14 research outputs found

    Manufacturing Process and Emerging Advantage of Graphene Based Composites in Aerospace- A Review

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    The cardinal pillar for this paper is to showcase the composition of Graphene-based composites and reveal the hidden uses of Graphene-based composites in aerospace dominion. This paper briefly discusses the different methods by which graphene-based composites can be synthesized mostly those with functional polymers and inorganic nanostructures and additionally covers a few of the applications of graphene-based composites such as lightweight, fire retardancy, and additive manufacturing. Moreover, this detailed paper also brings up crucial highlights where graphene-based composites have covered long distances from the research lab to commercialization, specifically focusing on aerospace industries

    Experimental and Computational Investigation of Divergent Thrust Losses In Rocket Nozzles

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    The nozzle is a critical component of any rocket engine because it transforms high pressure and high temperature (with sluggish net velocity) within the combustion chamber into high velocity but low pressure. Individually, the molecules in the mixed propellants have rapid velocity in the combustion chamber, but directions are randomly pointing in all directions. A convergent-divergent nozzle, also known as a CD nozzle, is fashioned like a tube with two bulging ends and a thin part in the center. This structure/design provides the nozzle with a balanced shape. By turning the flow\u27s heat energy into kinetic energy, the nozzle accelerates hot, pressured gas traveling past it in the axial (push) direction. Whereas the nozzle provides the acquired incremental thrust to the rocket engine, it also results in unwanted thrust losses. Out of which divergent losses in the divergent section are the primary foci of our research. Moreover, in this research paper, we produced verified results to reduce the thrust losses at the divergent sections of the nozzle by optimizing the nozzle with different half divergent angles

    Engine Use In Hybrid Rocket - A Review

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    Despite all the other rocket motors on the market such as solid and liquid. A historically failed motor was in the market which was handicapped in performance but now with technological development in the previous years, hybrid rocket motor is the most influential talk in the market. Deeper in the paper we will discuss the hybrid motor focusing on the fuel used in Hybrid rocket engines and the performance depending on the design. Furthermore, this review paper will help us to study the different materials for the betterment of the engine performance. We will also be focusing on the methods required to improve total impulse. Moreover, will be elaborating on the performance of paraffin wax and its material property

    Synthesis of Aerogel with Graphene and Significance with Aerospace Industry

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    The Primarily focus on Graphene Aerogel, its synthesis and structural integrity together with high electrical conduction. Graphene could be a new nanocarbon that has, single-, bi- or few- layers of carbon atoms forming membered rings. Mechanically powerful and electrically semiconductive graphene aerogels will be produced by either essential drying or freeze of gel precursors integration from the reduction of graphene substance with L-ascorbic acid. In distinction to ways in which utilize physical cross-links between GO, this approach provides valency carbon bonding between the graphene sheets. The graphene aerogels put together possess large surface areas and pore volumes, creating those materials to a feasible possibility to be used in energy repository, catalysis, and sensing applications. We\u27ve additionally showcased some applications for Graphene Aerogel such as their electrical conductivities, Lithium-ion batteries and electrical phenomenon devices, Supercapacitors and photocatalysis

    Behavioural changes of Murrah buffalo calves under various upbringing systems

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    In present study, an effort was undertaken to estimate the “Effect of different bedding materials on the behaviour of Murrah buffalo calves”. Twenty buffalo calves (below 4 months of age) were divided into four groups (5 calves in each group), viz. T1: Concrete floor; T2: Concrete floor bedded with sand, T3: Concrete floor bedded with wheat straw, and T4: Concrete floor bedded with rubber mat. Recording of daily activities of calves throughout 8 h (8:00 am to 4:00 pm) for each month (December, January, and February) of two consecutive days representing time spent for particular behavioural activity along with total time spent in the covered area and the open area was recorded. Throughout the trial, a variety of behavioural activities of calves in all treatments was examined. The time spent by calves in the covered area was considerably greater in T3, followed by T1 and T4, and least in the T2 group. Calves raised on the floor made of wheat straw had significantly more lying time in the covered area than those raised on the floor made of rubber mat, concrete, or sand. Similar sleep duration was considerably longer in T3 and T4 than in T2, although the difference between T4 and T1 was not significant. Compared to T1 and T2, moving time in the enclosed area was noticeably shorter in T3 and T4. Feeding time in T3 was likewise noticeably longer than in T1 and T2, although it was not significantly different from T4. The results showed that the T3, T4, and T1, respectively had the best microclimate conditions for calves during the winter, whereas T2 had the poorer microclimatic condition

