11 research outputs found

    Anxiety and coping in women with breast cancer in chemotherapy

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    Objetivo: identificar las estrategias de enfrentamiento utilizadas por las mujeres con cáncer de mama sometidas a quimioterapia y la asociación con el perfil de la ansiedad que presentan. Método: estudio transversal de tipo analítico. Utilizamos muestra aleatoria de 307 mujeres con cáncer con quimioterapia previa, adyuvante o paliativa. Se recogieron los datos con entrevistas registradas en un formulario y búsqueda activa en los registros médicos, Escala de Modo de Enfrentamiento de Problemas e Inventario de Ansiedad y Estado. Se utilizó para análisis el Paquete Estadístico para Ciencias Sociales 19.0, coeficiente de correlación Pearson y la prueba de Mann-Whitney. Resultados: hubo una asociación significativa del rasgo ansiedad y las estrategias de enfrentamiento centradas en el problema y en la emoción (pObjetivo: identificar as estratégias de enfrentamento utilizadas por mulheres com câncer de mama em quimioterapia e verificar a associação com o perfil de ansiedade por elas apresentado. Método: estudo de corte transversal do tipo analítico. Utilizou-se amostra aleatória de 307 mulheres com câncer em tratamento quimioterápico prévio, adjuvante ou paliativo. Coletou-se os dados com técnica de entrevista com registro em formulário, busca ativa nos prontuários, Escala de Modo de Enfrentamento de Problemas e Inventário de Ansiedade e Estado. Utilizou-se para análise o Pacote Estatístico para Ciências Sociais 19.0, coeficiente de correlação de Pearson e o teste Mann-Whitney. Resultados: existiu associação significante do traço de ansiedade e as estratégias de enfrentamento com foco no problema e com foco na emoção (pObjective: to identify the coping strategies used by women with breast cancer in chemotherapy and to verify the association with the anxiety profile presented by them. Method: cross-sectional study of the analytical type. We used a random sample of 307 women with cancer in previous chemotherapy, adjuvant or palliative treatment. The data was collected using an interview technique with form registration, active search in medical records, Scale of Mode of Confronting Problems and Inventory of Anxiety and State. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences 19.0, Pearson correlation coefficient and the test Mann-Whitney were used. Results: there was a significant association of the anxiety trait and problem-focused coping strategies with a focus on emotion (

    The Puzzling Conservation and Diversification of Lipid Droplets from Bacteria to Eukaryotes

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    International audienceMembrane compartments are amongst the most fascinating markers of cell evolution from prokaryotes to eukaryotes, some being conserved and the others having emerged via a series of primary and secondary endosymbiosis events. Membrane compartments comprise the system limiting cells (one or two membranes in bacteria, a unique plasma membrane in eukaryotes) and a variety of internal vesicular, subspherical, tubular, or reticulated organelles. In eukaryotes, the internal membranes comprise on the one hand the general endomembrane system, a dynamic network including organelles like the endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi apparatus, the nuclear envelope, etc. and also the plasma membrane, which are linked via direct lateral connectivity (e.g. between the endoplasmic reticulum and the nuclear outer envelope membrane) or indirectly via vesicular trafficking. On the other hand, semiautonomous organelles, i.e. mitochondria and chloroplasts, are disconnected from the endomembrane system and request vertical transmission following cell division. Membranes are organized as lipid bilayers in which proteins are embedded. The budding of some of these membranes, leading to the formation of the so-called lipid droplets (LDs) loaded with hydrophobic molecules, most notably triacylglycerol, is conserved in all clades. The evolution of eukaryotes is marked by the acquisition of mitochondria and simple plastids from Gram-positive bacteria by primary endosymbiosis events and the emergence of extremely complex plastids, collectively called secondary plastids, bounded by three to four membranes, following multiple and independent secondary endosymbiosis events. There is currently no consensus view of the evolution of LDs in the Tree of Life. Some features are conserved; others show Josselin Lupette and Eric Maréchal contributed equally with all other contributors

    Biology and Ecology of Long Island Sound

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