57 research outputs found

    Optimization of the Androgenesis Method in the In Vitro Culture of Anteneson the Basis ofT. AestivumHybrids

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    This study aimed to examine the regularities of the regenerationprocesses of haploid plants, the dependence of in vitro microspore morphogenesis in anther culture on optimization factors, and their efficiency in F1 hybrids of T. aestivumof different ecological and geographicorigin. It was found that heterosis contributed to an increased yield of haploid chlorophyll-bearing regenerants from hybrids obtained from the crossing of parental forms with different responsiveness to androclinia. Results were obtained for the complex optimization of the androgenesis method for the in vitro anther culture of T. aestivum, in order to create diploidized haploid lines (DHL) regardless of the influence of the genotype. The agroecological properties for a complex of economically useful traits were also assessed. DHLs were created that combined high yield (5.1-6.8 t / ha) with lodging resistance (straw height – 60-80 cm) and consistently high grain quality; these were characterized by increased resistance to major leaf diseases in comparison with the standard variety in the conditions of the Central Economic Region of the Non-Black Earth Zone of the Russian Federation. Keywords: spring soft wheat, androgenesis, embyroidogenesis, callusogenesis, diploidized haploids, in vitro, yield and qualit

    Use of liquid-gas ejector in liquefied natural gas (LNG) sampling system

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    The article considers the modernization of the periodic sampling system of liquefied natural gas (LNG)by introducing a liquid-gas ejector (LGE) as an alternative to a gas compressor. The unique properties of liquefied natural gas allow the fuel energy to be directed to the ejector without any externalenergy input. Besides, the advantage of this method is that it prevents changes in the original chemical composition of the sample due to the liquid-gas ejector, which does not require lubricating oils. Also, the system reduces the volume of the regasified sample and eliminates the possibility of ejector failure

    Growing of thallium-doped KDP and ADP crystals: structural and optical parameters

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    Studied has been the influence of thallium activator on the growth kinetics and structure perfection of KDP and ADP crystals, the character of its incorporation and distribution in the crystal lattice and the photoluminescence properties. Revealed has been thallium incorporation anisotropy in the prism and pyramid growth sectors of ADP crystals which may be caused by the charge state of the {100} and {101} growth planes. For KDP crystals, thallium incorporation is limited by the ionic radii difference of the K⁺ and Tl⁺ cations. Doping with thallium in amounts up to 1.0 mass % causes no changes in the structure perfection of KDP and ADP crystals. Thereat, for ADP crystals, there the increase of the lattice parameter а by 0.9-⁻³ ± 3-10⁻⁵ А is revealed and the decrease of the parameter с by 1.1-10⁻³±3-10⁻⁵ А. The thallium absorption band in KDP:TI⁺ and ADP:TI⁺ crystals lies near 220 nm, emission band maximum is at 280 nm.Вивченo вплив активатора талiю на кiнетику росту та структурну досконалiсть кристалiв KDP та ADP, характер входження i розподiлу його у кристалiчнiй гратцi та на фотолюмiнесцiйнi властивостi. Виявлено анiзотропiю входження домiшки талiю у сектори росту призми та пiрамiди кристалiв ADP, що може бути обумовлено зарядовим станом площин росту {100} i {101}. У кристалах KDP входження домiшки талiю лiмiтується вiдмiннiстю йонних радiусiв катiонiв K⁺ і Tl⁺. При легуваннi талiєм До 1,0 мас.% кристалiв KDP i ADP змiнення структурної досконалостi не встановлено. При цьому виявлено збiльшення параметра гратки а на 0.9-⁻³ ± 3-10⁻⁵ А та зменшення параметра с на 1.1-10⁻³±3-10⁻⁵ А для ADP кристалiв. Смуга поглинання талiю у кристалах KDP:TI та ADP:TI знаходиться у межах 220 нм, а максимум смуги емiсiї знаходиться на довжинi хвилi 280 нм.Изучено влияние активатора таллия на кинетику роста и структурное совершенство кристаллов KDP и ADP, характер вхождения и распределение его в кристаллической решётке и на фотолюминесцентные свойства. Обнаружена анизотропия вхождения примеси таллия в секторы роста призмы и пирамиды кристаллов ADP, что может быть обусловлено зарядовым состоянием плоскостей роста {100} и {101}. В кристаллах KDP вхождение примеси таллия лимитируется различием ионных радиусов катионов K⁺ и Tl⁺. При легировании таллием до 1.0 масс.% кристаллов KDP и ADP изменения структурного совершенства не установлено. При этом обнаружено увеличение параметра решётки а на 0.9-⁻³ ± 3-10⁻⁵ А и уменьшение параметра с на 1.1-10⁻³±3-10⁻⁵ А для ADP кристаллов. Полоса поглощения таллия в кристаллах KDP:TI⁺ и ADP:TI⁺ лежит в области 220 нм, максимум полосы эмиссии приходится на 280 нм

    Initial stages of diffusion and phase formation in Sc/Si layered systems

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    Kinetics of phase formation Sc/Si multilayers and Si/Sc/Si three-layers within the temperature range of 130-400°C has been studied by cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy and small-angle X-ray reflectometry. Growth of ScSi silicide governed by diffusion kinetics was observed at all temperatures. Two growth stages of nonparabolic and parabolic behavior were revealed. Initial nonparabolic stage is characterized by higher diffusion coefficient, which decreases during annealing in 20 times due to silicide structural relaxation. After annihilation of excess free volume a transition to parabolic growth takes place. Parameters of interdiffusion (activation energy E ≈1 eV and pre-exponential factor D₀ = 4.10⁻¹² m²s⁻¹) were determined for parabolic growth stage