363 research outputs found

    Artificial intelligence management in tertiary education in order to improve the quality of knowledge and reduce the risks of learning

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    The subject of the article is the management of artificial intelligence in the field of higher education, which improves the quality of knowledge and reduces the risks of learning in the context of digitalization. The purpose of the article is to identify the problems hindering the development of artificial intelligence in higher education and to develop recommendations for their solution. The research methodology is based on the use of modern methods, techniques and tools in the study of artificial intelligence, allowing to take into account the impact on the education quality, on the psychology participants in the educational process and on the mechanisms for managing its development. The main results obtained in the article provide answers to ambiguous questions about the feasibility of large-scale use of artificial intelligence in education, its dominance among other methods of knowledge transfer and its application in its pure form, without live communication with teachers. The answers received in the article convince the opponents of this topic that the use of the author’s developments regulating the use of artificial intelligence in education leads to an increase in the quality of education and neutralizing the emerging risks of learning from a new generation. The article reveals ethical shortcomings and shows the advantages of the artificial intelligence technologies use in the practice of tertiary education. The main conclusions made in the article are based on the statement that the artificial intelligence system in the field of tertiary education needs to be regulated and managed by development using the methods of psychological, organizational, regulatory and technological character proposed by the authors

    Оптимизация параметров тепловой обработки при сканирующем перемещении точечного источника тепла

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    Трофименко Е. Г. Оптимизация параметров тепловой обработки при сканирующем перемещении точечного источника тепла / Е. Г. Трофименко, Е. В. Шалабин, В. В. Дубовой // Труды Одесского политехнического университета. – 1998. – Вып. 2(6). – С. 186 – 187.Задача теплової обробки розвиненої поверхні за допомогою точкового джерела тепла подана як оптимізаційна. Наведено цільову функцію оптимізації та алгоритм розв'язання такої задачі.Задача тепловой обработки развитой поверхности с помощью точечного источника тепла подана как оптимизационная . Приведены целевая функция оптимизации и алгоритм решения такой задачи.The problem of developed surface thermal processing by the mean of pointwised heat source is considered herewith as this one of optimisation. A target oriented function of optimisation and problem solution algorithm are given

    Ukrainian students’ academic mobility in the contemporary education space

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    Входження України у європейські та загальносвітові процеси зумовлює трансформацію соціо-культурної парадигми й створюють нові моделі соціального буття сучасного студентства. Впровадження нових методів студентських обмінів та підтримання індивідуальної мобільності з боку держави створює новітній підхід у сприянні економічного зросту країни, політичній стабільності та соціальній збалансованості громадян. У статті здійснений аналіз сучасного стану української освіти в умовах впливу глобалізаційних процесів, розвиток академічної мобільності в Україні та охарактеризовані зовнішні і внутрішні проблеми, що впливають на вітчизняну освіту. Проаналізовані форми та напрямки міжнародної діяльності українських вищих навчальних закладів й запропоновані нові стратегії удосконалення студентської мобільності, визначені пріоритети підвищення престижу українських ВНЗ в системі європейського освітнього простору.The included of Ukraine in the European and world processes predetermines transformation of social and cultural paradigm and create the new models of social existence of modern student. Introduction of new methods of student exchanges and maintenance of individual mobility from the side of the state creates the newest approach in the assistance of the economy growing of country, political stability and social balanced of citizens. The article analyses the contemporary education under the influence of globalization process and the academic mobility development in Ukraine. The external and internal factors that affect the Ukrainian education are characterized. The forms and directions the international activity of Higher Educational Establishments are analyzed. The new strategies in improvement of students’ mobility are proposed. The priorities of Ukrainian Universities’ prestige enhancement in the system of European educational space are defined


