438 research outputs found

    Non-Separable, Quasiconcave Utilities are Easy -- in a Perfect Price Discrimination Market Model

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    Recent results, establishing evidence of intractability for such restrictive utility functions as additively separable, piecewise-linear and concave, under both Fisher and Arrow-Debreu market models, have prompted the question of whether we have failed to capture some essential elements of real markets, which seem to do a good job of finding prices that maintain parity between supply and demand. The main point of this paper is to show that even non-separable, quasiconcave utility functions can be handled efficiently in a suitably chosen, though natural, realistic and useful, market model; our model allows for perfect price discrimination. Our model supports unique equilibrium prices and, for the restriction to concave utilities, satisfies both welfare theorems

    An Incentive Compatible, Efficient Market for Air Traffic Flow Management

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    We present a market-based approach to the Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM) problem. The goods in our market are delays and buyers are airline companies; the latter pay money to the FAA to buy away the desired amount of delay on a per flight basis. We give a notion of equilibrium for this market and an LP whose solution gives an equilibrium allocation of flights to landing slots as well as equilibrium prices for the landing slots. Via a reduction to matching, we show that this equilibrium can be computed combinatorially in strongly polynomial time. Moreover, there is a special set of equilibrium prices, which can be computed easily, that is identical to the VCG solution, and therefore the market is incentive compatible in dominant strategy.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1109.521

    Matching Is as Easy as the Decision Problem, in the NC Model

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    Is matching in NC, i.e., is there a deterministic fast parallel algorithm for it? This has been an outstanding open question in TCS for over three decades, ever since the discovery of randomized NC matching algorithms [KUW85, MVV87]. Over the last five years, the theoretical computer science community has launched a relentless attack on this question, leading to the discovery of several powerful ideas. We give what appears to be the culmination of this line of work: An NC algorithm for finding a minimum-weight perfect matching in a general graph with polynomially bounded edge weights, provided it is given an oracle for the decision problem. Consequently, for settling the main open problem, it suffices to obtain an NC algorithm for the decision problem. We believe this new fact has qualitatively changed the nature of this open problem. All known efficient matching algorithms for general graphs follow one of two approaches: given by Edmonds [Edm65] and Lov\'asz [Lov79]. Our oracle-based algorithm follows a new approach and uses many of the ideas discovered in the last five years. The difficulty of obtaining an NC perfect matching algorithm led researchers to study matching vis-a-vis clever relaxations of the class NC. In this vein, recently Goldwasser and Grossman [GG15] gave a pseudo-deterministic RNC algorithm for finding a perfect matching in a bipartite graph, i.e., an RNC algorithm with the additional requirement that on the same graph, it should return the same (i.e., unique) perfect matching for almost all choices of random bits. A corollary of our reduction is an analogous algorithm for general graphs.Comment: Appeared in ITCS 202

    On Computability of Equilibria in Markets with Production

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    Although production is an integral part of the Arrow-Debreu market model, most of the work in theoretical computer science has so far concentrated on markets without production, i.e., the exchange economy. This paper takes a significant step towards understanding computational aspects of markets with production. We first define the notion of separable, piecewise-linear concave (SPLC) production by analogy with SPLC utility functions. We then obtain a linear complementarity problem (LCP) formulation that captures exactly the set of equilibria for Arrow-Debreu markets with SPLC utilities and SPLC production, and we give a complementary pivot algorithm for finding an equilibrium. This settles a question asked by Eaves in 1975 of extending his complementary pivot algorithm to markets with production. Since this is a path-following algorithm, we obtain a proof of membership of this problem in PPAD, using Todd, 1976. We also obtain an elementary proof of existence of equilibrium (i.e., without using a fixed point theorem), rationality, and oddness of the number of equilibria. We further give a proof of PPAD-hardness for this problem and also for its restriction to markets with linear utilities and SPLC production. Experiments show that our algorithm runs fast on randomly chosen examples, and unlike previous approaches, it does not suffer from issues of numerical instability. Additionally, it is strongly polynomial when the number of goods or the number of agents and firms is constant. This extends the result of Devanur and Kannan (2008) to markets with production. Finally, we show that an LCP-based approach cannot be extended to PLC (non-separable) production, by constructing an example which has only irrational equilibria.Comment: An extended abstract will appear in SODA 201

