24 research outputs found

    NESTOR: A neutrino particle astrophysics underwater laboratory for the Mediterranean

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    Abstract An underwater neutrino astrophysics laboratory, to be located in the international waters off the Southwest of Greece, near the town of Pylos is now under construction. In the last two years a group of physicists from Greece and Russia have carried out two demonstration experiments in 4km deep water, counting muons and verifying the adequacy of the deep sea site. Plans are presented for a 100, 000 m 2 high energy neutrino detector composed of a hexagon of hexagonal towers, with 1176 optical detector units. A progress report is given and the physics potential of a siggle tower with 168 phototubes (currently under construction) is described

    Higher energy states in the CO dimer: Millimeter-wave spectra and rovibrational calculations

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    Contains fulltext : 34677.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)New extensive millimeter-wave measurements of the (CO)-C-12-O-16 dimer have been made, and more than 300 new spectral transitions have been observed in the frequency range 81-135 GHz. A joint analysis of these and previous millimeter-wave data yielded the precise location of 33 new energy levels of A(+) symmetry and 20 levels of A(-) symmetry. These energy levels are located at 8-18 cm(-1) above the zero-point level. Some of them belong to already known stacks, and others make up 9 new stacks of the dimer. Newly determined stacks have K = 0, 1, and, for the first time, 2, where K is the projection of the total angular momentum on the intermolecular axis. The energy levels from accompanying rovibrational calculations with the use of a recently developed hybrid CCSD(T)/DFT-SAPT potential are in very good agreement with experiment. Analysis of the calculated wave functions revealed that two new stacks of A(+) symmetry with K = 2 correspond to overall rotation of the dimer while the other newly observed stacks belong to the geared bend overtone modes. The ground vibrational states of the two "isomers" found are more or less localized at the two minima in the potential surface, whereas all the geared bend excited states show a considerable amount of delocalization

    Conditions causing the blast jet to break through the melt

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    30.00; Translated from Russian (Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Chern. Metall. 1987 (5) p. 128-134 )SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:9022.06(BISI-Trans--26124)T / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    Isotope effects in the CO dimer: Millimeter wave spectrum and rovibrational calculations of ((CO)-C-12-O-18)(2)

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    The millimeter wave spectrum of the isotopically substituted CO dimer, ((CO)-C-12-O-18)(2), was studied with the Orotron jet spectrometer, confirming and extending a previous infrared study [A. R. W. McKellar, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 226, 190 (2004)]. A very dilute gas mixture of CO in Ne was used, which resulted in small consumption of (CO)-C-12-O-18 sample gas and produced cold and simple spectra. Using the technique of combination differences together with the data from the infrared work, six transitions in the 84-127 GHz region have been assigned. They belong to two branches, which connect four low levels of A(+) symmetry to three previously unknown levels of A(-) symmetry. The discovery of the lowest state of A(-) symmetry, which corresponds to the projection K=0 of the total angular momentum J onto the intermolecular axis, identifies the geared bending mode of the (CO)-C-12-O-18 dimer at 3.607 cm(-1). Accompanying rovibrational calculations using a recently developed hybrid potential from ab initio coupled cluster [CCSD(T)] and symmetry-adapted perturbation theory calculations [G. W. M. Vissers , J. Chem. Phys. 122, 054306 (2005)] gave very good agreement with experiment. The isotopic dependence of the A(+)/A(-) energy splitting, the intermolecular separation R, and the energy difference of two ground state isomers, which change significantly when O-18 or C-13 are substituted into the normal ((CO)-C-12-O-16)(2) isotopolog [L. A. Surin , J. Mol. Spectrosc. 223, 132 (2004)], was explained by these calculations. It turns out that the change in anisotropy of the intermolecular potential with respect to the shifted monomer centers of mass is particularly significant. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics

    NESTOR experiment in 2003

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    NESTOR is a submarine high-energy muon and neutrino telescope, now under construction for deployment in the Mediterranean close to Greek shores. The first floor of NESTOR with 12 optical modules was deployed successfully in March 2003 together with the electronics system. All systems and the associated environmental monitoring units are operating properly and data are being recorded. The status of the NESTOR project is presented. We outline briefly the construction of the deepwater neutrino telescope, properties of the NESTOR site, infrastructure of the project, the deployment of the first floor, and its current operation. The first data are presented and plans for the next steps are summarized. © 2004 MAIK "Nauka/Interperiodica"