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    This article presents the analysis of the electromagnetic processes in electric circuit with semiconductor commutator. Mathematical model with twelve pulses of the converter is created for analysis of the electromagnetic processes in semiconductor converter with width-pulse regulation of the output voltage. The graphs, which reflect the electromagnetic processes in electric circuit, are given. The calculation is performed by the method of multivariable function. The mathematical model of the converter is created for five zoned regulations of the output voltage. Using method of multivariable function, current and voltage of the load as well as input current of the converter are found. The converter load has active inductive nature. For the analysis of the converter functioning the algebraic equation for load voltage is usedэтой статье проведено анализ электромагнитных процессов в электрических цепях с полупроводниковыми коммутаторами. Создано математическую модель двенадцатипульсного преобразователя для анализа электромагнитных процессов в полупроводниковых преобразователях с широтно-импульсным регулированием выходного напряжения. Приведено графики, которые отражают электромагнитные процессы в электрических цепях. При выполнении расчетов использовался метод многопараметрических функций. Математическая модель преобразователя создана для пятизонного регулирования выходного напряженияУ статті проведено аналіз електромагнітних процесів в дванадцятипульсному напівпровідниковому перетворювачі. Створено математичну модель для аналізу електромагнітних процесів у напівпровідникових перетворювачах з широтно-імпульсним регулюванням вихідної напруги. Наведено графіки, що відображають електромагнітні процеси у електричних колах. При розрахунках використовувався метод багатопараметричних функцій. Навантаження мало активно-індуктивний характе

    Модификация ускоренной термостабилизации полиакрилонитрильных волокон созданием градиента концентрации кислорода при получении углеродного волокна

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    Objectives. The work set out to modify the technology of accelerated thermal stabilization of polyacrylonitrile (PAN) fibers used in the production of high-strength carbon fibers by reducing the formation of a heterophase core–shell structure to create an oxygen concentration gradient in heat treatment furnaces while maintaining a total thermal stabilization time of 30 min. The optimized process conditions led to milder thermal stabilization conditions, reducing both the final heat treatment temperature and the temperature difference between the thermal stabilization zones while simultaneously maintaining the target volume density parameter with respect to the previously developed accelerated thermal stabilization technology.Methods. The thermal stabilization study of an industrially produced 12S precursor under different conditions on an experimental carbon fiber production line included measurement of bulk density, analysis of the thermal effects of the oxidation reaction by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and a study of micrographs of the resulting samples.Results. The optimum process of thermal stabilization of PAN fiber was determined in four stabilization zones using selected compositions. The formation of the core–shell structure is significantly reduced when the target volume density and DSC thermal oxidation reaction effect of the stabilized polymer fiber are achieved in a given time (30 min).Conclusions. The resulting technology regime is promising for the production of high strength (4.5 GPa, 4.9 GPa) PAN fibers at a reduced cost. While maintaining the total thermal stabilization time of PAN at the level of 30 min, which is three times less than the industrial processes used, it was possible to reduce the formation of a heterophase structure, as well as lowering the final processing temperature and reducing the temperature difference between the stabilization zones. This is promising in terms of a positive effect on the stability and safety of the industrial process, as well as ensuring the quality of the obtained products.Цели. Модифицировать технологию ускоренной термостабилизации полиакрилонитрильного (ПАН) волокна при производстве высокопрочных углеродных волокон, при помощи которой удастся уменьшить образование гетерофазной структуры «ядро–оболочка» путем создания градиента концентрации кислорода в печах термообработки при сохранении общего времени термостабилизации ПАН (30 мин); оптимизировать процесс на основании предлагаемого режима с целью получения более мягких условий термостабилизации: снижения конечной температуры термообработки и разницы температур между зонами термостабилизации при сохранении целевого параметра объемной плотности (относительно ранее разработанной технологии ускоренной термостабилизации).Методы. Термостабилизация промышленно выпускаемого прекурсора марки 12S в различных условиях на опытной линии получения углеродных волокон, последующее измерение объемной плотности, анализ тепловых эффектов реакции окисления методом дифференциальной сканирующей калориметрии (ДСК) и изучение микрофотографий шлифов получаемых образцов.Результаты. Определен оптимальный процесс термостабилизации ПАН волокна в 4 зонах стабилизации с использованием подобранных составов, при котором существенно снижается образование структуры «ядро–оболочка» при достижении целевой объемной плотности и теплового эффекта реакции окисления ДСК стабилизируемого полимерного волокна за установленное время (30 мин).Выводы. Полученный технологический режим является перспективным для получения высокопрочных (4.5 ГПа, 4.9 ГПа) ПАН волокон со сниженной себестоимостью. При сохранении общего времени термостабилизации ПАН на уровне 30 мин, что в 3 раза меньше используемых промышленных процессов, удалось снизить образование гетерофазной структуры, уменьшить конечную температуру обработки и снизить перепад температур между зонами стабилизации, что должно положительно сказаться на стабильности и безопасности ведения промышленного процесса и качестве получаемой продукции

