201 research outputs found


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    The article presents the results of studies on the influence of the placing of strings from the West to the East and from the North to the South on the photosynthetic activity of potato plants under the conditions of the Right Bank Foreststeppe of Ukraine. It was established that the largest area of the leaf surface of potato varieties ensured the placement of strings from the West to the East in the second period – the flowering-termination of the growth of stems in Malinskaya White (medium-sized) varieties – 31.4 thousand m2/ha, Nadiyna (middle-aged) – 30.7 thousand m2/ha and Dar (medium late) – 31.4 thousand m2/ ha. From the direction of the strings from North to South, this figure was somewhat lower and was in the above-mentioned varieties: 28.1; 27.4 and 29.7 thousand m2/ha. The highest indexes of photosynthetic potential were also observed during the period of flowering-termination of stem growth in the direction of the strings from the West to the East and was in the middle grades of Malin White and the Legend – 1.9 million m2/ha, the middle-aged – Vira and Nadiyna – 1.8 million. m2/ha and medium-late Oxamite – 1.7 million m2/ha. In the direction of the strings from the North to the South, the highest value of the photosynthetic potential was noted in the above-mentioned varieties. With the subsequent growth and development of potato plants in the period of the beginning of the termination of the growth of stems-dying, the photosynthetic potential decreases along the direction of the lines relative to the finding of the Sun in the zenith. It should also be noted that the maximum values of the net productivity of photosynthesis in plants of potato varieties were marked in the second period – the flowering-termination of the growth of stems from the direction of the strings from the West to the East in the middle grades was 7.6 g/m2/day - Legend, the middle aged 8.1 g m2/day - Slavianka and late-fallen 7.5 g/m2/day – Oxamite


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    Goal. Determine the influence of sowing terms, sowing method and depth of seeding on the formation of biometric indices of thistle plants in the conditions of the Right Bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine. Methods. Field, analytical and statistical. Results It was established that in variants, where the seed was carried out per 1 cm, the plants were low-growth, even octomized. They were distinguished by a smaller gabit. The highest plants formed the first line of sowing broad-leaved crops when seeding 2 and 3 cm, plant height reached 135.8-139.3 cm. The largest number of seeds in the basket were allocated variants of sowing in the first decade of April with a width of rows of 45 cm and depth of seeding 2 and 3 cm. This indicator was 123.5 and 124.2 pc from the plant, that is, with an excess of control at 22.4 and 21.7 pc. The largest amount of seed from a plant was 1316.2 pc. Marked on the first-line variant (at the level of the thermal regime of the soil 8-10 ° С) sowing with a width of between rows of 45 cm and depth of seeding of 3 cm. Analysis of the correlation of plant productivity indices and factors The research shows that the yield of the spotted thistle fruit significantly depends on the biometric parameters, such as: the number of seeds from the plant (correlation coefficient r = 0.82), the number of seeds in the basket (correlation coefficient r = 0.89) and plant height (correlation coefficient r = 0.83)

    Effect of magnetic field on the reconstruction of the defect-impurity state and сathodoluminescence in Si/SiO₂ structure

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    Impurity states in Si/SiO₂ structure have been studied using cathodoluminescence (CL). It has been found that intrinsic structure defects in Si/SiO2 are sensitive to the action of magnetic field, which can be revealed due to changes in Si/SiO₂ optical properties. The most sensitive to magnetic field (about 35 per cent) is the intensity of the 1.9 eV CL band attributed to non-bridge oxygen atoms


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    The article is devoted to the study of the influence of heavy metals on the chemical composition of the green mass of legume perennial grasses. The accumulation of long-term grass beans with such heavy metals as lead, cadmium, copper and zinc was studied. It is established that the lowest amount of heavy metals in the green mass is accumulated by white clover, and the largest one is gazelle East. The analysis of the chemical composition of the green mass of legume perennial grasses for the content of heavy metals and nutrients. It is established that all the studied types of leguminous perennial grasses are characterized by an increased and balanced content of basic nutrients in conditions of contamination of lands with heavy metals. The regularity of nutrient decrease in feed with increasing concentration in plants of heavy metals is revealed. The most nutritious food in terms of chemical composition in conditions of soil contamination with heavy metals was white clover. A rectilinear relationship between the concentration of cadmium and the proportion of dry matter and BEP in the chemical composition of legume perennial grasses was establishe

