprotagonist, especially in the young generations who nevertheless draw theolder generations into question, making them the protagonists of a deteriorationwhich is to be halted. Family, school, institutions must together understandor, better, take action and intervene in this educational emergency.Taking up again a book, the book“Experience and Education” by John Dewey, rereading it and bringing uporiginal parts by the author, one discovers, rediscovers his thought, whichare deep and meaningful and which helps us to find, to find once more theroad we have lost, the road we must travel along, without creating or inventingspecial effects from goodness knows where. In the book we find writtenin black and white, for social control, good practices which can put the educationmachine back on the right track, a machine which seems to havecrashed against a wall of nonsense, at a point of non-return. We must all restorethe right balance to this machine, and give back meaning and value tothat which characterizes us: humanity.Con il presente lavoro si vuole riflettere sull’educazione e la deriva di cuispesso è protagonista in particolare nelle giovani generazioni che chiamanocomunque in causa le vecchie, coinvolgendole in un degrado al quale bisognaporre limite. Famiglia, scuola, istituzioni insieme per capire o meglioagire, intervenire in questa emergenza educativa. Riprendendo in mano unlibro, il libro, “Esperienza e educazione” di John Dewey, rileggendolo e riportandoparti originali dell’autore, si scopre/ riscopre il suo pensiero, profondoe incisivo che ci aiuta a trovare/ritrovare la strada smarrita, dapercorrere, senza escogitare, inventarci effetti speciali andandoseli a prenderechissà dove; nel testo sono scritte, messe nero su bianco, per il controllosociale, le buone pratiche per riportare in carreggiata la macchinadell’educazione che sembra aver sbattuto contro un muro del non senso, inun non ritorno di cui dobbiamo, tutti, trovare/ritrovare il giusto equilibrio,dando significato e valore a quello che ci caratterizza: l’umanità

    Body, Learning Facilitator

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    The school is a safe zone where the curriculum is determined, in a shared manner; where the actors (pupils and teachers), each in their own roles, aim at a project of professional and human, personal and collective growth. A system involving theory, practice and technique combined with relationships and emotions: head and heart together. An encounter between verbal and non-verbal languages, between scientific and humanistic areas where thought becomes actions and actions become thinking, in a thoughtful action. The aim of this intervention is to promote the culture of interdisciplinarity, to offer a focus on the importance of the Integrated Curriculum, also in the university sphere as it is increasingly urgent to create a network of synergies to foster a unity of knowledge that offers a holistic-global vision also by proposing joint scientific work for a biodiversity of languages that means protecting a plurality of information useful for knowledge and thus for the protection of all. Education is developed on transversal competences, soft skills training, inclinations identified in each one (pupil, teacher), which impact on disciplinary knowledge; as well as defining hard skills; to reflect on a methodological framework where the body becomes the protagonist, the glue, the bridge of meanings, transforming them and transporting them into other language

    Effetti dell'attività motoria sul Disturbo dello Spettro Autistico in età  prescolare: systematic review

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    The objective of the review is to evaluate research that has tested the effect of physical activity and sports programs on children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in preschool age (3-6 years). 26 researches were considered, conducted at school, during free time and focused on the primary and secondary effects of motor activity interventions. The results showed that they are beneficial: a) to develop motor skills and improve the physical condition of children with ASD; b) to encourage interaction with peers and adults of reference, thus increasing the dimension of social communication; c) to allow them to improve attention span, stimulate working memory and reduce stereotyped and repetitive behaviors.The objective of the review is to evaluate research that has tested the effect of physical activity and sports programs on children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in preschool age (3-6 years). 26 researches were considered, conducted at school, during free time and focused on the primary and secondary effects of motor activity interventions. The results showed that they are beneficial: a) to develop motor skills and improve the physical condition of children with ASD; b) to encourage interaction with peers and adults of reference, thus increasing the dimension of social communication; c) to allow them to improve attention span, stimulate working memory and reduce stereotyped and repetitive behaviors

    Motor activity and academic achievement The importance of movement from kindergarten to primary schools

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    Physical activity is not always performed regularly, school disciplines based on verbal language are often preferred in favour of reading, writing and counting, and students sacrifice hours dedicated to game and movement. It is considered – wrongly – that motor education has a subordinate role compared to the other subjects included in the curriculum.Actually the body has a very important influence on the general growth of the child, also on cognitive functioning. Early years of life are a window of opportunities to encourage, promote and optimize motor, intellectual and social development, on which the academic achievement will depend on, later. There is a growing interest in the relationship between movement and school performance, studies have been conducted at international level toverify the positive combination. The purpose of this article is to analyze some research to confirm the relationship between movement and academic achievement in children from 3 to 10 years. A total of 16 studies were reported, 6 referring to the Kindergarten and 10 referring to the Primary School.Physical activity is not always performed regularly, school disciplines based on verbal language are often preferred in favour of reading, writing and counting, and students sacrifice hours dedicated to game and movement. It is considered – wrongly – that motor education has a subordinate role compared to the other subjects included in the curriculum.Actually the body has a very important influence on the general growth of the child, also on cognitive functioning. Early years of life are a window of opportunities to encourage, promote and optimize motor, intellectual and social development, on which the academic achievement will depend on, later. There is a growing interest in the relationship between movement and school performance, studies have been conducted at international level toverify the positive combination. The purpose of this article is to analyze some research to confirm the relationship between movement and academic achievement in children from 3 to 10 years. A total of 16 studies were reported, 6 referring to the Kindergarten and 10 referring to the Primary School