    Моделирование несимметричного нагрева анизотропных сред

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    Дубовой В. В. Моделирование несимметричного нагрева анизотропных сред / В. В. Дубовой, Е. Г. Трофименко, Т. П. Яценко // Труды Одесского политехнического университета. – 1997. – Вып. 1. – С. 274-278.Розроблено засіб моделювання теплових потоків несиметричних систем. Досліджено термічні умови, які виникають при односторонньому нагріві плоского об'єкту потоком газів чи плазми, який переміщається уздовж площини, а також принципи побудови моделі і новий спосіб визначення її параметрів.Разработано средство моделирование тепловых потоков несимметричных систем. Исследованы термические условия, которые возникают при одностороннем нагреве плоского объекта потоком газов или плазмы, который перемещается вдоль плоскости, а также принципы построения модели и новый способ определения ее параметров.A method is developed for modelling of heat flows of asymmetrical systems. Investigations were carried out into thermal conditions occurred during one- sided heating of a flat object by flow of gases or plasma moving along the plane, as well as principles of model construction and new method for determination of its parameters

    Model for the assessment greenhouse gas emissions from road transport

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    A three-level model for estimating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by mobile and stationary road transport facilities of a state or region, proposed in this article, takes account into GHG emissions from a vehicle fleet (mobile objects) and road transport infrastructure (network of car services, road network of various categories). Additionally, it has been developed the intellectual system which evaluates the reliability of the array of initial data, by increasing the range and adjusting (if necessary) the values of individual indicators, as the result we achieving the convergence of the calculating GHG emissions from motor vehicles according to the models of all three levels of assessment. This ensures verification of the obtained gross GHG emissions. Evaluation of greenhouse gas emissions using three-level model was carried out for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region (Russian Federation), they shown the possibility of reducing by 2030 by 3.2 ... 12.4% of gross GHG emissions by motor transport of the Russian Federation in comparison with 2015. For St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, both the reduction of gross GHG emissions by road transport (12.7% innovative scenario) and their growth (4.8% inertial scenario) are expected during the forecast period. At the same time, both for the St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region and for the state as a whole, a significant reduction in gross GHG emissions by road transport is expected in the period after 2025 due to the intensive replacement of cars on oil fuel by electric vehicles and hybrids, changes in the transport behavior of the population, the development of public passenger transport and cycling, the introduction of autonomous vehicles, etc

    A forecast model for a road network’s section traffic capacity assessment on a territory of the cryolithozone in conditions of the climate change

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    A model is proposed in which the capacity of the road network section depends on the technical and operational condition of the road surface – the presence of sinkholes, potholes, ruts, as well as their predictive depth. Appearing of these defects on the road surface is associated with excessive thawing and permafrost soil settlement in the formation occurring under the influence of the climate change. The soil thawing depth is modelled on the basis of predictive climatic parameters during the full average year, and then the maximum thawing depth and the corresponding soil settlement is determined. Three main scenarios of the climate change are considered: temperature contrast increasing, uniform warming and their combination. The assumed value of warming or temperature contrast increasing is considered to be a random value distributed according to the normal law; the predicted decrease in the road section capacity is defined as a weighted average over the entire range of possible climate changes. According to the results of the numerical implementation of the model on the road network sections for natural and climatic conditions of Yakutia, it is shown that in the third scenario of the climate change the road network section capacity is predicted to decrease from 17% (the formation is dry sandy permafrost soil) to 50% (the formation is clay soil of high humidity). The impact of natural and climatic features of the territory is predicted to be at a level up to 10% of the total reduction in the capacity of road network sections

