214 research outputs found

    A multidisciplinary review of the science of vitamin D receptor activation

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    Our understanding of the vitamin D receptor (VDR) and the effects of VDR activation has changed dramatically in recent years, with the publication of several new studies looking at selective VDR activation and effects on the cardio-renal syndrome (CRS).1 These advances have the potential to change the perspective of VDR activation beyond its role in mineral metabolism. Pleiotropic vitamin D effects have come into the focus of interest

    Circulating markers of bone turnover

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    Renal osteodystrophy is a feature of chronic kidney disease (CKD), with increasing prevalence as CKD progresses. This bone disease is responsible for major morbidity, including fractures, and a deterioration in the quality of life and its sequelae. Circulating biomarkers of renal osteodystrophy typically indicate bone turnover, but not other features of bone, like bone volume, mineralization, quality or strength. Bone turnover can be considered to be primarily a reflection of bone cell activity, in particular that of osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Since current treatments for bone disease usually target cellular activity, biomarkers are considered to be able to contribute to the decision-making for treatment and its follow-up. In CKD, one has to consider the impact of a diminished clearance of biomarkers or their altered metabolism, both potentially limiting its clinical use. Here, several aspects of the most frequently used biomarkers of bone turnover are reviewed, with an emphasis on the specific situation represented by CKD. This review is based on the overview lecture at the symposium held in Amsterdam, September 23, 2016: "The Bone In CKD", organized by the CKD-MBD working group of ERA-EDTA

    Measurements of the Production, Decay and Properties of the Top Quark: A Review

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    With the full Tevatron Run II and early LHC data samples, the opportunity for furthering our understanding of the properties of the top quark has never been more promising. Although the current knowledge of the top quark comes largely from Tevatron measurements, the experiments at the LHC are poised to probe top-quark production and decay in unprecedented regimes. Although no current top quark measurements conclusively contradict predictions from the standard model, the precision of most measurements remains statistically limited. Additionally, some measurements, most notably the forward-backward asymmetry in top quark pair production, show tantalizing hints of beyond-the-Standard-Model dynamics. The top quark sample is growing rapidly at the LHC, with initial results now public. This review examines the current status of top quark measurements in the particular light of searching for evidence of new physics, either through direct searches for beyond the standard model phenomena or indirectly via precise measurements of standard model top quark properties

    Search for anomalous top-gluon couplings at LHC revisited

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    Through top-quark pair productions at LHC, we study possible effects of nonstandard top-gluon couplings yielded by SU(3)xSU(2)xU(1) invariant dimension-6 effective operators. We calculate the total cross section and also some distributions for p p -> t tbar X as functions of two anomalous-coupling parameters, i.e., the chromoelectric and chromomagnetic moments of the top, which are constrained by the total cross section sigma(p pbar -> t tbar X) measured at Tevatron. We find that LHC might give us some chances to observe sizable effects induced by those new couplings.Comment: One comment and related two refs. added. Final version (to appear in Eur.Phys.J. C

    Soft Photons in Hadron-Hadron Collisions: Synchrotron Radiation from the QCD Vacuum?

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    We discuss the production of soft photons in high energy hadron-hadron collisions. We present a model where quarks and antiquarks in the hadrons emit ``synchrotron light'' when being deflected by the chromomagnetic fields of the QCD vacuum, which we assume to have a nonperturbative structure. This gives a source of prompt soft photons with frequencies ω<=300MeV\omega <= 300 MeV in the c.m. system of the collision in addition to hadronic bremsstrahlung. In comparing the frequency spectrum and rate of ``synchrotron'' photons to experimental results we find some supporting evidence for their existence. We make an exclusive--inclusive connection argument to deduce from the ``synchrotron'' effect a behaviour of the neutron electric formfactor GEn(Q2)G_E^n(Q^2) proportional to (Q2)1/6(Q^2)^{1/6} for Q2<20fm2Q^2 < 20 fm^{-2}. We find this to be consistent with available data. In our view, soft photon production in high energy hadron-hadron and lepton-hadron collisions as well as the behaviour of electromagnetic hadron formfactors for low Q2Q^2 are thus sensitive probes of the nonperturbative structure of the QCD vacuum.Comment: Heidelberg preprint HD-THEP-94-36, 31 pages, LaTeX + ZJCITE.sty (included), 12 figures appended as uuencoded compressed ps-fil

