146 research outputs found

    Role of Confidence and Supply Chain Strategy during Legitimization of Justice in Countries of Transitional Period

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    In recent years representatives of various sciences began to pay attention to the problems of legitimacy of power, making them the subject of scientific and political discussions by considering the supply chain strategy. At the same time, geopolitical changes in the world put on the agenda the search for effective ways of transition to democracy, which was the impetus to the development of the concept of "transit society" and its separate direction - "transit justice". Instability, as a characteristic feature of this stage of social development, bring significant attention to the legitimacy of power and its institutions. Indeed, this question largely determines the perspectives for stabilizing society. It becomes relevant in relation to justice and court system that represents it. The legitimization of court acts as a prerequisite for the legitimization of other authorities and democratic processes in the state. In the most widespread definition of institutional confidence is an integral element of legitimacy and supply chain provides the process for its better transparency. In regard to court it implies faith in the fairness of its actions and decisions as well as public recognition of its authority. In this article we studied key questions about the role of confidence in the legitimization of justice in the countries of transitional period. We argued that the level of confidence in justice in society is directly proportional to the level of its civil consciousness. The informational nature of both predetermines the need of using of information methods for building confidence in court as a necessary condition for legitimizing justice in transitional society

    Role of Confidence and Supply Chain Strategy during Legitimization of Justice in Countries of Transitional Period

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    In this article we studied key questions about the role of confidence in the legitimization of justice in the countries of transitional period. We argued that the level of confidence in justice in society is directly proportional to the level of its civil consciousness. The informational nature of both predetermines the need of using of information methods for building confidence in court as a necessary condition for legitimizing justice in transitional society.У цій статті ми розглянули ключові питання про роль довіри в легітимації правосуддя в країнах транзитного періоду. Ми аргументували тезу про те, що рівень довіри до правосуддя в суспільстві прямо пропорційний рівню його громадянської свідомості. Інформаційна природа обох зумовлює необхідність використання інформаційних методів формування довіри до суду, як необхідної умови легітимації правосуддя в транзитному суспільстві.В этой статье мы рассмотрели ключевые вопросы о роли доверия в легитимации правосудия в странах транзитного периода. Мы аргументировали тезис о том, что уровень доверия к правосудию в обществе прямо пропорциональный уровню его гражданского сознания. Информационная природа обоих предопределяет необходимость использования информационных методов формирования доверия к суду, как необходимого условия легитимации правосудия в транзитном обществе

    A Wavelet-Based Adaptive Finite Element Method for the Stokes Problems

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    In this work, we present the mathematical formulation of the new adaptive multiresolution method for the Stokes problems of highly viscous materials arising in computational geodynamics. The method is based on particle-in-cell approach—the Stokes system is solved on a static Eulerian finite element grid and material properties are carried in space by Lagrangian material points. The Eulerian grid is adapted using the wavelet-based adaptation algorithm. Both bilinear (Q1P0, Q1Q1 ) and biquadratic (Q2P-1 ) mixed approximations for the Stokes system are supported. The proposed method is illustrated for a number of linear and nonlinear two-dimensional benchmark problems of geophysical relevance. The results of the adaptive numerical simulations using the proposed method are in an excellent agreement with those obtained on non-adaptive grids and with analytical solutions, while computational requirements are few orders of magnitude less compared to the non-adaptive simulations in terms of both time and memory usage.ISSN:2311-552

    New Type of Detachable Contact Joints for Aluminium Cell Busbar Arrangement

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    The new type of detachable contact joints (DJC) for the aluminium industry is offered. It is shown, that DJC with cylindrical split contact inserts allow to provide stability of electrotechnical characteristics of connection from -50 to + 40ºC

