83 research outputs found

    MicroRNAs and human cancer

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a recently discovered family of short non-coding RNA molecules of about 19–24 nucleotides in length that are involved in regulation of gene expression. These small molecules have been found to regulate genes involved in diverse biological processes such as cell proliferation, development, differentiation, apoptosis and others. MiRNAs regulate gene expression at the post-transcriptional level either by inhibition of the target (mRNA) or by its destruction. Recent studies have shown that mRNA deregulation is a basic problem in studying pathogenesis of many malignant tumors. It has been recently shown that miRNAs are able to regulate thousands of target genes simultaneously. Thus, the key role of miRNA in carcinogenesis reveals a new layer in the molecular architecture of cancer. Patterns of altered miRNA expression in cancer may serve as molecular biomarkers for tumor diagnosis, prognosis of disease-specific outcomes, and prediction of therapeutic responses. Furthermore, miRNAs may serve as specific targets of new gene therapies

    The Kharkov X-ray Generator Facility NESTOR

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    WEPWA060 - ISBN 978-3-95450-122-9International audienceThe last few years the sources of the X-rays NESTOR based on a storage ring with low beam energy and Compton scattering of intense laser beam are under design and development in NSC KIPT. The main task of the project is to develop compact intense X-ray generator on the base of relatively cheap accelerator equipment and up-to-date laser technologies. The paper is devoted to description of the last results on construction and commissioning of the facility

    S-band electron linac with beam energy of 30…100 MeV

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    The S-band electron linac has been designed at NSC KIPT to cover an energy range from 30 to 100 MeV. The linac consists of the injector based on evanescent oscillations and the two four-meter long piecewise homogeneous accelerating sections. Each section is supplied with RF power from the KIU-12AM klystron. Variation of mean energy of the beam over a wide range is produced by placing bunches out of the wave crest in the second accelerating section. The report presents layout of the linac as well as simulation results of self-consistent particle dynamics in the linac and its present status.Лінійний прискорювач електронів 10 см - діапазону було розроблено в ННЦ ХФТІ з метою перекрити діапазон енергій 30…100 MeВ. Прискорювач складається з інжектора, основаного на коливаннях, що не розповсюджуються, і двох шматково-однорідних чотириметрових прискорювальних секцій. Кожна секція забезпечується НВЧ-потужністю від клістрона KІУ-12AM. Зміна середньої енергії пучка в широких межах забезпечується прискоренням згустків не на гребені хвилі в другій прискорювальній секції. Представлено структурну схему прискорювача, результати моделювання динаміки частинок в прискорювачі і його поточний стан.Линейный ускоритель электронов 10 см - диапазона был разработан в ННЦ ХФТИ с целью перекрытия диапазона энергий 30…100 MэВ. Ускоритель состоит из инжектора, основанного на не распространяющихся колебаниях и двух кусочно-однородных четырехметровых ускоряющих секций. Каждая секция питается СВЧ-мощностью от клистрона KИУ-12AM. Изменение средней энергии пучка в широких пределах обеспечивается ускорением сгустков не на гребне волны во второй ускоряющей секции. Представлены структурная схема ускорителя, результаты моделирования динамики частиц в ускорителе и его текущее состояние

    Electron linacs in NSC KIPT: R&D and application

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    A review is given about electron linacs of NSC KIPT and their some applications for research of radiation effects in reactor materials, channeling, plasma-beam interactions, geology (gamma-activation analysis of ore samples), as well as sterilization of single-use medical products, modification of polymers and semiconductors, isotope production for nuclear medicine etc

    Production of phreatic explosions in the interaction of lava and ice

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    A matematical model is given of the formation of phreatic explosions in lava flows coming into contact with ice formations. Quantitative characteristics are derived for the various stages in the development of the explosion; by means of wich its strength and other parameters may be evaluated. The theoretical calculation results are in agreement with empirical data

    Results of geochemical monitoring of the activity of Ebeko volcano (Kurile Islands) used for eruption prediction

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    The monitoring of the state of active volcanoes, carried out using different parameters, including geochemical, is very important for studies of deep processes and geodynamics. All changes which occur within the crater before eruptions reflect the magma activation and depend on the deep structure of volcano. This paper gives the results of prolonged monitoring of Ebeko volcano, located in the contact zone between the oceanic and continental plates (the Kurile Island Arc). The geochemical method has been used as the basis for eruption prediction because the increase in the activity of the Ebeko in the period from 1963 to 1967 that ended in a phreatic eruption was not preceded by seismic preparation. Investigations carried out at Ebeko volcano give evidence that change of all the chosen geochemical parameters is a prognostic indicator of a forthcoming eruption. This change depends on the type of eruption, and the deep structure and hydrodynamic regime of the volcano

    rac-Methyl (3aR*,4S*,5R*,7aR*)-5,7a-bis(acetyloxy)- 3-oxo-2-phenyloctahydro-1H-isoindole-4-carboxylate

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    The title molecule, C20H23NO7, the product of nucleophilic cleavage of the 3a,6-epoxy bridge in 1-oxo-2-phenyloctahydro-3a,6-epoxyisoindole-7-carboxylate, comprises a cis-fused bicyclic system containing a 2-pyrrolidinone ring in an envelope conformation (with the C atom bearing the carboxylate substituent as the flap) and a cyclohexane ring in a chair conformation. The carboxylate substituent occupies the equatorial position, whereas the two acetyloxy substituents are in axial positions. The N atom has a trigonal-planar geometry, the sum of the bond angles being 359.3 (3)°. The dihedral angle between the mean plane of the four planar atoms of the pyrrolidinone ring and the phenyl ring is 25.98 (6)°. In the crystal, molecules are linked into zigzag chains along the c-axis direction by C - H⋯O hydrogen bonds