7 research outputs found
Studies on mixed-ligand complexes of copper (ii)鈥擨I. Copper-diamine-aminocarboxylate complexes
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Spectrophotometric studies on the formation of adducts between U(TTA)4 and some neutral donors
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Stability constants of some uranyl complexes
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Synergistic extraction of metal ions involving mixed adduct formation by 尾-diketone-neutral donor mixtures
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The effect of temperature on the extraction of plutonium(IV) by tri-n-butyl phosphate
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The effect of temperature on the extraction of uranium(VI) from nitric acid by tri-n-butyl-phosphate
- Author
- Adanskii
- Alcock
- Bahr
- Bartlett
- Best
- Burger
- Choppin
- Day
- Day
- Dizdar
- Dreze
- Ferguson
- Fischman
- Germain
- Hardwick
- Healy
- Healy
- Hearne
- Horner
- Ihle
- Komarov
- Kraus
- Marcus
- Marcus
- Marcus
- Marcus
- Marcus
- McKay
- Moiseenko
- Moiseenko
- Moore
- Naito
- Nancollas
- Nancollas
- Nikolaev
- Nishi
- P.R. Vasudava Rao
- Patil
- Ramanujam
- Rozen
- Rozen
- S.K. Patil
- S.V. Bagawde
- Sato
- Shevchenko
- Siddall
- Siddall
- Siddall
- Smith
- Thompson
- V.V. Ramakrishna
- Vandoni
- Vandoni
- Wieczarek
- Wilburn
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Brassica oleracea
- Author
- A. Giamoustaris
- A. Kachroo
- A. Ludwik贸w
- A. L谩zaro
- A.A. Monteiro
- A.B. Wills
- A.C. Cavell
- A.D. Ramsey
- A.G. Sharpe
- A.J. Bateman
- A.K. Rae
- A.R. Gray
- Arabidopsis Genome Initiative AGI)
- B. Saal
- B.J. Mazur
- B.S. Landry
- C. Grandclement
- C. Walkoff
- C.D. Ryder
- C.F. Quiros
- C.F. Quiros
- C.F. Quiros
- C.F. Quiros
- C.F. Quiros
- C.M. O鈥橬eill
- C.R. Schopfer
- C.W.W. Beecher
- D. Babula
- D. Babula
- D. Babula
- D. Grant
- D. Lydiate
- D. Rana
- D.C. Bain
- D.C. Boyes
- D.J. Ockendon
- D.R. Sampson
- D.R. Sampson
- D.T. Verhoeven
- E.C. Howell
- E.J.R. Bohuon
- E.J.R. Bohuon
- E.P. Kop
- F. Granado
- F. Laurens
- G. Blanc
- G. Blanc
- G. Kalloo
- G. Li
- G. Li
- G. Li
- G. Li
- G. Li
- G. Olsson
- G. R枚bbelen
- G.B. Poulsen
- G.D. Karpechenko
- G.J. Muehlbauer
- G.R. Fenwick
- I. Bancroft
- I. Happstadius
- I.A.P. Parkin
- I.B. Holme
- I.J. Puddephat
- I.R. Crute
- I.R. Crute
- I.W. Boukema
- J. Attieh
- J. Cao
- J. Cao
- J. Fahey
- J. Helm
- J. Hoser-Krauze
- J. Hu
- J. Rocherieux
- J. Sadowski
- J. Sadowski
- J.B. Nasrallah
- J.B. Nasrallah
- J.C. Stein
- J.D. Palmer
- J.E. Carpenter
- J.E. Hunter
- J.F. Doebley
- J.G. Vaughan
- J.G. Vicente
- J.H. Crouch
- J.J. Natti
- J.J. Natti
- J.L. Giovannelli
- J.L. Stebbins
- J.M. McGrath
- J.M. McGrath
- J.M. McGrath
- J.R. Baggett
- J.R. Baggett
- J.S. Dias
- J.S. Sachan
- K. Arumuganathan
- K. Cole
- K. Faulkner
- K. Moriguchi
- K. Zeise
- K.-N. Zhao
- K.B. Kristofferson
- K.F. Thompson
- K.M. Song
- K.M. Song
- K.M. Song
- K.M. Song
- L. Li
- L. Li
- L. Li
- L. Lukens
- L. Maggioni
- L.D. Ramsay
- L.E. Watts
- L.E.A. Camargo
- L.E.A. Camargo
- L.E.A. Camargo
- L.N. Hansen
- L.R. Detjen
- L.R. Erickson
- M. Bettey
- M. Farinh贸
- M. Kaczmarek
- M. Koch
- M. Koch
- M. Koornneef
- M. Olin-Fatih
- M. Trick
- M.A. Mandel
- M.A. Pease
- M.E. Ferreira
- M.E. Schranz
- M.H. Dickson
- M.H. Dickson
- M.J. Kearsey
- M.J. Manzanares-Dauleux
- M.J. Truco
- M.J. Truco
- M.K. Slocum
- M.K. Slocum
- M.L. Crouch
- M.Q. Gao
- M.W. Farnham
- M.W. Farnham
- N.E. Gapper
- N.O.I. Cogan
- P. Arus
- P. Crisp
- P. Fransz
- P.A. Wiersma
- P.A. Zi贸艂kowski
- P.A.C. Sparrow
- P.F. Fransz
- P.H. Williams
- P.H. Williams
- P.J. Pelofske
- P.S. Coehlo
- P.S. Coehlo
- P.S. Jourdan
- P.T. Loudon
- R. Inaba
- R. Mithen
- R.A. Teutonico
- R.A. Teutonico
- R.E. Voorrips
- R.E. Voorrips
- R.H. Richharia
- R.H. Richharia
- R.L. Sebastian
- R.L. Sebastian
- R.W. Michelmore
- S. Das
- S. Horovitz
- S. Kempin
- S. Parker
- S. Prakash
- S. Ramanujam
- S. Snogerup
- S. Tsunoda
- S.B. Gelvin
- S.C. Verma
- S.D. Michaels
- S.F. Kianian
- S.F. Kianian
- S.F. Kianian
- S.J. Armstrong
- S.M. Sikka
- S.P. Kowalski
- S.S. Figdore
- S.S. Figdore
- S.T. Buczacki
- S.T. Mayne
- T. Axelsson
- T.-H. Lan
- T.-H. Lan
- T.-H. Lan
- T.C. Osborn
- T.D. Metz
- T.D. Metz
- T.H. Anstey
- T.H. Anstey
- T.J. Vision
- U N
- U. Lagercrantz
- U. Lagercrantz
- U. Lagercrantz
- U. Mizushima
- V. Arondel
- V.V. Radchuk
- W.C. Kennard
- W.Y. Cheung
- X.-H. Wang
- X.-H. Wang
- Y.W. Yang
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2007
- Field of study