3,717 research outputs found

    A Comparison and Strategy of Semantic Segmentation on Remote Sensing Images

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    In recent years, with the development of aerospace technology, we use more and more images captured by satellites to obtain information. But a large number of useless raw images, limited data storage resource and poor transmission capability on satellites hinder our use of valuable images. Therefore, it is necessary to deploy an on-orbit semantic segmentation model to filter out useless images before data transmission. In this paper, we present a detailed comparison on the recent deep learning models. Considering the computing environment of satellites, we compare methods from accuracy, parameters and resource consumption on the same public dataset. And we also analyze the relation between them. Based on experimental results, we further propose a viable on-orbit semantic segmentation strategy. It will be deployed on the TianZhi-2 satellite which supports deep learning methods and will be lunched soon.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, ICNC-FSKD 201

    Simulated synchrotron and Inverse Compton emission from Pulsar Wind Nebulae

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    We present a complete set of diagnostic tools aimed at reproducing synthetic non-thermal (synchrotron and/or Inverse Compton, IC) emissivity, integrated flux energy, polarization and spectral index simulated maps in comparison to observations. The time dependent relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (RMHD) equations are solved with a shock capturing code together with the evolution of the maximum particles energy. Applications to Pulsar Wind Nebulae (PWNe) are shown.Comment: 3 pages, 7 figures, proceeding of the conference "40 Years of Pulsars ", 12-17 August 2007, Montreal, Canada, submitted to AI

    Intraluminal recanalization of long infrainguinal chronic total occlusions using the Crosser system

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    Purpose: To assess the safety and efficacy of a device for vibrational angioplasty in the percutaneous intraluminal recanalization of long infrainguinal chronic total occlusions (CTO). Technique: The Crosser CTO Recanalization System is a mechanical recanalization device that uses high-frequency vibrational energy to disrupt and channel through fibrocalcific plaque without harming the vessel wall, thus assisting in the recanalization of an occluded artery. In 12 diabetic patients (7 men; median age 71 years, range 58–80) with critical limb ischemia owing to long (median length 26 cm, range 21–32) infrainguinal CTOs resistant to conventional guidewire techniques, the Crosser CTO Recanalization System was successful in intraluminally crossing the occlusion in 9 (75%) patients in ,5 minutes (mean 4:03 minutes). The safety endpoint (distal lumen guidewire position with no vessel perforation or dissection) was achieved in all successful cases. Conclusion: In our preliminary experience, the Crosser CTO Recanalization Catheter decreased crossing time, was safe, and achieved a high rate of intraluminal recanalization of long infrainguinal CTOs. J Endovasc Ther. 2009;16:23–27 Key words: critical limb ischemia, chronic total occlusion, percutaneous interventions, infrainguinal occlusion, intraluminal recanalization, vibrational energ

    Neogene tectono-sedimentary interaction between the Calabrian Accretionary Wedge and the Apulian Foreland in the northern Ionian Sea

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    The structural setting of the northern Ionian Sea is the result of the collision between the Calabrian Accretionary Wedge (CAW) and the adjacent foreland, i.e. the Apulian Carbonate Platform. The CAW represents a sector of the Apennine accretionary system extending in the Ionian Sea, bounded to the west by the Malta Escarpment and to the east by the Apulia Escarpment. This work presents the results of the interpretation of new seismic and bathymetric data acquired on the north-eastern edge of the CAW, in the N-Ionian Sea. The data interpretation has identified four main structural domains from NE to SW: 1. The Apulian carbonate Platform consisting of foreland shelf and transitional Mesozoic-Cenozoic carbonate deposits; 2. A narrow foredeep basin, filled by a very thick Plio-Quaternary succession; 3. A deformed domain, at the front of the CAW, incorporating thrusted foredeep sequences and a carbonate block of the Apulian Platform (Transpressed Apulian Block, TAB); 4. A highly deformed pre-Pliocene accretionary wedge. A mid-Pliocene unconformity interpreted on both the CAW and Apulian Foreland suggests that a regional tectonic event occurred at that time, related to the evolution of Calabrian Arc, moving on the subducting oceanic Ionian slab before the collision. This event would correspond to a main tilting and faulting phase of the Apulian Foreland during the diachronous oblique collision with the CAW. The collision and the presence of a remnant of Ionian foreland at the southern front of the accretionary prism, caused a gradual transition to a transpressional tectonics which produced the uplift of the TAB. The TAB would be the south-east continuation of the Amendolara ridge transpressed structure, which forms the offshore extension of the Pollino range. This transpressed shear zone involving the Apulian Foreland developed above the transition between the Adriatic continental crust and the subducting Ionian oceanic crust

    RFID technology for blood tracking: An experimental approach for benchmarking different devices

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    OBJECTIVE: The objective of the paper is to design a testing protocol to measure performances of RFID devices applied to blood supply chain, and to implement an experimental campaign in order to collect performance data. The protocol matches operational conditions in blood supply chain and is particularly tailored to some critical processes, which can benefit from RFID adoption. The paper thus strives at benchmarking performances of inlays, fixed and handheld RFID readers, when deployed in the blood supply chain processes. DESIGN, METHODOLOGY, APPROACH: The adopted testing protocol enables the assessment of performances of RFID devices in processes of the blood supply chain, since it has been developed peculiarly to emulate critical logistics processes. The testing protocol has been designed jointly with hospital personnel involved in every day operations on blood bags and tubes in order to improve processes, in terms of safety and reliability. The testing protocol has been applied to 3 inlays, 2 fixed readers, 1 mobile handheld in 3 logistics processes, all operating according to UHF EPC class 1 gen 2 protocols and ETSI regulations. We measured and compared read rates, accuracies and read times. FINDINGS: The results of the test give a direct insight of performances to be expected from different RFID devices when deployed in a real-world environment. Therefore, it is possible to give answers to how a specific piece of hardware - such as an inlay or a reader - performs, and how it can be effectively used to improve security of patients in healthcare. At the same time, researchers focusing on the business process reengineering of blood supply chain can assess the technical feasibility of the RFID-reengineered logistics processes in order to improve the safety of end users

