171 research outputs found
Recent Results from Jefferson Lab
Recent results on studies of the structure of nucleons and nuclei in the
regime of strong interaction QCD are discussed. Use of high current polarized
electron beams, polarized targets, and recoil polarimeters, in conjunction with
modern spectrometers and detector instrumentation allow much more detailed
studies of nucleon and nuclear structure than has been possible in the past.
The CEBAF accelerator at Jefferson Lab was build to study the internal
structure of hadrons in a regime where confinement is important and strong
interaction QCD is the relevant theory. I discuss how the first experiments
already make significant contributions towards an improved understanding of
hadronic structure.Comment: Lecture presented at the International School of Nuclear Physics,
Erice, Sicily, Italy, September 17 - 25, 199
Status of the N* Program at Jefferson Lab
Recent results from JLab on the electromagnetic excitation of nucleon
resonances are presented, and confronted with theoretical predictions.
Preliminary data in the search for undiscovered states are discussed as well.Comment: 7 pages, 11 figures, talk presented at Electron-Nucleus Scattering
VII, Elba, June 24-28,2002, added reference in section 2 and section 4.1,
corrected misleading typographical error in section 4.
Analysis of CLAS data on double charge pion electroproduction
Recent developments in phenomenological analysis of the CLAS data on 2
electroproduction are presented. The contributions from isobar channels and
, electrocouplings at from 0.25 to 0.6
GeV were determined from the analysis of comprehensive data on differential
and fully integrated 2 cross sections. Experiment Numbers: E94-005 Group:
Hall BComment: Paper compiled for NSTAR2007 meetin
The Jlab Upgrade - Studies of the Nucleon with CLAS12
An overview is presented on the program to study the nucleon structure at the
12 GeV JLab upgrade using the CLAS12 detector. The focus is on deeply virtual
exclusive processes to access the generalized parton distributions,
semni-inclusive processes to study transverse momentum dependent distribution
functions, and inclusive spin structure functions and resonance transition form
factors at high Q^2 and with high precision.Comment: 7 pages, 12 figures, NSTAR 2007 conference, Bonn, September 5-8, 200
Tetraquarks and Pentaquarks in String Models
We consider the production and decay of multiquark systems in the framework
of string models where the hadron structure is determined by valence quarks
together with string junctions. We show that the low mass multiquark resonances
can be very narrow.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure
Comment on the Burkhardt - Cottingham and Generalized Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn Sum Rules for the neutron
A description of the generalized Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn sum rule for neutron
is suggested, using its relation to the Burkhardt-Cottingham sum rule.Comment: LATEX, 4 pages, 1 figure in the separate postscript fil
Delta rho pi interaction leading to N* and Delta* resonances
We have performed a calculation for the three body system
by using the fixed center approximation to Faddeev equations, taking the
interaction between and , and, and and
from the chiral unitary approach. We find several peaks in the modulus
squared of the three-body scattering amplitude, indicating the existence of
resonances, which can be associated to known and and baryon states.Comment: Presented at the 21st European Conference on Few-Body Problems in
Physics, Salamanca, Spain, 30 August - 3 September 201
Spin structure of the nucleon at low energies
The spin structure of the nucleon is analyzed in the framework of a
Lorentz-invariant formulation of baryon chiral perturbation theory. The
structure functions of doubly virtual Compton scattering are calculated to
one-loop accuracy (fourth order in the chiral expansion). We discuss the
generalization of the Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn sum rule, the Burkhardt-Cottingham
sum rule and moments of these. We give predictions for the forward and the
longitudinal-transverse spin polarizabilities of the proton and the neutron at
zero and finite photon virtuality. A detailed comparison to results obtained in
heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory is also given.Comment: 29 pp, 14 fig
Burkhardt-Cottingham sum rule and forward spin polarizabilities in Heavy Baryon Chiral Perturbation Theory
We study spin-dependent sum rules for forward virtual Compton
scattering(VVCS) off the nucleon in heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory at
order . We show how these sum rules can be evaluated from low energy
expansions (in the virtual photon energy) of the forward VVCS amplitudes. We
study in particular the Burkhardt -Cottingham sum rule in HBChPT and higher
terms in the low energy expansion, which can be related to the generalized
forward spin polarizabilities of the nucleon. The dependence of these
observables on the photon virtuality can be accessed, at small and
intermediate values, from existing and forthcoming data at Jefferson Lab.Comment: 16 pages,4 fig
Measurements of ep → e′π+π-p′ Cross Sections with CLAS at 1.40 GeV \u3c W \u3c 2.0 GeV and 2.0 GeV² \u3c Q² \u3c 5.0 GeV²
This paper reports new exclusive cross sections for ep → e′π+π-p′ using the CLAS detector at Jefferson Laboratory. These results are presented for the first time at photon virtualities 2.0GeV2 2 \u3c 5.0GeV2 in the center-of-mass energy range 1.4 GeV \u3c W \u3c 2.0 GeV, which covers a large part of the nucleon resonance region. Using a model developed for the phenomenological analysis of electroproduction data, we see strong indications that the relative contributions from the resonant cross sections at W \u3c 1.74 GeV increase with Q2. These data considerably extend the kinematic reach of previous measurements. Exclusive ep → e′π+π-p′ cross section measurements are of particular importance for the extraction of resonance electrocouplings in the mass range above 1.6 GeV
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