    A Quantum Chemical Study on Levomycetin Interaction with Silica Surface

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    The biological activity of D(-)-threo-isomer of levomycetin is connected with presence of hydrogen bonding between hydroxyl groups of its alicyclic form. When grafted on silica surface (via impregnation), levomycetin increases its antimicrobial capability. Adsorption-induced changes in the structure and energy parameters of levomycetin molecules probably responsible of its activity have been studied by means of quantum chemistry. It has been found that descriptors of levomycetin bioactivity can be values of the LUMO energy and O-H…O hydrogen bond length within the propanediol fragment of the molecule.Біологічну активність D(-)-трео-ізомера левоміцетину пов’язують з присутністю в його аліциклічній формі водневого зв’язку між гідроксильними групами. Адсорбційно закріплений (шляхом імпрегнування) левоміцетин на поверхні кремнезему підвищує антимікробну здатність. Методами квантової хімії досліджено зміни структурних та енергетичних параметрів молекул левоміцетину, обумовлені адсорбцією, які можуть відповідати за його активність. Виявлено, що дескрипторами біологічної активності левоміцетину можуть бути енергія НВМО та довжина водневого зв’язку O-H…O в пропандіольному фрагменті молекули.Биологическую активность D(-)-трео-изомера левомицетина связывают с присутствием в его алициклической форме водородной связи между гидроксильными группами. Адсорбционно закрепленный (путем импрегнирования) левомицетин на поверхности кремнезема повышает антимикробную способность. Методами квантовой химии изучены изменения структурных и энергетических параметров молекул левомицетина, обусловленные адсорбцией, которые могут отвечать за его активность. Обнаружено, что дескрипторами биологической активности левомицетина могут быть энергия НВМО и длина водородной связи O-H…O в пропандиольном фрагменте молекулы

    Marx generator GIN-1000 with 1 MV output voltage and 80 kJ stored energy

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    The results of development and study of Marx generator with output voltage of 1 MV and stored energy of 80 kJ are reported. The measured value of generator inductance is ~1.3 µH, the measured effective ohmic resistance ~ 1 Ohm.Приведены результаты разработки и исследования генератора Маркса с выходным напряжением 1 МВ, запасаемой энергией 80 кДж. Измеренное значение индуктивности генератора составляет ~1,3 мкГн, измеренное эффективное омическое сопротивление ~1 Ом.Наведено результати розробки і дослідження генератора Маркса з вихідною напругою 1 МВ, що запасає енергією 80 кДж. Виміряне значення індуктивності генератора становить ~1,3 мкГн, виміряний ефективний омічний опір ~1 Ом

    Measurement of RudsR_{\text{uds}} and RR between 3.12 and 3.72 GeV at the KEDR detector

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    Using the KEDR detector at the VEPP-4M e+ee^+e^- collider, we have measured the values of RudsR_{\text{uds}} and RR at seven points of the center-of-mass energy between 3.12 and 3.72 GeV. The total achieved accuracy is about or better than 3.3%3.3\% at most of energy points with a systematic uncertainty of about 2.1%2.1\%. At the moment it is the most accurate measurement of R(s)R(s) in this energy range

    Development of aerogel Cherenkov detectors at Novosibirsk

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    Abstract The development of aerogel Cherenkov counters with the light collection using a wavelength shifter is described. 80 counters of this type are working in the KEDR detector. A project of similar counters for the SND detector based on "heavy" aerogel with n = 1.13 has been developed. Aerogel with a refractive index of 1.006–1.13 and dimensions of blocks up to 200 × 200 × 50 mm 3 is produced by the Novosibirsk group for use in Cherenkov counters of different types. The Novosibirsk group is participating in the development of LHCb RICH as well as a beam diagnostics for a photo-injector test facility at DESY–Zeuthen. Recently we started development of RICH based on focusing aerogel (FARICH) for the endcap of the SuperBaBar. For the first time in the world the focusing aerogel with layers of different refractive indices has been produced

    New precise determination of the \tau lepton mass at KEDR detector

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    The status of the experiment on the precise τ\tau lepton mass measurement running at the VEPP-4M collider with the KEDR detector is reported. The mass value is evaluated from the τ+τ\tau^+\tau^- cross section behaviour around the production threshold. The preliminary result based on 6.7 pb1^{-1} of data is mτ=1776.800.23+0.25±0.15m_{\tau}=1776.80^{+0.25}_{-0.23} \pm 0.15 MeV. Using 0.8 pb1^{-1} of data collected at the ψ\psi' peak the preliminary result is also obtained: ΓeeBττ(ψ)=7.2±2.1\Gamma_{ee}B_{\tau\tau}(\psi') = 7.2 \pm 2.1 eV.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures; The 9th International Workshop on Tau-Lepton Physics, Tau0

    Development of aerogel Cherenkov counters at Novosibirsk

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    Abstract The work on aerogel Cherenkov counters was started in Novosibirsk in 1986. Production of aerogels with refractive indices of 1.006–1.13 and thicknesses of blocks up to 50 mm was developed. The light absorption length at 400 nm is 5–7 m, the scattering length is 4–5 cm. By these parameters, the Novosibirsk aerogel is one of the best in the world. The ASHIPH Cherenkov counters with light collection on wavelength shifters have been developed. The ASHIPH system of the KEDR detector contains 1000 l of aerogel. The π / K separation is 4.5 σ . A project of ASHIPH counters for the SND detector has been developed. Aerogel RICH for LHCb gives a possibility to identify hadrons in the momentum range of 2–10 GeV/c. The Novosibirsk group is developing an aerogel RICH for the endcap for the SuperBaBar project. Calculations performed by a group of physicists from Novosibirsk and DESY-Zeuthen have shown that aerogel radiators enable to achieve time resolution up to 20 fs