400 research outputs found

    Soret driven convection in a colloidal solution heated from above at very large solutal Rayleigh number

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    Convection in a colloidal suspension with a large negative separation ratio is studied experimentally by heating from above. Shadowgraph observation at very large solutal Rayleigh numbers are reported as a function of time. Fast relaxation oscillations are reported for the root mean square value of the shadowgraph intensity. While pure fluids exhibit a transition to turbulent convection for Rayleigh number of about 10^6, stable spoke-pattern planform with up and down columnar flows are observed up to solutal Rayleigh numbers of the order of 10^9. It is suggested that the surprising stability of the planform against turbulence is due to nonlinear focusing arising from the concentration dependence of the diffusion coefficient.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Equilibrium and nonequilibrium fluctuations at the interface between two fluid phases

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    We have performed small-angle light-scattering measurements of the static structure factor of a critical binary mixture undergoing diffusive partial remixing. An uncommon scattering geometry integrates the structure factor over the sample thickness, allowing different regions of the concentration profile to be probed simultaneously. Our experiment shows the existence of interface capillary waves throughout the macroscopic evolution to an equilibrium interface, and allows to derive the time evolution of surface tension. Interfacial properties are shown to attain their equilibrium values quickly compared to the system's macroscopic equilibration time.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, submitted to PR

    Kinetics of growth of non-equilibrium fluctuations during thermodiffusion in a polymer solution

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    Abstract.: A thermal diffusion process occurring in a binary liquid mixture is accompanied by long ranged non-equilibrium concentration fluctuations. The amplitude of these fluctuations at large length scales can be orders of magnitude larger than that of equilibrium ones. So far non-equilibrium fluctuations have been mainly investigated under stationary or quasi-stationary conditions, a situation that allows to achieve a detailed statistical characterization of their static and dynamic properties. In this work we investigate the kinetics of growth of non-equilibrium concentration fluctuations during a transient thermodiffusion process, starting from a configuration where the concentration of the sample is uniform. The use of a large molecular weight polymer solution allows to attain a slow dynamics of growth of the macroscopic concentration profile. We focus on the development of fluctuations at small wave vectors, where their amplitude is strongly limited by the presence of gravity. We show that the growth rate of non-equilibrium fluctuations follows a power law Rf(q,t) 1d1t as a function of time, without any typical time scale and independently of the wave vector. We formulate a phenomenological model that allows to relate the rate of growth of non-equilibrium fluctuations to the growth of the macroscopic concentration profile in the absence of arbitrary parameters

    Shear-induced quench of long-range correlations in a liquid mixture

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    A static correlation function of concentration fluctuations in a (dilute) binary liquid mixture subjected to both a concentration gradient and uniform shear flow is investigated within the framework of fluctuating hydrodynamics. It is shown that a well-known c2/k4|\nabla c|^2/k^4 long-range correlation at large wave numbers kk crosses over to a weaker divergent one for wave numbers satisfying k<(γ˙/D)1/2k<(\dot{\gamma}/D)^{1/2}, while an asymptotic shear-controlled power-law dependence is confirmed at much smaller wave numbers given by k(γ˙/ν)1/2k\ll (\dot{\gamma}/\nu)^{1/2}, where cc, γ˙\dot{\gamma}, DD and ν\nu are the mass concentration, the rate of the shear, the mass diffusivity and the kinematic viscosity of the mixture, respectively. The result will provide for the first time the possibility to observe the shear-induced suppression of a long-range correlation experimentally by using, for example, a low-angle light scattering technique.Comment: 8pages, 2figure

    A schlieren method for ultra-low angle light scattering measurements

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    We describe a self calibrating optical technique that allows to perform absolute measurements of scattering cross sections for the light scattered at extremely small angles. Very good performances are obtained by using a very simple optical layout similar to that used for the schlieren method, a technique traditionally used for mapping local refraction index changes. The scattered intensity distribution is recovered by a statistical analysis of the random interference of the light scattered in a half-plane of the scattering wave vectors and the main transmitted beam. High quality data can be obtained by proper statistical accumulation of scattered intensity frames, and the static stray light contributions can be eliminated rigorously. The potentialities of the method are tested in a scattering experiment from non equilibrium fluctuations during a free diffusion experiment. Contributions of light scattered from length scales as long as Lambda=1 mm can be accurately determined.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Nonequilibrium fluctuations during diffusion in liquid layers