    NC Algorithms for Computing a Perfect Matching and a Maximum Flow in One-Crossing-Minor-Free Graphs

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    In 1988, Vazirani gave an NC algorithm for computing the number of perfect matchings in K3,3K_{3,3}-minor-free graphs by building on Kasteleyn's scheme for planar graphs, and stated that this "opens up the possibility of obtaining an NC algorithm for finding a perfect matching in K3,3K_{3,3}-free graphs." In this paper, we finally settle this 30-year-old open problem. Building on recent NC algorithms for planar and bounded-genus perfect matching by Anari and Vazirani and later by Sankowski, we obtain NC algorithms for perfect matching in any minor-closed graph family that forbids a one-crossing graph. This family includes several well-studied graph families including the K3,3K_{3,3}-minor-free graphs and K5K_5-minor-free graphs. Graphs in these families not only have unbounded genus, but can have genus as high as O(n)O(n). Our method applies as well to several other problems related to perfect matching. In particular, we obtain NC algorithms for the following problems in any family of graphs (or networks) with a one-crossing forbidden minor: βˆ™\bullet Determining whether a given graph has a perfect matching and if so, finding one. βˆ™\bullet Finding a minimum weight perfect matching in the graph, assuming that the edge weights are polynomially bounded. βˆ™\bullet Finding a maximum stst-flow in the network, with arbitrary capacities. The main new idea enabling our results is the definition and use of matching-mimicking networks, small replacement networks that behave the same, with respect to matching problems involving a fixed set of terminals, as the larger network they replace.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figure

    A Market for Air Traffic Flow Management

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    The two somewhat conflicting requirements of efficiency and fairness make ATFM an unsatisfactorily solved problem, despite its overwhelming importance. In this paper, we present an economics motivated solution that is based on the notion of a free market. Our contention is that in fact the airlines themselves are the best judge of how to achieve efficiency and our market-based solution gives them the ability to pay, at the going rate, to buy away the desired amount of delay on a per flight basis. The issue of fairness is simply finessed away by our solution -- whoever pays gets smaller delays. We show how our solution has the potential of enabling travelers from a large spectrum of affordability and punctuality requirements to achieve an end that is most desirable to them. Our market model is particularly simple, requiring only one parameter per flight from the airline company. Furthermore, we show that it admits a combinatorial, strongly polynomial algorithm for computing an equilibrium landing schedule and prices

    The Investment Management Game: Extending the Scope of the Notion of Core

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    The core is a dominant solution concept in economics and cooperative game theory; it is predominantly used for profit, equivalently cost or utility, sharing. This paper demonstrates the versatility of this notion by proposing a completely different use: in a so-called investment management game, which is a game against nature rather than a cooperative game. This game has only one agent whose strategy set is all possible ways of distributing her money among investment firms. The agent wants to pick a strategy such that in each of exponentially many future scenarios, sufficient money is available in the right firms so she can buy an optimal investment for that scenario. Such a strategy constitutes a core imputation under a broad interpretation, though traditional formal framework, of the core. Our game is defined on perfect graphs, since the maximum stable set problem can be solved in polynomial time for such graphs. We completely characterize the core of this game, analogous to Shapley and Shubik characterization of the core of the assignment game. A key difference is the following technical novelty: whereas their characterization follows from total unimodularity, ours follows from total dual integralityComment: 16 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2209.0490

    LP-Duality Theory and the Cores of Games

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    LP-duality theory has played a central role in the study of the core, right from its early days to the present time. The 1971 paper of Shapley and Shubik, which gave a characterization of the core of the assignment game, has been a paradigm-setting work in this regard. However, despite extensive follow-up work, basic gaps still remain. We address these gaps using the following building blocks from LP-duality theory: 1). Total unimodularity (TUM). 2). Complementary slackness conditions and strict complementarity. TUM plays a vital role in the Shapley-Shubik theorem. We define several generalizations of the assignment game whose LP-formulations admit TUM; using the latter, we characterize their cores. The Hoffman-Kruskal game is the most general of these. Its applications include matching students to schools and medical residents to hospitals, and its core imputations provide a way of enforcing constraints arising naturally in these applications: encouraging diversity and discouraging over-representation. Complementarity enables us to prove new properties of core imputations of the assignment game and its generalizations.Comment: 30 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2202.0061
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