    Effect of dietary supplementation of rice dried distillers grains (rDDGS) on blood profile in Barbari goats

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    The present study was carried out to determine the effect of feeding different levels of rice dried distiller grains (rDDGS) on haemato-biochemical profile of Barbari goats. Twenty-four Barbari goats of 1-2 years of age were randomly divided into four groups (Control, T1, T2 and T3) having six animals in each group. Barbari goats in control group were fed with basal diet comprising of wheat straw, chaffed green maize fodder and compounded concentrate mixture in a ratio of 20:30:50. The animals in T1, T2 and T3 groups were fed with basal diet supplemented with 10, 20 and 30% of rDDGS on dry matter basis, respectively for the period of 90 days. Results revealed no significant differences on blood profile except WBC (×103/µl), neutrophil (%) and lymphocytes (%) in the groups supplemented with rDDGS. Total protein was found highly significant in T2 group followed by T1 and T3 groups. Total immunoglobulin, catalase, TBARS and ALT in rDDGS supplemented groups were also found significantly different. It was concluded that rDDGS can be incorporated in Barbari goat ration up to level of 20% without having any detrimental effect on health of goats

    Lysosomes in Stem Cell Quiescence: A Potential Therapeutic Target in Acute Myeloid Leukemia

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    Lysosomes are cellular organelles that regulate essential biological processes such as cellular homeostasis, development, and aging. They are primarily connected to the degradation/recycling of cellular macromolecules and participate in cellular trafficking, nutritional signaling, energy metabolism, and immune regulation. Therefore, lysosomes connect cellular metabolism and signaling pathways. Lysosome’s involvement in the critical biological processes has rekindled clinical interest towards this organelle for treating various diseases, including cancer. Recent research advancements have demonstrated that lysosomes also regulate the maintenance and hemostasis of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), which play a critical role in the progression of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and other types of cancer. Lysosomes regulate both HSCs’ metabolic networks and identity transition. AML is a lethal type of blood cancer with a poor prognosis that is particularly associated with aging. Although the genetic landscape of AML has been extensively described, only a few targeted therapies have been produced, warranting the need for further research. This review summarizes the functions and importance of targeting lysosomes in AML, while highlighting the significance of lysosomes in HSCs maintenance

    Gelatin Methacrylate Hydrogels as Biomimetic Three-Dimensional Matrixes for Modeling Breast Cancer Invasion and Chemoresponse in Vitro

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    Recent studies have shown that three-dimensional (3D) culture environments allow the study of cellular responses in a setting that more closely resembles the in vivo milieu. In this context, hydrogels have become popular scaffold options for the 3D cell culture. Because the mechanical and biochemical properties of culture matrixes influence crucial cell behavior, selecting a suitable matrix for replicating in vivo cellular phenotype in vitro is essential for understanding disease progression. Gelatin methacrylate (GelMA) hydrogels have been the focus of much attention because of their inherent bioactivity, favorable hydration and diffusion properties, and ease-of-tailoring of their physicochemical characteristics. Therefore, in this study we examined the efficacy of GelMA hydrogels as a suitable platform to model specific attributes of breast cancer. We observed increased invasiveness in vitro and increased tumorigenic ability in vivo in breast cancer cells cultured on GelMA hydrogels. Further, cells cultured on GelMA matrixes were more resistant to paclitaxel treatment, as shown by the results of cell-cycle analysis and gene expression. This study, therefore, validates GelMA hydrogels as inexpensive, cell-responsive 3D platforms for modeling key characteristics associated with breast cancer metastasis, in vitro