    Cognitive neural prosthetics – the way from experiment to clinical application

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    Accepted: September 3, 2021. Objective of this review is to highlight some aspects of the development and use of cognitive neuroprostheses, such as the technological background for their developing and key modern projects in this field. The literature sources were analyzed and the place of neuroprostheses among other artificial organs and tissues, which are under development or already used in clinical practice, was defined. The main principles of their implementation, structural elements and operating conditions were described. Also, this review presents some examples of diseases which can be corrected by cognitive neuroprostheses. The mechanisms of compensation for the functions of the damaged brain structures when using neuroprostheses are described on the basis of the principles of their interaction with biological neural networks. Descriptions of advanced developments that are currently relevant are given. Moreover, information is provided on the protocols and results of tests on animals and humans of the artificial hippocampus, as well as the results of testing a prosthesis that allows restoring the functions of the prefrontal cortex in animals. The examples considered in the review allow us to conclude that cognitive neuroprostheses are not just a hypothetic concept. They are implemented as specialized experimental solutions for practical clinical issues. Currently, the greatest success has been achieved in restoring the hippocampus functions

    Development and use of GIS database for tasks of normative monetary evaluation of land of settlements

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    The paper presents the results of research on the development of a GIS database for the tasks of normative monetary valuation of lands of settlements and highlights the applied aspects of its use on the example of Lychanka village, Dmytriv territorial community, Bucha district, Kyiv region. An algorithm for developing a GIS database for normative monetary valuation of settlement lands is presented. The presented estimation algorithm allows to carry out with high accuracy normative monetary estimation of settlements, to carry out its automated updating on a certain date, to receive necessary information on request, to carry out analytical operations and construction of specialized estimation maps. The development of the GIS database involved the implementation of two stages. At the first stage of formation of the initial land assessment base, the attribute table included data from the Public Cadastral Map of Ukraine on land plots within the settlement by the following items: cadastral number of land plot, area, form of ownership, purpose and functional use of land plot , the number of the cadastral zone in which each land is located, the number of the land assessment area of the settlement, the value of the base value of land, the value of the zonal coefficient (Km2), the coefficient characterizing the functional purpose of the land (Kf), information on the location (street name). The second stage involved the calculation of the value of the normative monetary valuation of each of the 1279 land plots and was performed using the built-in Arc Map function "Calculation of numerical values". After the development of the GIS database, the testing stage of the developed land assessment database was performed, which involved the use of various query execution, geospatial analysis, the use of buffering functions, topological overlay (intersection). As a result of the analysis, the following maps were constructed: "Influence of local factors on the distance of land from the center of the settlement", "Influence of local factors on the distance of land from highways", "Influence of local factors on the environmental situation", "Influence of local factors on security electricity", "Influence of local factors on the distance from paved roads", "Influence of local factors on the provision  of centralized water supply", "Influence of local factors on the provision of centralized sewerage", "Influence of local factors on the provision of centralized gas supply", "Map plots according to the results of normative monetary assessment" , "Map of the establishment of buffer zones by the value of local coefficients" , "Map of coastal protection strips around water bodies with the allocation of zones of their intersection with land". Due to the application of special functions of geospatial analysis available in the GIS environment, examples of development of highly informative cartographic materials in the form of special pricing zoning of the territory of the settlement are shown. The expediency of the application of the GIS database for the tasks of monitoring the quality of land, compliance with their legal regime and the possibility of monitoring the implementation of fiscal obligations by landowners and users. Key words: normative monetary valuation, GIS database, geospatial analysis, buffering, land valuation zoning, maps