    Nuclear effects in the Drell-Yan process at very high energies

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    We study Drell-Yan (DY) dilepton production in proton(deuterium)-nucleus and in nucleus-nucleus collisions within the light-cone color dipole formalism. This approach is especially suitable for predicting nuclear effects in the DY cross section for heavy ion collisions, as it provides the impact parameter dependence of nuclear shadowing and transverse momentum broadening, quantities that are not available from the standard parton model. For p(D)+A collisions we calculate nuclear shadowing and investigate nuclear modification of the DY transverse momentum distribution at RHIC and LHC for kinematics corresponding to coherence length much longer than the nuclear size. Calculations are performed separately for transversely and longitudinally polarized DY photons, and predictions are presented for the dilepton angular distribution. Furthermore, we calculate nuclear broadening of the mean transverse momentum squared of DY dileptons as function of the nuclear mass number and energy. We also predict nuclear effects for the cross section of the DY process in heavy ion collisions. We found a substantial nuclear shadowing for valence quarks, stronger than for the sea.Comment: 46 pages, 18 figures, title changed and some discussion added, accepted for publication in PR

    The fully differential single-top-quark cross section in next-to-leading order QCD

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    We present a new next-to-leading order calculation for fully differential single-top-quark final states. The calculation is performed using phase space slicing and dipole subtraction methods. The results of the methods are found to be in agreement. The dipole subtraction method calculation retains the full spin dependence of the final state particles. We show a few numerical results to illustrate the utility and consistency of the resulting computer implementations.Comment: 37 pages, latex, 2 ps figure

    The Top Quark Decay Vertex in Standard Model Extensions

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    New physics interactions can affect the strength and structure of the tbWtbW vertex. We investigate the magnitudes and phases of "anomalous" contributions to this vertex in a two-Higgs doublet and the minimal supersymmetric extension of the standard model, and in a top-color assisted technicolor (TC2) model. While the magnitudes of the anomalous couplings remain below 1 percent in the first two models, TC2 interactions can reduce the left-chiral coupling fLf_L by several percent.Comment: Latex, 27 pages, 14 figure

    Photospheric and Subphotospheric Dynamics of Emerging Magnetic Flux

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    Magnetic fields emerging from the Sun's interior carry information about physical processes of magnetic field generation and transport in the convection zone. Soon after appearance on the solar surface the magnetic flux gets concentrated in sunspot regions and causes numerous active phenomena on the Sun. This paper discusses some properties of the emerging magnetic flux observed on the solar surface and in the interior. A statistical analysis of variations of the tilt angle of bipolar magnetic regions during the emergence shows that the systematic tilt with respect to the equator (the Joy's law) is most likely established below the surface. However, no evidence of the dependence of the tilt angle on the amount of emerging magnetic flux, predicted by the rising magnetic flux rope theories, is found. Analysis of surface plasma flows in a large emerging active region reveals strong localized upflows and downflows at the initial phase of emergence but finds no evidence for large-scale flows indicating future appearance a large-scale magnetic structure. Local helioseismology provides important tools for mapping perturbations of the wave speed and mass flows below the surface. Initial results from SOHO/MDI and GONG reveal strong diverging flows during the flux emergence, and also localized converging flows around stable sunspots. The wave speed images obtained during the process of formation of a large active region, NOAA 10488, indicate that the magnetic flux gets concentrated in strong field structures just below the surface. Further studies of magnetic flux emergence require systematic helioseismic observations from the ground and space, and realistic MHD simulations of the subsurface dynamics.Comment: 21 pages, 15 figures, to appear in Space Science Review

    Anti-Search for the Glueball Candidate f_J(2220) in Two-Photon Interactions

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    Using 13.3 fb^{-1} of e^+e^- data recorded with the CLEO II and CLEO II.V detector configurations at CESR, we have searched for f_J(2220) decays to K^0_{S} K^0_{S} in untagged two-photon interactions. We report an upper limit on the product of the two-photon partial width and the branching fraction, Gamma_gamma gamma cdot B (f_J(2220) to K^0_{S} K^0_{S}) of less than 1.1 eV at the 95% C.L: systematic uncertainties are included. This dataset is four times larger than that used in the previous CLEO publication.Comment: 10 pages postscript, also available through http://w4.lns.cornell.edu/public/CLNS, Submitted to PRD (R