43 research outputs found

    Effect of androgen suppression on bone mineral density in patients with prostate cancer

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    The androgen-suppressive therapy (AST) in patients with prostate cancer (PC) may dramatically affect the bone mineral density (BMD), which puts patients at risk of severe adverse effects, such as weight-bearing bone fractures. Aim: To study the effect of AST on BMD in patients with non-metastatic hormone-sensitive PC treated with intermittent hormonal therapy, and effect of different total testosterone level on BMD. Materials and Methods: From 2011 to 2013 we treated 56 patients with non-metastatic hormone-naïve PC. Intermittent hormonal treatment with flutamide at a dose of 250 mg 3 times per day with nine monthly injections of luteinizing gonadotropic releasing hormone (LGnRH) [“treatment” period] followed by period of observance (“no treatment”) was administered. We evaluated the BMD of lumbar spine and both proximal thighs by means of dual-energy x-ray densitometry at the end of “treatment” period and at the end of “no treatment” period. Results: During the first treatment period, 44 of 56 patients (78.6%) experienced the reduction in BMD in both lumbar spine and thighs. Total testosterone level in all patients dropped to castration level. During the first period of “no treatment” there was an increase in BMD (p 50 ng/dl was 91 days (from 30 to 308 days), and > 100 ­ng/dl was 110 days (from 49 to 343 days). The changes in BMD positively correlated with the changes in total testosterone level (correlation 0.18 [95% CI, 0.04–0.27], p = 0.009). The decline in total testosterone level in serum was followed by the decline in BMD value in the studied areas, and vice versa. Conclusions: The changes in BMD positively correlated with changes in total testosterone level. The BMD decreases during the androgen suppression and increases during the pause in the treatment. This demonstrates the benefit of intermittent AST in preventing osteoporosis, pathological bone fractures and possibly, bone metastases. Key Words: prostate cancer, hormone therapy, osteoporosis, bone mineral density

    Calculations of binding energies and masses of heavy quarkonia using renormalon cancellation

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    We use various methods of Borel integration to calculate the binding ground energies and masses of b-bbar and t-tbar quarkonia. The methods take into account the leading infrared renormalon structure of the hard+soft part of the binding energies E(s), and of the corresponding quark pole masses m_q, where the contributions of these singularities in M(s) = 2 m_q + E(s) cancel. Beforehand, we carry out the separation of the binding energy into its hard+soft and ultrasoft parts. The resummation formalisms are applied to expansions of m_q and E(s) in terms of quantities which do not involve renormalon ambiguity, such as MSbar quark mass, and alpha_s. The renormalization scales are different in calculations of m_q, E(s) and E(us). The MSbar mass of b quark is extracted, and the binding energies of t-tbar and the peak (resonance) energies for (t+tbar) production are obtained.Comment: 23 pages, 8 double figures, revtex4; the version to appear in Phys.Rev.D; extended discussion between Eqs.(25) and (26); the paragraph between Eqs.(32) and (33) is new and explains the numerical dependence of the residue parameter on the factorization scale; several new references were added; acknowledgments were modified; the numerical results are unchange

    Stellar structure and compact objects before 1940: Towards relativistic astrophysics

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    Since the mid-1920s, different strands of research used stars as "physics laboratories" for investigating the nature of matter under extreme densities and pressures, impossible to realize on Earth. To trace this process this paper is following the evolution of the concept of a dense core in stars, which was important both for an understanding of stellar evolution and as a testing ground for the fast-evolving field of nuclear physics. In spite of the divide between physicists and astrophysicists, some key actors working in the cross-fertilized soil of overlapping but different scientific cultures formulated models and tentative theories that gradually evolved into more realistic and structured astrophysical objects. These investigations culminated in the first contact with general relativity in 1939, when J. Robert Oppenheimer and his students George Volkoff and Hartland Snyder systematically applied the theory to the dense core of a collapsing neutron star. This pioneering application of Einstein's theory to an astrophysical compact object can be regarded as a milestone in the path eventually leading to the emergence of relativistic astrophysics in the early 1960s.Comment: 83 pages, 4 figures, submitted to the European Physical Journal

    Культурно-исторические факторы и современные тенденции развития взаимоотношений между Республикой Корея и Приморьем в сфере туризма

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    История российско-корейских отношений на Дальнем Востоке в современных его границах насчитывает чуть более 150 лет, однако за столь короткий временной период произошли огромные революционные и эволюционные изменения во всех сферах жизни двух народов. Необходимость исследования региональных особенностей корейско-российских отношений в сфере культуры в исторической динамике во многом определяется спецификой стоящих перед экономикой Приморья и Республики Корея задач.Значение исторического подхода к изучению взаимодействия определяется тем, что сложившаяся структура и направление взаимодействий является одновременно результатом прошлого и важным фактором будущего инновационного развития деловых взаимовыгодных контактов

    Theoretical and methodological rationale for differentiated methods of physical qualities at girls of 15 -17 years on the basis of circuit training, taking into account physical features

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    The paper presents the materials describing the continuation of the research performance of physical qualities at girls aged 15-17 correlative benchmarking data learning. The main principles of implementation of the method of circuit training in the educational process (systematic approval is based on consistent and positive relationship of physical qualities at every lesson during the school year, the application of educational and training exercises targeting the development of physical qualities; gradual inc rease of the intensity and volume of the exercises on «Plants»; inclusion of students for independent and creative exercises and personal needs in order to achieve the fullest possible use of the motor potential students).В работе представлены материалы, характеризующие продолжение исследований показателей физических качеств у девушек 15-17 лет соотносительно контрольных нормативов по годам обучения. Сформулированы основные принципы реализации метода круговой тренировки в учебном процессе (систематичности строится на утверждении последовательной и положительной взаимосвязи развития физических качеств на каждом уроке на протяжении учебного года; применение образовательно-тренировочных упражнений целевой направленности для развития физических качеств; постепенного наращивания интенсивности и объема выполняемых упражнений на «станциях»; включение учащихся для самостоятельного и творческого выполнения упражнений и удовлетворения личной потребности для достижения наиболее полного использования двигательного потенциала учащихся)


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    The detail analysis of results of simultaneous monitoring of the same electrophysical, meteorological and radiation quantities inside and outside of buildings with the aim of revealing of technosphere influence on behavior of these quantities is presented. It was obtained that all controlled quantities could be divided into three groups for which: 1) presence of building does not change spectral and temporal variation pattern of quantity (magnetic field, atmospheric pressure); 2) presence of building partially changes spectral and temporal variation pattern of quantity (γ-background, temperature); 3) presence of building fully changes spectral and temporal variation pattern (relative air humidity, characteristics of turbulence and wind, electric field intensity, the number of light ions of both sighs, α- and β-background). It is necessary to take into account obtained results when investigate the influence of heliophysical parameters and radioactivity on biological objects and systems