52 research outputs found

    Overview of the SME: Implications and Phenomenology of Lorentz Violation

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    The Standard Model Extension (SME) provides the most general observer-independent field theoretical framework for investigations of Lorentz violation. The SME lagrangian by definition contains all Lorentz-violating interaction terms that can be written as observer scalars and that involve particle fields in the Standard Model and gravitational fields in a generalized theory of gravity. This includes all possible terms that could arise from a process of spontaneous Lorentz violation in the context of a more fundamental theory, as well as terms that explicitly break Lorentz symmetry. An overview of the SME is presented, including its motivations and construction. Some of the theoretical issues arising in the case of spontaneous Lorentz violation are discussed, including the question of what happens to the Nambu-Goldstone modes when Lorentz symmetry is spontaneously violated and whether a Higgs mechanism can occur. A minimal version of the SME in flat Minkowski spacetime that maintains gauge invariance and power-counting renormalizability is used to search for leading-order signals of Lorentz violation. Recent Lorentz tests in QED systems are examined, including experiments with photons, particle and atomic experiments, proposed experiments in space and experiments with a spin-polarized torsion pendulum.Comment: 40 pages, Talk presented at Special Relativity: Will it Survive the Next 100 Years? Potsdam, Germany, February, 200

    Probing Lorentz and CPT violation with space-based experiments

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    Space-based experiments offer sensitivity to numerous unmeasured effects involving Lorentz and CPT violation. We provide a classification of clock sensitivities and present explicit expressions for time variations arising in such experiments from nonzero coefficients in the Lorentz- and CPT-violating Standard-Model Extension.Comment: 15 page

    ‘Stepping away from the computer and into the sweats': The construction and negotiation of exercise identities in a Norwegian public company

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    While research has found that a developed exercise identity enables individuals to view exercise participation as self- reinforcing, the social barriers to such exercise identity development and participation have not been fully addressed. The subsequent aim of this study was to explore some of the social complexities at play in terms of how company employees construct and manage their exercise identities within a work place setting. A case-study method was used to address the research issue over a nine-month period. The case to be studied included a sample of 72 employees from a Norwegian public company who participated in an on-going work-based exercise programme called ‘Exercise for all’. The principal means of data collection comprised participant observation, individual interviews and exercise logbooks. The data were subject to inductive analysis. The primary barriers to exercise participation included high levels of social comparison in a competitive working context, particularly in relation to ‘competent colleagues’, and feelings of guilt associated with partaking in ‘recreational’ activities during work hours. Strategies engaged with to overcome and negotiate such obstacles included justifying participation through a health-related discourse, and constructing a more distinct ‘worker-exerciser’ identity

    Threshold analyses and Lorentz violation

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    In the context of threshold investigations of Lorentz violation, we discuss the fundamental principle of coordinate invariance, the role of an effective dynamical framework, and the conditions of positivity and causality. Our analysis excludes a variety of previously considered Lorentz-breaking parameters and opens an avenue for viable dispersion-relation investigations of Lorentz violation.Comment: 9 page

    Signals for Lorentz Violation in Electrodynamics

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    An investigation is performed of the Lorentz-violating electrodynamics extracted from the renormalizable sector of the general Lorentz- and CPT-violating standard-model extension. Among the unconventional properties of radiation arising from Lorentz violation is birefringence of the vacuum. Limits on the dispersion of light produced by galactic and extragalactic objects provide bounds of 3 x 10^{-16} on certain coefficients for Lorentz violation in the photon sector. The comparative spectral polarimetry of light from cosmologically distant sources yields stringent constraints of 2 x 10^{-32}. All remaining coefficients in the photon sector are measurable in high-sensitivity tests involving cavity-stabilized oscillators. Experimental configurations in Earth- and space-based laboratories are considered that involve optical or microwave cavities and that could be implemented using existing technology.Comment: 23 pages REVTe

    Lorentz and CPT Violation in Neutrinos

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    A general formalism is presented for violations of Lorentz and CPT symmetry in the neutrino sector. The effective hamiltonian for neutrino propagation in the presence of Lorentz and CPT violation is derived, and its properties are studied. Possible definitive signals in existing and future neutrino-oscillation experiments are discussed. Among the predictions are direction-dependent effects, including neutrino-antineutrino mixing, sidereal and annual variations, and compass asymmetries. Other consequences of Lorentz and CPT violation involve unconventional energy dependences in oscillation lengths and mixing angles. A variety of simple models both with and without neutrino masses are developed to illustrate key physical effects. The attainable sensitivities to coefficients for Lorentz violation in the Standard-Model Extension are estimated for various types of experiments. Many experiments have potential sensitivity to Planck-suppressed effects, comparable to the best tests in other sectors. The lack of existing experimental constraints, the wide range of available coefficient space, and the variety of novel effects imply that some or perhaps even all of the existing data on neutrino oscillations might be due to Lorentz and CPT violation.Comment: 25 pages REVTe