    Shok-free Dismounting of Cathode Assembly Lining of Aluminum Cells

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    Рассматривается технология демонтажа футеровки катодного устройства при капитальном ремонте алюминиевых электролизеров непосредственно в корпусах электролиза. Для ускорения процесса разрушения футеровки и снижения воздействия ударно-вибрационных нагрузок при выполнении демонтажных работ на соседние с ремонтируемым катодным устройством электролизеры, демонтаж выполняется с использованием гидропрессового оборудования для безударного разрушения материалов с применением инструментов алмазной резки и бурения. Ускорение процесса демонтажа достигается за счет использования гидропрессового оборудования, позволяющего создать в материале футеровки катодного устройства электролизера локально неоднородное распределение давления, обеспечивающего образование трещин, разрушающих целостность футеровки.The technology of dismantle of the cathodic device of electrolytic furnaces is considered. Lining destruction in the cathodic device of an electrolytic furnace is made by a special hydraulic press. In a lining material locally non-uniform loadings causing occurrence of cracks are created. The technology allows to exclude with great dispatch-vibrating influence on near electrolytic furnaces and to increase term of their operation

    New Type of Detachable Contact Joints for Aluminium Cell Busbar Arrangement

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    The new type of detachable contact joints (DJC) for the aluminium industry is offered. It is shown, that DJC with cylindrical split contact inserts allow to provide stability of electrotechnical characteristics of connection from -50 to + 40ºC

    Bioarchaeology and Paleoclimate Aspects of the Study of the Upper Don Region Population of the Middle Bronze Age

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    The paper presents the reconstruction of the lifestyle, environment, and climate conditions of the inhabitants of the forest-steppe zone of the East European Plain in the Middle Bronze Age. Presented study is based on the results of archaeological work on the territory of the archaeological heritage site «Volkhonskiye Vyselki 1, kurgan» carried out in 2021 by the expedition of the Lipetsk regional scientific public organization «Archaeological Research». The mound belongs to the Middle Don Catacomb culture and contains 9 graves. It was demonstrated that the climate at the time of the creation of the mound were more arid than at modern times by soil-archaeological method. Levels of mobile P forms in soils suggest that the site was used for feasts, both before the creation of the mound and after. The gender and age, osteometric and pathological characteristics of the skeletons of 15 buried are given. Because of the results of isotope analyzes it has been assumed that the diet of the deceased was based on plant food

    Shok-free Dismounting of Cathode Assembly Lining of Aluminum Cells

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    Рассматривается технология демонтажа футеровки катодного устройства при капитальном ремонте алюминиевых электролизеров непосредственно в корпусах электролиза. Для ускорения процесса разрушения футеровки и снижения воздействия ударно-вибрационных нагрузок при выполнении демонтажных работ на соседние с ремонтируемым катодным устройством электролизеры, демонтаж выполняется с использованием гидропрессового оборудования для безударного разрушения материалов с применением инструментов алмазной резки и бурения. Ускорение процесса демонтажа достигается за счет использования гидропрессового оборудования, позволяющего создать в материале футеровки катодного устройства электролизера локально неоднородное распределение давления, обеспечивающего образование трещин, разрушающих целостность футеровки.The technology of dismantle of the cathodic device of electrolytic furnaces is considered. Lining destruction in the cathodic device of an electrolytic furnace is made by a special hydraulic press. In a lining material locally non-uniform loadings causing occurrence of cracks are created. The technology allows to exclude with great dispatch-vibrating influence on near electrolytic furnaces and to increase term of their operation

    Temperature-Dependent Change of the Electronic Structure in the Kondo Lattice System YbRh2Si2YbRh_{2}Si_{2}

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    The heavy-fermion behavior in intermetallic compounds manifests itself in a quenching of local magnetic moments by developing Kondo spin-singlet many-body states combined with a drastic increase of the effective mass of conduction electrons, which occurs below the lattice Kondo temperature TKT_K. This behavior is caused by interactions between the strongly localized 4f electrons and itinerant electrons. A controversially discussed question in this context is how the localized electronic states contribute to the Fermi surface upon changing the temperature. One expects that hybridization between the local moments and the itinerant electrons leads to a transition from a small Fermi surface in a non-coherent regime at high temperatures to a large Fermi surface once the coherent Kondo lattice regime is realized below TKT_K. We demonstrate, using hard X-ray angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy that the electronic structure of the prototypical heavy fermion compound YbRh2_2Si2_2 changes with temperature between 100 and 200 K, i.e. far above the Kondo temperature of this system. Our results suggest a transition from a small to a large Fermi surface with decreasing temperature. This result is inconsistent with the prediction of the dynamical mean-field periodic Anderson model and supports the idea of an independent energy scale governing the change of band dispersion