40 research outputs found

    Comparison of phenotypic and genotypic tropism determination in triple-class-experienced HIV patients eligible for maraviroc treatment

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    BACKGROUND: Determination of HIV-1 tropism is a pre-requisite to the use of CCR5 antagonists. This study evaluated the potential of population genotypic tropism tests (GTTs) in clinical practice, and the correlation with phenotypic tropism tests (PTTs) in patients accessing routine HIV care. METHODS: Forty-nine consecutive plasma samples for which an original Trofile(TM) assay was performed were obtained from triple-class-experienced patients in need of a therapy change. Viral tropism was defined as the consensus of three or more tropism calls obtained from the combination of two independent population PTT assays (Trofile Biosciences, San Francisco, CA, USA, and Virco, Beerse, Belgium), population GTTs and GTTs based on ultra-deep sequencing. If no consensus was reached, a clonal PTT was performed in order to finalize the tropism call. This two-step approach allowed the definition of a reference tropism call. RESULTS: According to the reference tropism result, 35/49 samples were CCR5 tropic (R5) (patients eligible for maraviroc treatment) and 14/49 were assigned as non-R5 tropic. The non-R5 samples [patients not eligible for maraviroc treatment according to the FDA/European Medicines Agency (EMEA) label] group included both the CXCR4 (X4) samples and the dual and mixed CCR5/CXCR4 (R5/X4) samples. Compared with Trofile(TM) population PTTs, population GTTs showed a higher sensitivity (97%) and a higher negative predictive value (91%), but almost equal specificity and an equal positive predictive value. CONCLUSIONS: In line with recent reports from clinical trial data, our data support the use of population genotypic tropism testing as a tool for tropism determination before the start of maraviroc

    The challenge of measuring quality of care at health centre level in Africa; the example of Tsholotsho health district in Matabeleland north, Zimbabwe

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    This study is on the evaluation of quality of health care within first line health services in rural Zimbabwe. It took place between 2001 and 2002, and consisted of a cross-sectional survey designed to compare the quality of health care on offer at a newly created health centre with that provided by the district hospital's outpatient department. The hypothesis to be tested was that the health centre offered better quality of care. A comprehensive quality of care evaluation framework was designed. The concept of patient enablement was incorporated into the study's assessment of health care delivery outcomes. The results did not provide conclusive evidence that the care offered at the health centre was better than the care on offer at the hospital OPD. The reasons for these unexpected findings are discussed in depth. They are related to the limited understanding amongst local health workers of the organisational changes introduced by the District Health Executive (DHE), together with a (European) cultural bias in the quality of care model under test. An important lesson of this study is that the notion of enablement, notwithstanding the need to put into context the tools used to measure it, was considered by the DHE as relevant in the organisation and evaluation of health care

    Population and clonal tropism phenotyping of clinical isolates and comparison with next generation sequencing and prediction tools

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    Maraviroc (Pfizer's UK-427857, Selzentry or Celsentri outside the USA) is the first agent in the new class of oral HIV-1 entry inhibitors to acquire approval by the US Food and Drug Administration and the European Medicine Agency. Considering the mechanism of action, it is expected that this drug will be effective only in a subpopulation of HIV-1-infected people, namely those harbouring the R5 virus. The favourable toxicity profile of the drug has been demonstrated in Phase III clinical trials in treatment-naive (MERIT) and treatment-experienced (MOTIVATE) patients. In the latter population, maraviroc showed a superior antiviral efficacy and immunological activity compared with optimized backbone therapy+placebo. However, in MERIT, a prospective double-blind, randomized trial in treatment-naive patients, maraviroc+zidovudine/lamivudine failed to prove non-inferiority to efavirenz+zidovudine/lamivudine as standard of care regimen in the 48 week intention-to-treat analysis. Using an assay with higher sensitivity for minority CXCR4-using (X4) HIV variants (the enhanced Trofile (TM) assay Monogram), non-inferiority was reached for the maraviroc-versus efavirenz-based combination. These data indicate the important impact of the sensitivity of tropism testing on treatment outcome of maraviroc-containing regimens. This paper discusses both the prospective and retrospective analyses of the MERIT data and highlights the impact of these results on daily practice in HIV care

    Evolution of Hepatitis {C }Virus Quasispecies during Repeated Treatment with the {NS3}/{4A} Protease Inhibitor Telaprevir

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    In treating hepatitis B virus (HBV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infections, the rapid reselection of resistance-associated variants (RAVs) is well known in patients with repeated exposure to the same class of antiviral agents. For chronic hepatitis C patients who have experienced virologic failure with direct-acting antiviral drugs, the potential for the reselection of persistent RAVs is unknown. Nine patients who received 14 days of telaprevir monotherapy were retreated with telaprevir-based triple therapy 4.3 to 5.7 years later. In four patients with virologic failure with both telaprevir-containing regimens, population-based and deep sequencing (454 GS-FLX) of the NS3 protease gene were performed before and at treatment failure (median coverage, 4,651 reads). Using deep sequencing, with a threshold of 1.0% for variant calling, no isolates were found harboring RAVs at the baseline time points. While population-based sequencing uncovered similar resistance patterns (V36M plus R155K for subtype 1a and V36A for subtype 1b) in all four patients after the first and second telaprevir treatments, deep sequencing analysis revealed a median of 7 (range, 4 to 23) nucleotide substitutions on the NS3 backbone of the resistant strains, together with large phylogenetic differences between viral quasispecies, making the survival of resistant isolates highly unlikely. In contrast, in a comparison of the two baseline time points, the median number of nucleotide exchanges in the wild-type isolates was only 3 (range, 2 to 8), reflecting the natural evolution of the NS3 gene. In patients with repeated direct antiviral treatment, a continuous evolution of HCV quasispecies was observed, with no clear evidence of persistence and reselection but strong signs of independent de novo generation of resistance. Antiviral therapy for chronic viral infections, like HIV, hepatitis B virus (HBV), or hepatitis C virus (HCV), faces several challenges. These viruses have evolved survival strategies and proliferate by escaping the host's immune system. The development of direct-acting antiviral agents is an important achievement in fighting these infections. Viral variants conferring resistance to direct antiviral drugs lead to treatment failure. For HIV/HBV, it is well known that viral variants associated with treatment failure will be archived and reselected rapidly during retreatment with the same drug/class of drugs. We explored the mechanisms and rules of how resistant variants are selected and potentially reselected during repeated direct antiviral therapies in chronically HCV-infected patients. Interestingly, in contrast to HIV and HBV, we could not prove long-term persistence and reselection of resistant variants in HCV patients who failed protease inhibitor-based therapy. This may have important implications for the potential to reuse direct-acting antivirals in patients who failed the initial direct antiviral treatment. (The phase IIIb study described in this paper is registered at ClinicalTrials.gov under registration number NCT01054573.