27 research outputs found

    Role of radial electric field in LH transition triggered by counter-NBI at low plasma Density in the TUMAN-3M tokamak

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    Threshold power needed to attain H-mode in a tokamak is a critical parameter for designing of future devices and in particular fusion reactor ITER [1]. According to commonly accepted scaling [2] the threshold power Pthr increases with average density ne when the density exceeds some ne min at which Pthr is minimal. An increase in the Pthr towards low density was observed in many experiments [3-6], prevents the transition at lower ne as well. Physics of the threshold power increase at low ne is not well understood. Since the radial electric field Er and Er×B sheared flow play important roles in the LH transition one could expect these quantities effect the low transitions. Toroidal rotation and radial electric field generation during counter-NBI have been studied in [7] and recently reconsidered theoretically in [8]. Thus, motivation for the presented study is to analyze effect of counter-NBI on the LH transition at low density.Гранична потужність Pthr, необхідна для переходу в H-режим, є критичним параметром при проектуванні термоядерних установок, у тому числі реактора ITER [1]. Відповідно до загальноприйнятого скейлинга [2] Pthr збільшується з ростом середньої щільності плазми ne, якщо ne перевершує деяке значення, при якому Pthr мінімальна. Збільшення Pthr при низьких щільностях також спостерігалося в багатьох експериментах [3-6]. Фізика цього явища до кінця не з'ясована. Однак, з огляду на той факт, що радіальне електричне поле Er і Er×B обертання плазми відіграють важливу роль у механізмі LH-переходу, можна очікувати, що ці фактори впливають і на LH-перехід при низьких щільностях. Явища тороїдального обертання плазми і появи Er під час контр-інжекції пучка нейтральних атомів були недавно досліджені як експериментально [7], так і теоретично [8]. Метою роботи, що представляється, є аналіз впливу контр-інжекції на процес LH-переходу при низькій щільності.Пороговая мощность Pthr, необходимая для перехода в H-режим, является критическим параметром при проектировании термоядерных установок, в том числе реактора ITER [1]. В соответствии с общепринятым скейлингом [2] Pthr увеличивается с ростом средней плотности плазмы ne, если ne превосходит некоторое значение, при котором Pthr минимальна. Увеличение Pthr при низких плотностях также наблюдалось во многих экспериментах [3-6]. Физика этого явления до конца не выяснена. Однако, учитывая тот факт, что радиальное электрическое поле Er и Er×B вращение плазмы играют важную роль в механизме LH-перехода, можно ожидать, что эти факторы влияют и на LH-переход при низких плотностях. Явления тороидального вращения плазмы и появления Er во время контр-инжекции пучка нейтральных атомов были недавно исследованы как экспериментально [7], так и теоретически [8]. Целью представляемой работы является анализ влияния контр-инжекции на процесс LH-перехода при низкой плотности

    Comparative Analysis of Speech Behavior Stereotypes in the Speech of Children and Adults

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    Stereotyped lexical units are presented to the recipient as carriers of some relatively stable connotative, emotional and evaluative motivation. The achievement of the desired effect is explained, in particular, by the fact that the communication process, as a rule, occurs in non-verbal activity, and the personal meaning is also assimilated by the individual within the framework of non-verbal activity. The effectiveness of the influence of the stereotype on the consciousness of the individual is due to the explicitly expressed emotionality present in it. Figurative comparisons, rhyme, alliteration, and elements of conversational style act as factors that enhance the emotionality of stereotypes. The emergence of stereotypes is also associated with ethnopsycholinguistic factors. The reasons for the appearance of stereotypes in children's speech and in the speech of adults are directly opposite. In adult speech, the use of the name of a specific situation in place of the name of abstract semantics is permissible due to the existence of some ready-made schemes, since both the speaker and the listener possess a mechanism for determining the generality of class indicators, systematizing them, including them in the designation paradigm. In a child, the use of an utterance to denote an entire situation marks the process of building a paradigm of designation, the development of class indicators and their generalization. Therefore, conversational stereotypes are more widespread in the speech of adults than in the speech of children

