27 research outputs found
Secondary raw materials of radioactive metals
Main kinds of secondary raw materials containing radioactive metals are given. Technologies of reprocessing spent nuclear fuel and certain types of waste of nuclear industry including production of radionuclide molybdenum99 are considered.Наведено основні різновиди вторинної сировини радіоактивних металів. Розглянуто технології переробки відпрацьованого ядерного палива і деяких видів відходів атомного виробництва, включаючи процеси отримання із них радіонукліду молібден-99.Приведены основные виды вторичного сырья радиоактивных металлов. Рассмотрены технологии переработки отработанного ядерного топлива и некоторых видов отходов атомного производства, включая процессы получения из них радионуклида молибден-99
Non-local model of hollow cathode and glow discharge - theory calculations and experiment comparison
General form of the non-local equation for an ionization source in glow
discharge and hollow cathode 3D-simulation is formulated. It is a fundamental
equation in a hollow cathode theory, which allows to make up a complete set of
field equations for a self-consistent problem in a stationary glow discharge
and a hollow cathode. It enables to describe adequately the region of negative
glow and the hollow cathode effect. Here you can see first attempts to compare
calculation results of electrical dependences (pressure - voltage) and
experimental data, - under conditions of gradual appearance of the hollow
cathode effect.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure
Autowaves in the Model of Infiltrative Tumour Growth with Migration-Proliferation Dichotomy
A mathematical model of infiltrative tumour growth is investigated taking into account transitions between two possible states of malignant cells: proliferation and migration. These transitions are considered to depend on oxygen level in a threshold manner where high oxygen concentration allows cell proliferation, while concentration below a certain critical value induces cell migration. The infiltrative tumour spreading rate dependence on model parameters is obtained. It is shown that the tumour growth rate depends on the tissue oxygen level in a threshold manner