    Outdoor education as a way of life

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    The lockdown, resulting from the pandemic, has clearly highlighted the need to rethink and relocate the human dimension; mutability and complexity make our reference systems precarious, making certainties now acquired waver. Education emerges in the front line with its contradictions and urgencies. It is necessary to think of school as an educational community capable of mediating and activating educational and training strategies that allows one to breathe, and have an encounter between the nerve centres of post-modernity, where awareness and re-appropriation of one's own identity emerge through forms of creativity. School, as a physical place leaves room for new territories of conquest where education in the open air appears to be the anchor of salvation. From the analysis of the most recent studies it is clear what the benefits of outdoor education are: physical, cognitive and socio-affective. An outdoor education experience can stimulate a more holistic educational process: the aim of this analysisis to show the evidence of this opinion and observe the development of empathic and socio-relational skills to cope with a new humanism. In fact, outdoor education is experiential education that refers to learning by doing and allows the practice of a specific case related to a real problem in order to enhance motivation, divergent thinking and the personal handling of the proposed cognitive problem. We do not want to present the outdoors as a temporary alternative, aimed at solving problems, but as a practice, a physical and metaphysical space to live in, a mental habit. Outdoor education should become a lifestyle, a mental form that allows us to be inside creative spaces and outside of often pre-established and stereotyped network

    I benefici dell’esercizio fisico nei bambini con il disturbo da deficit dell’attenzione ed iperattività (ADHD)

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the articles about the effects of physicalexercise in subjects with ADHD, to locate and study the possible benefits.After establishing the criteria for selection, a total of 23 articles were selected.All items found can be classified into four tables. The first one focuses onoriental disciplines, like: thai chi, yoga and meditation. The second group focuseson physical exercise in water, third one deals with sport and game(even the virtual one). Finally the last line of research includes articles addressingdifferent physical activities. For example authors focus on high intensityexercise like HIIT, other authors prefer to focus on the enviromentlike the essential element of the research.Lo scopo di questo lavoro è stato quello di analizzare gli articoli riguardantil’esercizio fisico in soggetti con ADHD per individuare e studiare i possibilibenefici. Dopo aver stabilito i criteri di selezione, sono stati selezionati 23studi. Tutti i documenti trovati, sono stati classificati in quattro tabelle. Laprima si focalizza nelle discipline orientali quali: thai chi, yoga e meditazione.Il secondo gruppo incentra il proprio lavoro sull’esercizio fisico in acqua; ilterzo invece sullo sport e il gioco (anche quello virtuale). Infine l’ultimo raggruppamentoinclude articoli con attività fisiche differenti. Per esempio autorisi focalizzano su un lavoro ad alta intensità come HIIT, altri autoripreferiscono focalizzarsi sull’ambiente come elemento essenziale dellaricerca

    Being: body, emotions, technology

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    none2noThe recent and ongoing sanitary emergency has brought drastic changes that have involved people all over the world in various ways. On the educational side, there has been a considerable increase in the presence of technology within the learning processes and environments, either real or virtual ones. The latter type has seen a blooming of different offers, new situations, and related issues and opportunities. The interaction between humans and technology has been ongoing, and even more ubiquitous in recent years. To keep it balanced and deploy its full potential for human development and well-being, as individuals and members of society, the human being, with a body, emotions, and interactions with the environment, must be the focus of the reflection by experts in all areas. If we consider these aspects, technology can have a positive impact on education. In doing so, we could avoid unfavourable consequences of improper use, and reap the benefits of a fruitful interaction, either in the family, at school and in the new technology-rich learning environments.openValentini, Manuela; Guarnacci, SimoneValentini, Manuela; Guarnacci, Simon

    Motor activity and the effects on development in evolutionary age

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    In recent years several studies have been carried out attesting to the importance of motor education within Primary schools. The integration of physical activity into the school curriculum is a way to increase levels of movement by interrupting static moments produced by the traditional lesson, and in unison, stimulate with active methodologies the acquisition of more complex content and making them more motivating. Motor exercises are therefore not only beneficial or health-based but, when linked with cognitive objectives, they can also improve school learning. A systematic review has been carried out on the main search engines to understand the results obtained in the cognitive, motor and educational fields at European level and beyond, reflecting on any adjustments to be made or taking for example those experiments that have obtained positive needs, as a sample for a strengthening of motor activity in primary school, still not always carried out also at institutional level and not easy to investigate in this particular target audienc

    Embodied cognition, effective learning and physical activity as a shared feature: Systematic review

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    Background: according to the embodied cognition perspective, the interaction of the body with the environment builds knowledge, and physical activity can enhance cognitive development. Methodology: the purpose of this research is to conduct a systematic literature review of studies on the integration between physical activity and mathematics in the context of primary school and the effects on learning resulting from these types of intervention. Findings: bibliographic research led to the selection of 34 studies. Analysis of the protocols revealed that motor activity could have a positive impact on learning mathematics and in no case affects it negatively. Conclusions: this method of teaching can also contribute to improved pupils’ participation in educational activities, increased motivation, greater well-being, and reduced sedentary lifestyle. Further research could assess the extensibility of these studies to contexts beyond primary school and their impact on teaching

    Exergames and motor learning: Systematic review

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    Distance learning has led to a reflection on the role of physical activity even with children in nursery and primary schools. The traditional physical space combined with online suggests a rethinking of places and teaching-learning processes. Objective: to understand if and in what way active video games were considered and studied before the pandemic and if exergames can represent a useful teaching strategy to reclaim the priority role of physical activity in the education of the student and a tool for combating overweight, obesity, and sedentary lifestyle. Fixed point: exergames must not replace the physical exercise and movement inherent in the physical and motor education curriculum but integrate them
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