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    Theoretical analysis and experiments have provided compelling evidence of the presence of long-range nonequilibrium concentration fluctuations during diffusion processes in fluids. In this paper, we investigate the dependence of the features of the fluctuations from the dimensionality of the system. In three-dimensional fluids the amplitude of nonequilibrium fluctuations can become several orders of magnitude larger than that of equilibrium fluctuations. Notwithstanding that, the amplitude of nonequilibrium fluctuations remains small with respect to the concentration difference driving the diffusion process. By extending the theory to two-dimensional systems, such as liquid monolayers and bilayers, we show that the amplitude of the fluctuations becomes much stronger than in three-dimensional systems. We investigate the properties of the fronts of diffusion and show that they have a self-affine structure characterized by a Hurst exponent H=1. We discuss the implications of these results for diffusion in liquid crystals and in cellular membranes of living organisms

    Fractal fronts of diffusion in microgravity

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    Spatial scale invariance represents a remarkable feature of natural phenomena. A ubiquitous example is represented by miscible liquid phases undergoing diffusion. Theory and simulations predict that in the absence of gravity diffusion is characterized by long-ranged algebraic correlations. Experimental evidence of scale invariance generated by diffusion has been limited, because on Earth the development of long-range correlations is suppressed by gravity. Here we report experimental results obtained in microgravity during the flight of the FOTON M3 satellite. We find that during a diffusion process a dilute polymer solution exhibits scale-invariant concentration fluctuations with sizes ranging up to millimetres, and relaxation times as large as 1,000 s. The scale invariance is limited only by the finite size of the sample, in agreement with recent theoretical predictions. The presence of such fluctuations could possibly impact the growth of materials in microgravity

    Resilienza alle basse temperature di diversi acciai cementati e temprati

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    In letteratura tecnica sono state numerose le pubblicazioni relative al comportamento degli acciai dacementazione alle sollecitazioni per urto, soprattutto con riferimento agli ingranaggi sottoposti a “impactfatigue”, a temperatura ambiente (1-2-3-4-5-6) ma praticamente nessuna riferita al comportamento alle bassetemperature. Con il presente lavoro si è valuto dare un primo contributo a tale problematica.Quattro acciai da cementazione 20MnCr5 - 17NiCrMo6-4 – 18CrNiMo7-6 UNI EN 10084 e 18NiCrMo14-6 UNIEN 683-17 sono stati utilizzati per verificare la tenacità alle basse temperature (-20 °C e -40 °C) per confrontocon quella determinata a temperatura ambiente. La sperimentazione nasce dall’esigenza di conoscerel’acciaio più idoneo per la realizzazione di organi meccanici (ingranaggi, cuscinetti…) destinati ad operare inaree nordiche dove le temperature risultano al di sotto di 0 °C. Il confronto è stato eseguito su saggi cilindriciprotetti dalla carburazione, cementati e temprati con cariche e modalità industriali su impianti diversi: fornoa camera per i saggi sottoposti ad un ciclo di cementazione di spessore circa 1 mm e forno a pozzo per isaggi sottoposti ad un ciclo di cementazione molto più lungo, di spessore circa 4 mm. I risultati si potrebberoconsiderare “scontati” conoscendo gli acciai utilizzati, ma in realtà non esistono dati numerici utilizzabili peruna scelta responsabile da parte dei progettisti; inoltre l’esame metallurgico dei campioni provati con modalitàdiverse, riferite allo spegnimento di tempra, portano a rivalutare l’influenza dei parametri del trattamentoutilizzato sui risultati riguardanti la tenacità

    High-ranking alleviates male local competition in lek mating systems

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    Territoriality entails demanding social interactions with competing individuals, typically males. Variation in quality of males can be predicted to affect the spatial arrangement of territories. We present a model aimed at understanding the spatial properties of territories on leks, where the presence of a hierarchy in a population of males leads to the clustering of individuals around high-ranking \u2018hotshot\u2019 males. The hierarchy results in a decrease in the number of nearest neighbors interacting directly with high-ranking males, with potential socio-sexual benefits for such males

    Methyl donor supply to heat stress-challenged polymorphonuclear leukocytes from lactating Holstein cows enhances 1-carbon metabolism, immune response, and cytoprotective gene network abundance

