46 research outputs found

    Condition of bone marrow of mice under the influence of interleukin-2 during physical exercise

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    Summary. The study of the indirect effect of cytokines is relevant. IL-2, in turn, has a significant effect on the hematopoietic system, both in clinical and experimental studies. The target cells of IL-2 are T- and B-lymphocytes, monocytes/macrophages, NK cells, dendritic cells and other cells on which specific membrane receptors are expressed. Because IL-2 is at the top of the cytokine cascade, any alteration in IL-2 signaling, especially under stress, will rapidly upregulate the homeostatic balance in the bone marrow, leading to major shifts in proliferation. Thus, IL-2 has an effect both on the hematopoietic process and on peripheral blood cells. The aim of the study – to investigate the effect of IL-2 on the bone marrow cells of mice under conditions of physical training. Materials and Methods. The study was conducted on sexually mature male laboratory mice for 6 weeks. Five experimental and one control (without physical training) groups of animals were formed. Group 1 received IL-2 inhibitor (Cyclosporin) (10 mg/kg), Groups 2, 3 and 4 received IL-2 (Roncoleukin) in concentrations of 5000, 7500 and 30000 IU/kg, respectively, Group 5 received sterile physiological solution. The method of forced swimming to exhaustion with a load was used as physical training. Femur bones were isolated from experimental animals and bone marrow impressions were obtained, which were stained with May-Grunwald-Giemsa dye and the population of bone marrow cells and their percentage ratio (myelogram) were counted using an immersion microscope system. The neutrophil maturation index and the leuko-erythroblastic ratio were also mathematically calculated at each stage of the study. Results. Compared to the control in the 6th Week of the study, the number of basophilic normoblasts was lower in all experimental groups except the 2nd, the decrease ranged from 37.5 % – Group 1 to 87.5 % – Group 4. The number of segmented neutrophils was significantly higher in all experimental groups, regardless of exposure. This may be the result of physical training, but under the influence of IL-2 in the average concentration, the indicator was the highest. Also, the number of promyelocytes was significantly lower than the control in Groups 1, 2 and 3 (by 55.8; 67.4 and 44.2 %), and metamyelocytes – in Groups 2, 3 and 4 (by 48.4; 38, 7 and 54.8 %). At the same time, the number of lymphocytes was higher in Groups 1 and 2 by 105.6 % and 138.8 %, respectively. The content of basophils was higher than the control in Groups 2 and 3 by 4 times, in Group 4 by 7.3 times. Against this background, the content of eosinophils, pronormoblasts, oxyphilic normoblasts and plasma cells did not undergo significant changes. Conclusions. IL-2 clearly affects myelopoiesis in the hematopoietic system. Heterogeneous changes in bone marrow indicators were noted in experimental groups of animals. It was shown that IL-2 in all concentrations had an effect on increasing the leuko-erythroblastic ratio, the most in high concentration, which indicates hyperplasia of leukopoiesis cells as in intoxication. An increase in the absolute content of mature forms of neutrophils was established in animals with the introduction of IL-2 in low and medium concentrations, which led to a decrease in the neutrophil maturation index (by 55.1 % and 39.7 %

    The Growth of CdTe Layer on GaAs Substrate by MBE

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    We present the results of growth of CdTe layer on (013)GaAs substrate. The sequence processes include the preparation of GaAs surface by chemical etching and annealing in ultra-high vacuum, the growth of ZnTe layer on atomically clean GaAs surface and then the growth of CdTe layer on ZnTe/GaAs. All processes were carried out without removing GaAs substrate from MBE set. The processes were controlled by RHEED and single wavelength ellipsometry. We found that the evaporation of arsenic oxides and gallium oxides from the (001)GaAs surface were observed at over 400 and 500°C, respectively. The growth of CdTe on (001)GaAs leads to appearance of mixture orientations because of large mismatch of lattice parameters. We study the growth of ZnTe on (001)GaAs and (013)GaAs substrates to prevent the growth of mixture orientations. We study the influence of cadmium and tellurium ratio in molecular fluxes and temperature on the growth mechanism of ZnTe and CdTe, crystal perfection, surface roughness and defects density. The optimal condition for growth of high quality thick CdTe on GaAs substrate were found

    Project “IREN”. Current status

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    The pulsed source of Intense REsonance Neutrons (IREN), similar to the source-booster LUE-40–IBR-30 that operated at JINR till 2001, traditionally represents a combination of a driver − a linear electron accelerator LUE-200 − and of a target-converter. At the first stage of realization of the IREN project it is planned to use a non-multiplying target-converter with truncated pulse duration. An electron gun (a source of electrons) for LUE-200 was created and tested with the following parameters: beam current up to 5 A, electron energy up to 200 keV, repetition rate 50 Hz, pulse duration 400…500 ns.Интенсивный импульсный источник резонансных нейтронов ИРЕН представляет собой традиционную комбинацию из драйвера − линейного ускорителя электронов ЛУЭ-200 и мишени-конвертера. На первой стадии выполнения проекта ИРЕН запланировано использовать неумножающую мишень-конвертер с ограниченной продолжительностью импульса. Создана и испытана электронная пушка (источник электронов) для ЛУЭ-200 с параметрами: ток пучка до 5 А, энергия электронов до 200 кэВ, частота повторения импульсов 50 Гц, длительность импульса электронов 400…500 нс.Інтенсивне імпульсне джерело резонансних нейтронів ІРЕН являє собою традиційну комбінацію із драйвера лінійного прискорювача електронів ЛПЕ-200 і мішені-конвертера. На першій стадії виконання проекту ІРЕН заплановано використати непримножуючу мішень-конвертер з обмеженою тривалістю імпульсу. Створена і випробувана електронна гармата (джерело електронів) для ЛПЕ-200 з параметрами: струм пучка до 5 А, енергія електронів до 200 кеВ, частота повторення імпульсів 50 Гц, тривалість імпульсу електронів 400...500 нс