    Metaphorical Epithets and Their Stylistic Functions

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    This article is devoted to the study of stylistic functions of metaphorical epithets in a poetic text. Many works are devoted to metaphor, which apparently occupies the main place among the linguistic means of expressing images. However, the question of the stylistic functions of metaphorical epithets is still not fully clarified. One of the laws of language development is manifested in the metaphorization of words, but the metaphorical meaning of a word is manifested only in context, thanks to the movement of the word into a new lexical environment. According to the established scientific tradition, it is customary to distinguish between general-language and individual-author metaphorization, while the functions of general-language and individual-author (poetic) metaphors are different: through general-language metaphorization, first of all, the expansion of the meaning of a word is achieved; in a poetic text, a metaphor gives a condensed characteristic of a particular subject, often claiming to penetrate into its essence, and it is aimed at revealing his individuality. The quality of metaphorical formations is also influenced by the genre in which the literary work is created. Depending on the genre and style of the work, there are not only techniques, but also means of metaphorization. Artistic methods also impose a certain seal on metaphorization. Analysis of metaphorical epithets in the light of the stated general provisions on metaphor and the essence of metaphorization based on the poems of A.S. Pushkin "The Caucasian Prisoner", M.Y. Lermontov "Mtsyri", I.S. Nikitin "Kulak" and N.A. Nekrasov's "Frost, Red Nose" showed that metaphorical epithets can be created by qualitative and relative adjectives. At the same time, common-language metaphorical epithets most often represent stable expressions of a living spoken language and thus indicate the nationality of the language, emphasize the national specifics of the works. In the creation of individual metaphorical epithets, the innovation of poets in the field of metaphorical creativity is clearly manifested, and a significant increase in the proportion of evaluative metaphorical epithets in the poems of Nikitin and Nekrasov, compared with the poems of Pushkin and Lermontov, is an undeniable consequence of their social orientation


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    First report of rhizogenic strains of agrobacterium radiobacter biovar 1 causing root mat of cucumber and Tomato in Russia

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    Since 2013, many hydroponic cucumber (Cucumis sativus) and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) crops in the Russian Federation have been affected by a root disorder known as “root mat” or “crazy roots.” The symptoms include extensive root proliferation within rockwool propagation cubes. Crazy roots has been reported in United Kingdom, France (Weller et al. 2000), and Japan (Sawada and Azegami 2014), where it caused significant reductions in marketable yield. The causal agent of this disease was shown to be wild-type Agrobacterium radiobacter biovar 1 strains harboring a Ri-plasmid (Weller et al. 2000). In the Russian Federation, crazy roots was found for the first time in winter 2013-2014 in the Novgorod Region on cucumber and tomato plants grown hydroponically in rockwool. The disease incidence in these outbreaks ranged from 50 to 100%. Rhizogenic strains of A. radiobacterbiovar 1 were isolated from affected roots, cucumber vines, tomato stems, internal tissue of fruits and seeds, rockwool, and irrigation water pumped from a local river during cultivation. Plant samples were surface-sterilized, homogenized, and 10-fold serial dilutions of the resulting suspensions were plated onto RS medium (Moore et al. 2001). Liquid from rockwool and water samples were used for serial dilutions and isolation of bacteria on RS medium as well. Isolation plates were incubated for 5 days at 28°C until bacterial colonies developed. Colonies consistent with the expected morphology ofAgrobacterium spp. on RS medium were subcultured on yeast dextrose calcium carbonate agar (YDC). Putative Agrobacterium isolates were confirmed by real-time-PCR assay as described previously (Weller and Stead 2002). In 2014, cucumber and tomato plants with similar symptoms were obtained from glasshouses in five regions of the Russian Federation. In Rostov and Novosibirsk regions, virulent Agrobacterium radiobacter bv1 was also isolated from irrigation water during cultivation. The identity of all recovered isolates (n = 36) was confirmed by biochemical tests as previously described (Moore et al. 2001) and real-time-PCR assay (Weller and Stead 2002). Suspensions of 10 isolates of the bacterium from 6 locations, deposited in the Russian Collection of Plant Pathogenic Microorganisms (Russian Institute of Phytopathology) as Ag2701 to Ag2710 were inoculated into seedlings of susceptible varieties ‘Marfinskii’ (cucumber) and ‘Gavrosh’ (tomato), as described by Weller et al. (2000). Symptoms were seen on all inoculated plants four to five weeks after inoculation, as increased root production across the propagation rockwool cube surface. Rhizogenic Agrobacterium strains were reisolated from all the slabs with symptomatic plants. No symptoms developed and no rhizogenicAgrobacterium radiobacter strains were isolated from control plants. Sequence typing of the housekeeping genes atpD, glnA, and recA was done according to the protocol and primers described by Puławska et al. (2012) for strains Ag2701-Ag2706 from six regions in Russia. Sequences were deposited in GenBank (atpD, glnA, and recA sequences as Accession Nos. KT831395 to KT831400, KT831401 to KT831406, and KT831407 to KT831412, respectively). BLAST analysis revealed that the sequenced genes for the recently isolated Agrobacterium spp. had 98 to 100% homology to those of A. radiobacter strain NCPPB 2659. This is the first record of rhizogenic Agrobacterium radiobacter causing root mat symptoms in cucumber and tomato in the Russian Federation. © 2016 The American Phytopathological Society