14 research outputs found

    Design of Robot Vehicle Undercarriage with Ability to Operate in Broken Terrain

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    AbstractThis article deals with an undercarriage design of robot vehicle that will be able to work in broken terrain. It is a frequently solved problem in mechatronics. High requirements for its application in area of rescue assistance, fire fighting, in nuclear and space industry as well are taken into consideration. Within the frame of designing commercially available software, e.g., MATLAB/Simulink and SolidWorks have been used to analyze a one degree mathematical model and a six-wheeled spatial model. A series of computation have been performed to determine the appropriate stiffness and damping parameters

    The effect of the reform of public administration on the organization in the Central Bohemia region

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    Tato bakalářská práce je zaměřena na zhodnocení dopadu reformy veřejné správy, která proběhla v minulých letech v České republice. V první části popisuje důvody, které vedly k reformním krokům, základní principy – demokratizace, dekoncentrace a decentralizace a systémy řízení kvality v oblasti veřejné správy. V druhé – praktické - části je prostřednictvím dotazníkového šetření vypracována analýza spokojenosti obyvatel dvou středočeských měst. Na základě této analýzy je pak ukázán dopad reformy veřejné správy a naplnění jejich základních principů.This bachelor work is focused on target analyses of the reform of public administration which was made in the past. In the first part of the work there are described the key reasons for beginning of the reform, the key principles – democratization, deconcertation and decentralization and system of quality management in the public administrations area. In the second – practical – part is made an analysis by the questionnaire. Analysis was made in two cities in the Central Bohemia region. Based on this analysis an impact of the public administrations reform is shown at the end of the work as well as the implementation of the key principles of new public administration.Ústav veřejné správy a právaDokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    The Battle of Teplá in an Interdisciplinary Perspective

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    Department of General AnthropologyKatedra obecné antropologieFaculty of HumanitiesFakulta humanitních studi

    Stylistic Stringency and the Economy of Expression in Selected Works of Contemporary Norwegian Prose and in Their Czech Translations

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    The aim of this thesis is to document the process of translating literary texts that have no stylistic equivalent in the target culture. The research is based on selected works by three contemporary Norwegian authors whose style is perceived as very specific. The theoretical part discusses current tendencies in Norwegian as well as in Czech prose writing and also approaches to literary translation developed in translation studies are presented in this part of the thesis. The other part of this thesis focuses on the unique styles of Hanne Ørstavik, Erlend Loe and Jon Fosse. The significant features of their styles are documented in analyses of their novels. These analyses at then used for the assessment of the Czech translations

    Artificial enzymes

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    Tato bakalářská práce je zaměřena na umělé enzymy. Umělé enzymy jsou v této práci rozděleny podle struktury do čtyř skupin. Každá skupina je popsána a doplněna příklady. Další části práce se zabývají biosenzory a možnostmi zakotvení enzymu nebo umělého enzymu na elektrodový povrch. Poslední část práce uvádí několik publikovaných senzorů na bázi umělých oxidáz a jejich výsledky při stanovení vybraných fenolických látek.This bachelor thesis is focused on artificial enzymes. Artificial enzymes are divided into four groups according to the structure in this thesis. Each group is described and examples are given here. The next part of this thesis deals with biosensors and shows the possibility of electrode surface modification by an enzyme or artificial enzyme. There are several published sensors based on artificial oxidases in the final part of the thesis. In this part results in the determination of selected phenolic compounds by these sensors are also shown.Fakulta chemicko-technologickáStudentka seznámila členy zkušební komise s obsahem své bakalářské práce, poté byla seznámena s posudkem vedoucího bakalářské práce. Studentka odpověděla na otázky členů zkušební komise.Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Financial aspects of health care reform in the Czech Republic

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    Healthcare in the Czech Republic is currently undergoing reform changes. The aim of the thesis is to evaluate the upcoming changes in the reimbursement of health care in hospitals. To achieve the goal is used as the literature, as well as proposed legislation and the case law. The practical part of the thesis focuses on the hospitals. Emphasis is placed on the analysis of mechanisms fixed costs reimbursement of health care and reimbursement of health care by the DRG method. The potential impact of reform measures is presented on the example of an extremely costly medical care (orphan drugs). Based on the information and analysis are in the final part of the thesis describes the effects of health reform on financing health care in hospitals. At the same time also outlined a possible solution to save the cost of medical equipment in the field of medicines

    The development of the cycling infrastructure as an instrument for the regional development

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    Diplomová práce se zaměřuje na současnou situaci v oblasti cyklistické dopravy. Cílem je nastínit jak by rozvoj cyklistické dopravy mohl pomoci rozvoji regionu. V teoretické části jsou definováni základní uživatelé cyklostezek, legislativa s danou problematikou související a nové způsoby auditu v oblasti cyklistické dopravy. Praktická část je zaměřena na cyklistickou dopravu Středočeského kraje s akcentem na část Labské cyklostezky - Cyklostezku Brandýs nad Labem - Stará Boleslav a okolí. V práci jsou uvedeny a rozpracovány možnosti a doporučení pro využití potenciálu nového prvku v regionu.This thesis is interested in present dual cycling situation in Czech Republic. The goal is to find out the relationship between the regional development and the dual cycling development. The users of the cycling infrastructure will be defined in the theoretical part of the thesis. Practical part is interested in cycling infrastructure in the Central Bohemia region. Accent of practical part lies in the part of the Elbe route cycling - Brandys nad Labem - Stara Boleslav a okoli. In the thesis there are written possibilities and recommendations how to utilize new part of region infrastructure.Ústav veřejné správy a právaStudentka seznámila s cílem své práce, a to vyhodnocení významu cyklistických stezek pro další rozvoj regionu. Na příkladu konkrétního projektu rozvněž ukázat nové možnosti využití a propagace regionu jako součásti sítě cyklostezek.Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Air Power as a Security Factor: Case study Syria

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    The aim of our work was to identify the role and the potential of the Air Power in modern warfare as a security factor. The Air Power itself is a concept, which had initially materialized almost one hundred years ago over the battlefields of the World War I. Since then we could witness a staging development in the field of technology and the Art of War, which momentum and scope has no precedence in history. In other words, it has taken less than one hundred years for human to move from fragile and underpowered biplanes to supersonic jet fighters and stealth bombers, which represent a state of art technology of mankind. Such speed in development had no precedence in any other operational domain, except maybe of cyberspace