18 research outputs found

    Surface Plasmon Enhanced Photoluminescence of Rhodamine 6G on Au Nanoparticles 2D Array: Temperature Effects

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    Influence of temperature on the photoluminescence of rhodamine 6G deposited on 2D array of the gold nanoparticles was studied in the temperature range 78–278 K. The factor of surface plasmonic enhancement of rhodamine luminescence was found to decrease monotonically with increasing temperature. Electron-phonon scattering and thermal expansion of the gold nanoparticles were considered as two competing physical mechanisms of the temperature dependence of plasmonic enhancement factor. The calculations showed the significant prevalence of the electron-phonon scattering that causes the temperature induced decrease of plasmonic enhancement of rhodamine 6G luminescence observed

    Surface Plasmon Enhanced Photoluminescence of Rhodamine 6G on Au Nanoparticles 2D Array: Temperature Effects

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    Influence of temperature on the photoluminescence of rhodamine 6G deposited on 2D array of the gold nanoparticles was studied in the temperature range 78–278 K. The factor of surface plasmonic enhancement of rhodamine luminescence was found to decrease monotonically with increasing temperature. Electron-phonon scattering and thermal expansion of the gold nanoparticles were considered as two competing physical mechanisms of the temperature dependence of plasmonic enhancement factor. The calculations showed the significant prevalence of the electron-phonon scattering that causes the temperature induced decrease of plasmonic enhancement of rhodamine 6G luminescence observed

    Dopamine receptor type 1 of Caenorhabditis elegans expressing in mechanosensory neurons

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    Until now the results on profiling dopamine receptors in C. elegans have been incomplete and fragmentary. The aim of this study was to investigate the expression profile of dop-1 gene in C. elegans using 3 kb promoter with 3'-end locating before ATG of dop-1 gene. Methods. The strain of C. elegans with mutant unc-119 gene was used. To check a pattern of the dop-1 expression, the promoter of this gene was amplified using PCR. The animals were co-bombarded with plasmid pPD95.77 dop-1::GFP and reporter construct containing unc-119 gene. Results. Using GFP as a reporter protein, we built a whole picture of expression of dopamine receptor type 1 in C. elegans and found that this protein could be detected only in mechanosensory neurons such as PLM, PVQR, PVQL, ALNR, ALNL, DVAR, DVC. Keywords: dopamine receptors, mechanosensory neurons, Caenorhabditis elegans, expressionРезультати досліджень експресії дофамінових рецепторів в C. elegans наразі залишаються неповними і фрагментарними. Мета роботи полягала у вивченні профілю експресії дофамінового рецептора типу 1 (dop-1) в C. elegans з використанням промотору розміром 3 тис. п. н., 3'-кінцева послідовність якого розташована перед кодоном ATG гена dop-1. Методи. Культивування штаму C. elegans, мутантного за геном unc-119, з агаром NGM. Для перевірки паттерну експресії dop-1 ампліфіковано промотор гена методом ПЛР. Клітини тварин кобомбардували плазмідою pPD95.77dop-1::GFP та репортерною конструкцією з геном unc-119. Результати. Із застосуванням GFP як репортерного білка вдалося повністю охарактеризувати профіль експресії дофамінового рецептора першого типу в C. elegans. Висновки. Продемонстровано, що даний білок експресується в механосенсорних нейронах, таких як PLM, PVQR, PVQL, ALNR, ALNL, DVAR і DVC. Ключові слова: дофамінові рецептори, механосенсорні нейрони, Caenorhabditis elegans, експресіяДо настоящего времени результаты исследований экспрессии дофаминовых рецепторов в C. elegans остаются неполными и фрагментарными. Цель работы состояла в изучении профиля экспресии дофаминового рецептора первого типа (dop-1) в C. elegans с использованием промотора размером 3 тыс. п. н., 3'-концевая последовательность которого расположена перед кодоном ATG гена dop-1. Методи. Культивирование штамма C. elegans, мутантного по гену unc-119, с агаром NGM. Для проверки паттерна экспрессии dop-1 амплифицировали промотор гена методом ПЛР. Клетки животных кобомбардировали плазмидой pPD95.77dop-1::GFP и репортерной конструкцией с геном unc-119. Результаты. С использованием GFP в качесве репортерного белка удалось полностью охарактеризовать профиль экспрессии дофаминового рецептора первого типа в C. elegans. Выводы. Продемонстрировано, что данный белок детектируется в механосенсорных нейронах, таких как PLM, PVQR, PVQL, ALNR, ALNL, DVAR и DVC. Ключевые слова: дофаминовые рецепторы, механосенсорные нейроны, Caenorhabditis elegans, экспресси

