669 research outputs found

    Field-Dependent Hall Effect in Single Crystal Heavy Fermion YbAgGe below 1K

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    We report the results of a low temperature (T >= 50 mK) and high field (H <= 180 kOe) study of the Hall resistivity in single crystals of YbAgGe, a heavy fermion compound that demonstrates field-induced non-Fermi-liquid behavior near its field-induced quantum critical point. Distinct features in the anisotropic, field-dependent Hall resistivity sharpen on cooling down and at the base temperature are close to the respective critical fields for the field-induced quantum critical point. The field range of the non-Fermi-liquid region decreases on cooling but remains finite at the base temperature with no indication of its conversion to a point for T -> 0. At the base temperature, the functional form of the field-dependent Hall coefficient is field direction dependent and complex beyond existing simple models thus reflecting the multi-component Fermi surface of the material and its non-trivial modification at the quantum critical point

    Interactive Grid-access using MATLAB

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    Fast Auto-adaptive Gain Adaption for Improved Signal Dynamics

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    In our 3D Ultrasound Computer Tomography system (USCT), the 12 bit ADC and factor 10 VGA are insufficient to resolve the smallest interesting signals. An adaptive front-end gain can solve this by object specific adaptions during the measurement. The 3D USCT II of the KIT device contains 157 Transmitter Array System (TAS). Each TAS has 13 piezoelectric transducers, corresponding analog signal front end (AFE) and an MSP430FG66xx series microcontroller (MCU). All TAS are connected to a control board through a two-wire serial bus system. Direct Memory Access (DMA) was used in the hardware to control the interrupt of the Universal Serial Communication Interfaces module (USCI). To complete the data transfer without occupying the MCUs of the TAS. A location-based general call was developed in the control system. The host transmits one frame long message to all TAS in a general call mode. This message contains the configurations of all TAS for the next measurement step. The address of each TAS corresponds to the location of each configuration in the long message. Thus, in the broadcast mode, each TAS only obtains the configuration information required by itself. With these two improvements, to configure all of the TAS can be reduced to less than 3 ms, which is the shortest measurement interval. The here proposed solution allows a fast dynamic control of the front-end electronics during measurement without extending the measurement time significantly

    Anisotropic Hc2 of K0.8Fe1.76Se2 determined up to 60 T

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    The anisotropic upper critical field, Hc2(T), curves for K0.8Fe1.76Se2 are determined over a wide range of temperatures down to 1.5 K and magnetic fields up to 60 T. Anisotropic initial slopes of Hc2 ~ -1.4 T/K and -4.6 T/K for magnetic field applied along c-axis and ab-plane, respectively, were observed. Whereas the c-axis Hc2|c(T) increases quasi-linearly with decreasing temperature, the ab-plane Hc2|ab(T) shows a flattening, starting near 25 K above 30 T. This leads to a non-monotonic temperature dependence of the anisotropy parameter \gamma= Hc2|ab/Hc2|c. The anisotropy parameter is ~ 2 near Tc ~ 32 K and rises to a maximum \gamma ~ 3.6 around 27 K. For lower temperatures, \gamma decreases with T in a linear fashion, dropping to \gamma ~ 2.5 by T ~ 18 K. Despite the apparent differences between the K0.8Fe1.76Se2 and (Ba0.55K0.45)Fe2As2 or Ba(Fe0.926Co0.074)2As2, in terms of the magnetic state and proximity to an insulating state, the Hc2(T) curves are remarkably similar.Comment: slightly modified version, accepted to PRB, Rapid Communication

    Improved temperature measurement and modeling for 3D USCT II

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    Medical visualization plays a key role in the early diagnosis and detection of symptoms related to breast cancer. However, currently doctors must struggle to extract accurate and relevant information from the 2D models on which the medical field still relies. The problem is that 2D models lack the spatial definition necessary to extract all of the information a doctor might want. In order to address this gap, we are developing a machine capable of performing ultrasound computer tomography and reconstructing 3D images of the breasts - the KIT 3D USCT II. In order to accurately reconstruct the 3D image using ultrasound, we must first have an accurate temperature model. This is because the speed of sound varies significantly based on the temperature of the medium (in our case, water). We address this issue in three steps: so-called super-sampling, calibration, and modeling. Using these three steps, we were able to improve the accuracy of the hardware from ±1°C to just under 0.1°C

    Method to Extract Frequency Dependent Material Attenuation for Improved Transducer Models

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    The time response of the ultrasound transducers used in our 3D ultrasound tomography device shows a slight reverberation. This may causes artifacts in the reconstructed images. Loss properties of materials used in the array fabrication have a big impact on their complex vibration behavior. Unfortunately, material parameters for accurate modeling are often not available in literature. Here, we present a method to derive loss properties of polymers and composites and how to include them in a finite element analysis (FEA). The method has three steps: First, an experiment to measure the frequency and thickness dependent sound attenuation. Second, a brute-force fit to a frequency-power law expression to obtain an analytic formulation. Third, a conversion of the sound attenuation to an equivalent structural loss factor. The last step is necessary as acoustic attenuation can not directly be implemented in structural mechanics FEA. We applied the method to derive loss properties of the filler and backing material which we use for our ultrasound transducer arrays. When including the loss factor in the simulation a reverberation is predicted, which matches the measurement well. Hence, considering loss properties allows more accurate modeling of complex vibration behavior. This aids in optimizing our ultrasound transducer array design towards better 3D ultrasound imaging
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