10 research outputs found

    Non-Localizability and Asymptotic Commutativity

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    The mathematical formalism commonly used in treating nonlocal highly singular interactions is revised. The notion of support cone is introduced which replaces that of support for nonlocalizable distributions. Such support cones are proven to exist for distributions defined on the Gelfand-Shilov spaces SβS^\beta, where 0<β<10<\beta <1 . This result leads to a refinement of previous generalizations of the local commutativity condition to nonlocal quantum fields. For string propagators, a new derivation of a representation similar to that of K\"{a}llen-Lehmann is proposed. It is applicable to any initial and final string configurations and manifests exponential growth of spectral densities intrinsic in nonlocalizable theories.Comment: This version is identical to the initial one whose ps and pdf files were unavailable, with few corrections of misprint

    On The Universality Class Of Little String Theories

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    We propose that Little String Theories in six dimensions are quasilocal quantum field theories. Such field theories obey a modification of Wightman axioms which allows Wightman functions (i.e. vacuum expectation values of products of fundamental fields) to grow exponentially in momentum space. Wightman functions of quasilocal fields in x-space violate microlocality at short distances. With additional assumptions about the ultraviolet behavior of quasilocal fields, one can define approximately local observables associated to big enough compact regions. The minimum size of such a region can be interpreted as the minimum distance which observables can probe. We argue that for Little String Theories this distance is of order {\sqrt N}/M_s.Comment: 25 pages, late

    Bose-Einstein Condensation and Free DKP field

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    The thermodynamical partition function of the Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau theory is evaluated using the imaginary-time formalism of quantum field theory at finite temperature and path integral methods. The DKP partition function displays two features: (i) full equivalence with the partition function for charged scalar particles and charged massive spin 1 particles; and (ii) the zero mode sector which is essential to reproduce the well-known relativistic Bose-Einstein condensation for both theories.Comment: 12 pages, 2 eps figures. To be published in Physics Letter

    Fermion Propagators in Type II Fivebrane Backgrounds

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    The fermion propagators in the fivebrane background of type II superstring theories are calculated. The propagator can be obtained by explicitly evaluating the transition amplitude between two specific NS-R boundary states by the propagator operator in the non-trivial world-sheet conformal field theory for the fivebrane background. The propagator in the field theory limit can be obtained by using point boundary states. We can explicitly investigate the lowest lying fermion states propagating in the non-trivial ten-dimensional space-time of the fivebrane background: M^6 x W_k^(4), where W_k^(4) is the group manifold of SU(2)_k x U(1). The half of the original supersymmetry is spontaneously broken, and the space-time Lorentz symmetry SO(9,1) reduces to SO(5,1) in SO(5,1) x SO(4) \subset SO(9,1) by the fivebrane background. We find that there are no propagations of SO(4) (local Lorentz) spinor fields, which is consistent with the arguments on the fermion zero-modes in the fivebrane background of low-energy type II supergravity theories.Comment: 15 page

    Approximate solution of the Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau equation for a vector Yukawa potential with arbitrary total angular momenta

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    The usual approximation scheme is used to study the solution of the Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau (DKP) equation for a vector Yukawa potential in the framework of the parametric Nikiforov-Uvarov (NU) method. The approximate energy eigenvalue equation and the corresponding wave function spinor components are calculated for arbitrary total angular momentum in closed form. Further, the approximate energy equation and wave function spinor components are also given for case. A set of parameter values is used to obtain the numerical values for the energy states with various values of quantum levelsComment: 17 pages; Communications in Theoretical Physics (2012). arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1205.0938, and with arXiv:quant-ph/0410159 by other author

    The first dozen years of the history of ITEP Theoretical Physics Laboratory

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    The theoretical investigations at ITEP in the years 1945-1958 are reviewed. There are exposed the most important theoretical results, obtained in the following branches of physics: 1) the theory of nuclear reactors on thermal neutrons; 2) the hydrogen bomb project ("Tube" in USSR and "Classical Super" in USA); 3) radiation theory; ~4) low temperature physics; 5) quantum electrodynamics and quantum field theories; 6) parity violation in weak interactions, the theory of β\beta-decay and other weak processes; 7) strong interaction and nuclear physics. To the review are added the English translations of few papers, originally published in Russian, but unknown (or almost unknown) to Western readers.Comment: 55 pages, 5 fig