25 research outputs found

    Efeitos do etil-cianoacrilato ou do octil-cianoacrilato sobre lesões corneais experimentais em coelhos

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    The use of ethyl-cyanoacrylate and octyl-cyanoacrylate were clinically and histopathologically compared on the corneas of 36 rabbits after lamellar keratectomy (standardized diameter and depth). The animals were distributed into two groups, one for each type of adhesive. From each group, six subgroups were histopathologically evaluated on the 3rd, 7th, 14th, 21st, 30th, and 60th day post-operative. General (daily) and ophthalmic (days 0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 14, 21, 30, 44, and 60) evaluations clinically indicated that there were significant differences for the variables water intake, attitude, blepharitis, corneal edema, and fluorescein test. The adhesive permanence time for octyl-cyanoacrylate (17.22 days) was greater than that for ethyl-cyanoacrylate (7.66 days). With respect to the histopathological evaluation, corneal epithelization and collagen organization occurred without severe complications. However, treatment with ethyl-cyanoacrylate led to a moderate inflammatory reaction in the initial phases. With octyl-cyanoacrylate, re-epithelization and collagen organization proceeded more slowly with a discrete inflammatory reaction in the initial phases. From clinical and histopathologic points of view, octyl-cyanoacrylate showed advantages over ethyl-cyanoacrylate, whereas wound healing was achieved in both groups without major complications.Comparou-se o uso do etil-cianoacrilato e do octil-cianoacrilato em córneas de 36 coelhos após ceratectomia lamelar (diâmetro e profundidade padronizados). Os animais foram distribuídos em dois grupos, segundo o tipo de adesivo, e redistribuídos em seis subgrupos com três animais cada, para as avaliações histológicas aos 3, 7, 14, 21, 30 e 60 dias de pós-operatório. As avaliações clínicas gerais (diárias) e as oftálmicas (dias 0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 14, 21, 30, 44 e 60), indicaram diferença entre os dois grupos, quanto ao consumo de água, atitude, blefarite, edema da córnea e teste da fluoresceína. O Tempo de permanência, sobre o leito corneal, do adesivo octil-cianoacrilato (17,22 dias), foi maior que o do etil-cianoacrulato (7,66 dias). A histopatologia, para ambos os grupos, mostrou que a re-epitelização e a organização do colágeno ocorreram sem graves intercorrências. O grupo tratado com o etil-cianoacrilato apresentou, nas fases iniciais, reação inflamatória mais evidente que o tratado com octil-cianoacrilato. Neste, a re-epitelização e a organização do colágeno ocorreram mais lentamente e com reação inflamatória discreta. Sob os pontos de vista clínico e de avaliação histológica simples, os resultados mostraram vantagens do octil-cianoacrilato, entretanto, a cicatrização da córnea ocorreu em ambos os grupos

    Measurement Of The Σ̄- Lifetime And Direct Comparison With The Σ+ Lifetime

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    We have measured the lifetime of the Σ̄- using the Fermilab Proton Center 375 GeV/c charged hyperon beam. We obtained (80.43±0.80±0.14) ps. We also measured the lifetime of the Σ+, obtaining (80.38 ±0.40±0.14) ps, in agreement with the Particle Data Group value. A direct comparison between the two lifetimes from the ratio of the decay curves gives a fractional lifetime difference of Δτ/τ=(-0.06±1.12)%, consistent with equal lifetimes for baryon and antibaryon as required by CPT invariance. ©1999 The American Physical Society.61314Foucher, M., (1992) Phys. Rev. Lett., 68, p. 3004Timm, S., (1995) Phys. Rev. D, 51, p. 4638Dubbs, T., (1994) Phys. Rev. Lett., 72, p. 808Caso, C., (1998) Eur. Phys. J. C, 3, p. 690(1993) GEANT 3.21 CERN Program Library W5103, , CERNKuropatkin, N., private communicationLangland, J.L., (1995) Hyperon and Antihyperon Production in P-Cu Interactions, , Ph.D. thesis, University of IowaMorelos, A., (1993) Phys. Rev. Lett., 71, p. 341

    Pharmacological activity of the hydroalcoholic extract from Hovenia dulcis thunberg fruit and the flavonoid dihydromyricetin during hypercholesterolemia induced in rats

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    Cerebrovascular accidents and coronary artery disease are the leading causes of cardiovascular mortalities in Brazil and high levels of LDL cholesterol are one of the main risk factors. In this context, several plant extracts and natural substances have shown promise as cholesterol-lowering. The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential of the hydroalcoholic extract of the fruit of H. dulcisand of dihydromyricetin in cholesterol reduction in hypercholesterolemic rats. Forty-two Wistar male rats were distributed into seven groups of six animals that received diets supplemented with 1% cholesterol and 0.3% cholic acid, with the exception of the control group, which received conventional diets. Animals were treated with oral suspensions containing: atorvastatin 1.0 mg/kg; H. dulcisextract at 50.0 and 100.0 mg/kg and dihydromyricetin at 25.0 and 50.0 mg/kg vehicle (control group). The following biochemical markers were evaluated; total cholesterol, HDL-C, LDL-C, triglycerides, AST, ALT, and alkaline phosphatase. The hypercholesterolemic diet was effective in inducing hypercholesterolemia, increasing total cholesterol by 112.7% relative to the control group. The treatments with two doses of the extract proved to be promising hypocholesterolemic agents, as they were able to substantially reduce total cholesterol and LDL-C, without significantly altering triglycerides, hepatic transaminases, and alkaline phosphatase, thereby encouraging the studies with the plant H. dulcis. The groups treated with the flavonoid dihydromyricetin, although they showed a significant reduction in total cholesterol and LDL-C, and found increases in triglycerides and hepatic transaminases, which is unwanted in the context of hypercholesterolaemia