    Structured prediction for urban scene semantic segmentation with geographic context

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    Importance of Sexual Function Assessment in Multidimensional Evaluation of AGHD Patients: Results from the MAGHD Study.

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    Background: Adult growth hormone deficiency (AGHD) is a debilitating clinical condition leading to decreased quality of life (QoL). The impact of reduced muscle mass, weakening and loss of vitality on QoL have been well characterized in AGHD. The impact of AGHD on sexual function, a recognized factor able to modify well-being, has never been investigated. Aim: To investigate the prevalence of sexual dysfunction in AGHD patients referring to a single endocrinological center and grouped according to their his- tory of r-hGH therapy.Methods: The Management of Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency (MAGHD) Study is a pro- spective, real-life trial aiming to improve management of AGHD patients through a smartphone app (MAGHD App)and a wearable device. The 83 AGHD enrolled patients (31 Females, 52 Males, mean age 56.27 + 14.68 years) were divided in 3 groups (G) according to r-hGH therapy: on long-term r-hGH therapy (G1, n=32), previously treated with r-hGH (G2, n=20), never treated (G3, n=31). Within the first phase of the study, a large database was created collecting clinical, biochemical and psychological data. In addition to QLS-H and QoL-AGHDA routinely used to as- sess QoL, IIEF-15 and FSFI were employed to evaluate sexual function in males and females, respectively. The nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis test was used for compar- ison among 3 groups.Results: Here only baseline data of the MAGHD Study are presented.According to IIEF-15 results, the prevalence of erectile dysfunction (ED) in male AGHD cohort was 60%. Erectile function (EF) score was signifi- cantly higher in G1 compared to both G2 and G3 (p < 0.05) with an ED prevalence of 35% in G1, 75% in G2 and 75% in G3. Even excluding patients with serum testosterone lower than 2 ng/ml and older than 65 years, ED prevalence did not change significantly in the 3 groups. Moreover, EF do- main was inversely and directly correlated to age (R20.130, β-0.360) and IGF1 levels (R20.156, β0.395), respectively. The prevalence of female sexual dysfunction according to FSFI was 89.3%. Even though desire, arousal, lubrication and overall scores were significantly higher (better results) in G1 compared to G2 and G3 (p < 0.05), no correlation resulted between FSFI domains and IGF1 levels. Instead an inverse correlation resulted between desire domain and age.Conclusions: This study, performed in a real-life clinical setting, demonstrates a high prevalence of sexual dysfunc- tion in AGHD patients and that r-hGH treatment seems to be associated to better sexual outcomes. These results suggest that the evaluation of sexual function should be in- tegrated in the global assessment of AGHD patients since sexual activity is a fundamental domain able to influence both well-being and QoL

    Caracterización de la composición lignocelulósica y lípidos residuales en racimos de frutos vacíos del procesado de aceite de palma

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    Empty fruit bunches (EFBs) are an agro-industrial residue discarded in the environment when the fresh palm fruits are removed for oil extraction. EFBs are abundant in palm-oil-producing countries and cause environmental problems. Besides their content in lignocellulosic, EFBs also contain amounts of residual lipids from the separation process. Because the palm fruit has two main types of oil from the pulp (palm oil) or the seeds (kernal oil), the residual EFBs lipids may have different compositions. Thus, this work aimed at characterizing the lignocellulosic content and the residual lipids in two EFBs from different palm oil producers. The EFBs were classified as Type 1 and Type 2 according to their source. The results showed that Type 1 EFBs had higher lignocellulosic and fatty acid compositions, similar to palm and kernel oils, while Type 2 EFBs had lower lignocellulosic content and fatty acid composition, similar to palm oil.Los racimos de fruta vacíos (EFBs, por sus siglas en inglés) son un residuo agroindustrial que se desecha cuando se extraen las frutas frescas de palma para extraer el aceite. Los EFBs abundan en los países productores de aceite de palma, lo que genera problemas ambientales. Además de su contenido lignocelulósicos, EFBs también contiene una cantidad de lípidos residuales del proceso de separación. Debido a que la fruta de la palma tiene dos tipos principales de aceite, los de la pulpa (aceite de palma) o de las semillas (aceite de grano), los lípidos residuales de EFBs pueden tener diferentes composiciones. Por lo tanto, este trabajo tuvo como objetivo caracterizar el contenido lignocelulósico y los lípidos residuales en EFBs de diferentes productores de aceite de palma. Los EFBs se clasificaron como Tipo 1 y Tipo 2 según su fuente. Los resultados mostraron que el EFBs tipo 1 tenía una mayor composición lignocelulósica y de ácidos grasos similar a los aceites de palma y de grano, mientras que el EFBs tipo 2 tenía un contenido lignocelulósico inferior y una composición de ácidos grasos similar al aceite de palma