    Scattering theory and ground-state energy of Dirac fermions in graphene with two Coulomb impurities

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    We study the physics of Dirac fermions in a gapped graphene monolayer containing two Coulomb impurities. For the case of equal impurity charges, we discuss the ground-state energy using the linear combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO) approach. For opposite charges of the Coulomb centers, an electric dipole potential results at large distances. We provide a nonperturbative analysis of the corresponding low-energy scattering problem

    Current state of the international movement of financial resources and the role of multinational corporations in this process

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    The tendencies of input of direct foreign investments at the present stage of development of world economy have been researched in this article. It was figured out that after world economy passed over recession of 2007–2012 the main countries that receive foreign direct investment are developing countries and countries with economies in transition. Decline of the share of developed countries in inflow of direct foreign investments is caused by capital surplus in the markets of these countries and by reduction of profitability of direct foreign investments. It was figured out that multinational corporations carry out considerable influence on redistribution of financial resources in the world that is provided with movement of the capitals among the countries by intra corporate channels of multinational corporations. Author’s position concerning the directions of the further movement of financial resources in the world economy, according to developing countries and countries with economies in transition of East Asian and African regions, has been grounded. The reason of it is the high capacity of the markets of these countries and rapid rates of their economic development that form favorable investment climate

    Мultinational corporations in John Kenneth Galbraith’s theory of firm

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    The paper is aimed at the study of the ideological origins of multinational corporations from the perspective of the theory of firm by John Kenneth Galbraith. It has been established that the theory of firm by J.K. Galbraith had been and still is viewed by the scientific community primarily as the theory that describes an abstract firm operating in the national market, however is not referred to as the theory explaining company’s reasons and factors for entrance into the foreign markets. It has been proved that J.K. Galbraith’s theory of firm quite explains the phenomenon of multinational corporations (MNC) existence and is suitable for the analyzing the MNCs’ behavior in the emerging markets. The authors’ position concerning J.K. Galbraith’s contribution into development of the theory of multinational corporations has been grounded. The attention has been focused on the underestimation by the scientific community of the J.K. Galbraith’s theoretical heritage in developing of the theoretical basis for analysis of the MNCs’ behavior in the international markets and the importance of corporate management for implementation of the development strategies. This is connected with the necessity for developing a modern and effective corporation’s technostructure

    Simulation process management based on real estate indices of economic analysis

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    The models accounting of real estate, taking into account the theory of property rights and related changes in the accounting system affect the performance assessment of efficiency of real estate in the enterprise. The above effect is manifested by changing data is the basis for calculation of efficiency of real estate. Specifically undergo change indicators, which is used in calculating the value of information assets and the amount of wear. This changes the values of analytical parameters that can influence management decisions and activities of the company as a whole analyzed existing system of determining the effectiveness of fixed assets, accounting model developed properties that take into account the theory of property rights and related changes which took place in the accounting system affect the performance efficiency assessment of real estate in the construction business

    Financial reporting of transnational companies as a source of recession prediction

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    The ability to predict economic recession on investment activity of transnational corporations has been investigated in this paper. Cash flow statement of transnational corporations as a source of investment analysis has been considered. The conclusion about the prospects of using the method of analysis of investment activity on the basis of the financial statements of transnational corporations to predict the recession has been done. The advantage of this method is its efficiency, that means the possibility of quarterly forecasts, as well as the fact that the decrease in investment activity, as an indicator of changes in precession occurs rather decrease in gross domestic product. The disadvantage of this method is the impact on the investment activity of transnational corporations subjective factors and possible problems with access to the financial statements of such companies. It was found that the process of reducing of the investments, as a factor of recessionary changes, occurs earlier than the decline in GDP