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    [EN] Mechanisms controlling immune function of dairy cows are dysregulated during heat stress (HS). Methyl donor supply-methionine (Met) and choline (Chop-positively modulates innate immune function, particularly antioxidant systems of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN). The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of Met and Chol supply in vitro on mRNA abundance of genes related to 1-carbon metabolism, inflammation, and immune function in short-term cultures of PMN isolated from mid-lactating Holstein cows in response to heat challenge. Blood PMN were isolated from 5 Holstein cows (153 +/- 5 d postpartum, 34.63 +/- 2.73 kg/d of milk production; mean +/- SD). The PMN were incubated for 2 h at thermal-neutral (37 degrees C; TN) or heat stress (42 degrees C; HS) temperatures with 3 levels of Chol (0, 400, or 800 mu g/mL) or 3 ratios of Lys:Met (Met; 3.6:1, 2.9:1, or 2.4:1). Supernatant concentrations of IL-1 beta, IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha were measured via bovine-specific ELISA. Fold-changes in mRNA abundance were calculated separately for Chol and Met treatments to obtain the fold-change response at 42 degrees C (HS) relative to 37 degrees C (TN). Data were subjected to ANOVA using PROC MIXED in SAS (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC). Orthogonal contrasts were used to determine the linear or quadratic effect of Met and Chol for mRNA fold-change and supernatant cytokine concentrations. Compared with PMN receiving 0 mu g of Chol/mL, heat-stressed PMN supplemented with Chol at 400 or 800 mu g/mL had greater fold-change in abundance of CBS, CSAD, GSS, GSR, and GPX1. Among genes associated with inflammation and immune function, fold-change in abundance of TLR2, TLR4, IRAK1, IL1B, and IL10 increased with 400 and 800 mu g of Chol/mL compared with PMN receiving 0 mu g of Chol/mL. Fold-change in abundance of SAHH decreased linearly at increasing levels of Met supply. A linear effect was detected for MPO, NFKB1, and SOD1 due to greater fold-change in abundance when Met was increased to reach Lys: Met ratios of 2.9:1 and 2.4:1. Although increasing Chol supply upregulated BAX, BCL2, and HSP70, increased Met supply only upregulated BAX. Under HS conditions, enhancing PMN supply of Chol to 400 mu g/mL effectively increased fold-change in abundance of genes involved in antioxidant production (conferring cellular processes protection from free radicals and reactive oxygen species), inflammatory signaling, and innate immunity. Although similar outcomes were obtained with Met supply at Lys:Met ratios of 2.9:1 and 2.4:1, the response was less pronounced. Both Chol and Met supply enhanced the cytoprotective characteristics of PMN through upregulation of heat shock proteins. Overall, the modulatory effects detected in the present experiment highlight an opportunity to use Met and particularly Chol supplementation during thermal stress.M. Vailati-Riboni was supported in part by Hatch funds under project ILLU-538-914, National Institute of Food and Agriculture (Washington, DC). The authors declare no conflict of interest.Lopreiato, V.; Vailati-Riboni, M.; Parys, C.; Fernández Martínez, CJ.; Minuti, A.; Loor, J. (2020). Methyl donor supply to heat stress-challenged polymorphonuclear leukocytes from lactating Holstein cows enhances 1-carbon metabolism, immune response, and cytoprotective gene network abundance. Journal of Dairy Science. 103(11):10477-10493. https://doi.org/10.3168/jds.2020-18638S104771049310311Abdelmegeid, M. K., Vailati-Riboni, M., Alharthi, A., Batistel, F., & Loor, J. J. (2017). Supplemental methionine, choline, or taurine alter in vitro gene network expression of polymorphonuclear leukocytes from neonatal Holstein calves. 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Supplementation with rumen-protected methionine or choline during the transition period influences whole-blood immune response in periparturient dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 100(5), 3958-3968. doi:10.3168/jds.2016-11812Yan, J., Meng, X., Wancket, L. M., Lintner, K., Nelin, L. D., Chen, B., … Liu, Y. (2012). Glutathione Reductase Facilitates Host Defense by Sustaining Phagocytic Oxidative Burst and Promoting the Development of Neutrophil Extracellular Traps. The Journal of Immunology, 188(5), 2316-2327. doi:10.4049/jimmunol.1102683Zhou, Z., Bulgari, O., Vailati-Riboni, M., Trevisi, E., Ballou, M. A., Cardoso, F. C., … Loor, J. J. (2016). Rumen-protected methionine compared with rumen-protected choline improves immunometabolic status in dairy cows during the peripartal period. Journal of Dairy Science, 99(11), 8956-8969. doi:10.3168/jds.2016-10986Zhou, Z., Ferdous, F., Montagner, P., Luchini, D. N., Corrêa, M. N., & Loor, J. J. (2018). Methionine and choline supply during the peripartal period alter polymorphonuclear leukocyte immune response and immunometabolic gene expression in Holstein cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 101(11), 10374-10382. doi:10.3168/jds.2018-14972Zhou, Z., Vailati-Riboni, M., Trevisi, E., Drackley, J. K., Luchini, D. N., & Loor, J. J. (2016). Better postpartal performance in dairy cows supplemented with rumen-protected methionine compared with choline during the peripartal period. Journal of Dairy Science, 99(11), 8716-8732. doi:10.3168/jds.2015-1052