    The full-scale microwave-stand of LUE-200 accelerator at IREN facility

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    World experience in management and development of transport and logistics systems

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    1. Масенко Т.Є. Проблеми управління транспортно-логістичними системами України та перспективи розвитку в контексті європейської інтеграції / Т.Є. Масенко, С.Г. Шевченко // Науковий вісник НЛТУУ. – 2007. –№ 17.2. – 301–305. 2. Гринів Л.В. Шляхи підвищення конкурентоспроможності міжнародних транспортних перевезень / Л.В. Гринів, С.М. Синиця // Наука й економіка. – 2010. – № 3 (19). – С.115–121. 3. Кузьменко А. В. Досвід та закономірності формування світової транспортно-логістичної інфраструктури / А. В. Кузьменко // Журнал науковий огляд. – 2015. – № 7 (17). – С. 1-14. 4. Питуляк Н. С. Зарубіжний досвід функціонування логістичних центрів. Маркетинг інновацій і інновації в маркетингу: збірник тез доповідей Четвертої міжнародної науково- практичної конференції (29 вересня – 1 жовтня 2010 року). Суми: Сумський державний університет. – 2010. –С. 175–177. 5. Транспортно-логістичні центри: світовий досвід. URL: http://www.elc-ua.com/ru/news/60. 6. Кирлик Н.Ю. Європейський досвід розвитку транспортно-логістичних центрів URL: https://dspace.uzhnu.edu.ua/jspui/bitstream/lib/31122/1.pdf. 7. Тарнавська Н.П. Організаційні та інфраструктурні передумови створення міжнародного логістичного центру / Тарнавська Н.П., Сивак Р.Б. // Бізнес–Інформ. – 2013. – № 13. – С. 29–35. 8. Китай: транспортна мережа. [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: https://dovidka.biz.ua/kitay-transportna-merezha. 9. Пасічник А.М., Кутирєв В.В. Світовий досвід створення транспортно-логістичної Інфраструктури: стан та перспективи застосування в Україні. [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: http://biblio.umsf.dp.ua/jspui/bitstream/123456789/1986/1.pdf. 10. Китай продовжує вливати інвестиції у транспортну інфраструктуру. [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: https://logist.today/uk/dnevnik_logista/2017-12-27/kitaj-prodolzhaet-vlivat-investicii-v-transportnuju-infrastrukturu.Розглянуто світовий досвід управління та розвитку транспортно-логістичних систем. Показано, що постійні інвестиції у розвиток транспортно-логістичних систем та їх модернізація є вирішальним фактором зростання.The world experience of management and development of transport and logistics systems is considered. It is shown that constant investment in the development of transport and logistics systems and their modernization is a decisive factor in growth

    HgCdTe quantum wells grown by molecular beam epitaxy

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    CdxHg₁₋xTe-based (x = 0 – 0.25) quantum wells (QWs) of 8 – 22 nm in thickness were grown on (013) CdTe/ZnTe/GaAs substrates by molecular beam epitaxy. The composition and thickness (d) of wide-gap layers (spacers) were x ∼ 0.7 mol.frac. and d ∼ 35 nm, respectively, at both sides of the quantum well. The thickness and composition of epilayers during the growth were controlled by ellipsometry in situ. It was shown that the accuracy of thickness and composition were ∆x = ± 0.002, ∆d = ± 0.5 nm. The central part of spacers (10 nm thick) was doped by indium up to a carrier concentration of ∼10¹⁵ cm⁻³ . A CdTe cap layer 40 nm in thickness was grown to protect QW. The compositions of the spacer and QWs were determined by measuring the Е₁ and Е₁+∆₁ peaks in reflection spectra using layer-by-layer chemical etching. The galvanomagnetic investigations (the range of magnetic fields was 0 – 13 T) of the grown QW showed the presence of a 2D electron gas in all the samples. The 2D electron mobility µe = (2.4 – 3.5)×10⁵ cm² /(V·s) for the concentrations N = (1.5 – 3)×10¹¹ cm⁻² (x < 0.11) that confirms a high quality of the grown QWs

    In Situ Spectral Magnetoellipsometry for Structural, Magnetic and Optical Properties of Me/Si (Me Mn, Fe) Nanolayers

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    In our work we present in-situ spectral magnetoellipsometer is equipped with sapphire manipulator. which allows us to carry out in-situ and in-time optical and magnetooptical measurements in the range from 10 K to 1500 K in spectral range 1.5 eV-4.0 eV (830 nm-300 nm), the range of magnetic fields is +/-0.4 T. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3555