    Dopamine receptor type 1 of Caenorhabditis elegans expressing in mechanosensory neurons

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    Until now the results on profiling dopamine receptors in C. elegans have been incomplete and fragmentary. The aim of this study was to investigate the expression profile of dop-1 gene in C. elegans using 3 kb promoter with 3'-end locating before ATG of dop-1 gene. Methods. The strain of C. elegans with mutant unc-119 gene was used. To check a pattern of the dop-1 expression, the promoter of this gene was amplified using PCR. The animals were co-bombarded with plasmid pPD95.77 dop-1::GFP and reporter construct containing unc-119 gene. Results. Using GFP as a reporter protein, we built a whole picture of expression of dopamine receptor type 1 in C. elegans and found that this protein could be detected only in mechanosensory neurons such as PLM, PVQR, PVQL, ALNR, ALNL, DVAR, DVC. Keywords: dopamine receptors, mechanosensory neurons, Caenorhabditis elegans, expressionРезультати досліджень експресії дофамінових рецепторів в C. elegans наразі залишаються неповними і фрагментарними. Мета роботи полягала у вивченні профілю експресії дофамінового рецептора типу 1 (dop-1) в C. elegans з використанням промотору розміром 3 тис. п. н., 3'-кінцева послідовність якого розташована перед кодоном ATG гена dop-1. Методи. Культивування штаму C. elegans, мутантного за геном unc-119, з агаром NGM. Для перевірки паттерну експресії dop-1 ампліфіковано промотор гена методом ПЛР. Клітини тварин кобомбардували плазмідою pPD95.77dop-1::GFP та репортерною конструкцією з геном unc-119. Результати. Із застосуванням GFP як репортерного білка вдалося повністю охарактеризувати профіль експресії дофамінового рецептора першого типу в C. elegans. Висновки. Продемонстровано, що даний білок експресується в механосенсорних нейронах, таких як PLM, PVQR, PVQL, ALNR, ALNL, DVAR і DVC. Ключові слова: дофамінові рецептори, механосенсорні нейрони, Caenorhabditis elegans, експресіяДо настоящего времени результаты исследований экспрессии дофаминовых рецепторов в C. elegans остаются неполными и фрагментарными. Цель работы состояла в изучении профиля экспресии дофаминового рецептора первого типа (dop-1) в C. elegans с использованием промотора размером 3 тыс. п. н., 3'-концевая последовательность которого расположена перед кодоном ATG гена dop-1. Методи. Культивирование штамма C. elegans, мутантного по гену unc-119, с агаром NGM. Для проверки паттерна экспрессии dop-1 амплифицировали промотор гена методом ПЛР. Клетки животных кобомбардировали плазмидой pPD95.77dop-1::GFP и репортерной конструкцией с геном unc-119. Результаты. С использованием GFP в качесве репортерного белка удалось полностью охарактеризовать профиль экспрессии дофаминового рецептора первого типа в C. elegans. Выводы. Продемонстрировано, что данный белок детектируется в механосенсорных нейронах, таких как PLM, PVQR, PVQL, ALNR, ALNL, DVAR и DVC. Ключевые слова: дофаминовые рецепторы, механосенсорные нейроны, Caenorhabditis elegans, экспресси

    Hydrogen Embrittlement of Titanium: Phenomena and Main Ways of Prevention

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    This work deals with the issue of the deterioration of the mechanical properties of metallic materials (on an example of Ti) in the presence of hydrogen (hydrogen embrittlement). Three main forms of fracture caused by the presence of hydrogen in metallic materials are distinguished. The first one is the damage in internal pores and cracks, which appear when bubbles of gaseous hydrogen are trapped during melt solidification or hydrogen diffusion through the metal lattice. The second one is associated with hydrogen that forms hydrides and changes the type of crystal lattice of the metal. The third one includes other types of fracture associated with hydrogen in the bulk material under long-term static loads. The main methods of preventing the interaction of metallic materials with hydrogen are determined as follow: (i) alloying that reduces the rate of interaction of the metal material with hydrogen, (ii) surface modification by methods of high-energy impact, (iii) application of protective coatings, and (iv) heat treatment of final products