43 research outputs found


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    The analysis of approaches to formalize the cargo delivery process has been resulted. The definitions of basic and complex handling operations have been formulated. The flowsheet of packaged cargo delivery by motor transport has been defined as a set of basic and additional handling operations

    Морфологічні якості яєць залежно від генотипу курей за мутаціями T+3737C і A+3971G у локусі інсуліну

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    Quality of eggs, including morphological features, affect on their dietary properties, incubatory and trade characteristics. This gives background to affirm necessity of selection work in direction of improving these features additionally to chicken egg-laying qualities. But selection by complex of traits requires long time and significant resources. To increase effectiveness and speed up the process of selection molecular genetic markers are used. Such approach is named marker-assisted selection. One of genes, that is of interest in the context of marker-assisted selection, is insulin gene, which product takes part in the regulation of animal metabolism. The gene is polymorphic in chicken, particularly, there were found mutations T+3737C and A+3971G, located within second intron and 3'-UTR-region, respectively. The current work is devoted of studying of morphological features of eggs depending on the genotype by above-mentioned mutations. The research was conducted on the chicken population of line 38 of Rhode Island Red breed. The following features were studied as yolk weight, glair weight, shell weight, yolk percent, shell percent, mean shell thickness, egg form index. Measuring was made on 30th and 52th weeks of layer age. Comparison of groups with different genotypes was conducted using t-criterion or U-criterion depending on the distribution normality. There was no significant associations between genotype by T+3737C mutation and egg morphological features within investigated line. By mutation A+3971G it was shown, that eggs of layers with AA genotype differ significantly (P ≤ 0.05) from eggs that received from chickens with AG and GG genotypes by egg form index on 30th week. Also, significant (P ≤ 0.01) association was revealed for yolk percent on 52th week of life and genotype on this mutation. Namely, chickens with AA genotype layed eggs with lower yolk percent than chickens with AG and GG genotypes. Similar situation was observed relatively to yolk weight but difference was reliable (P ≤ 0.05) only between homozygotes AA and GG. According to the results, it is possible to consider mutation A+3971G as the molecular genetic marker of morphological features of chicken eggs.Від якості яєць, в тому числі від морфологічних показників, залежать їх дієтичні властивості, інкубаційні та товарні характеристики. Це дає підстави підтверджувати необхідність селекційної роботи у напрямі поліпшення даних показників додатково до показника несучості курей. Однак селекція за комплексом ознак потребує тривалого часу та значних ресурсів. Для підвищення ефективності та пришвидшення селекційного процесу використовують молекулярно-генетичні маркери. Такий підхід називається маркер-асоційованою селекцією. Одним із генів, який цікавий у розрізі маркер-асоційованої селекції, є ген інсуліну, продукт якого бере участь у регуляції метаболізму тварин. У курей даний ген є поліморфним, зокрема, були виявлені мутації T+3737C і A+3971G, розташовані відповідно у другому інтроні та 3'-UTR-області. Поточна робота присвячена вивченню залежності морфологічних якостей яєць від генотипу за вищезгаданими мутаціями. Дослідження проводили на популяції курей лінії 38 породи Род-айленд червоний. Вивчали такі показники, як маса жовтка, маса білка, маса шкаралупи, відсоток жовтка, відсоток шкаралупи, середня товщина шкаралупи, індекс форми яйця. Вимірювання здійснювали на 30-й і 52-й тижні життя несучки. Порівняння груп із різними генотипами проводили за t-критерієм або U-критерієм залежно від нормальності розподілу даних. За мутацією T+3737C достовірних асоціацій між генотипом та морфологічними якостями яєць у межах дослідної лінії не було виявлено. За мутацією A+3971G показано, що яйця несучок з генотипом AA достовірно (P ≤ 0,05) відрізняються від яєць, отриманих від курей з генотипами AG і GG за показником індексу форми яйця на 30-й тиждень життя. Окрім того, виявлено достовірну (P ≤ 0,01) залежність відсоткового співвідношення жовтка на 52-й тиждень життя від генотипу за цією ж мутацією, а саме: кури з генотипом AA несли яйця з нижчим відсотком жовтка, ніж кури з генотипами AG і GG. Подібна ситуація спостерігалась і відносно маси жовтка, проте різниця була достовірною (P ≤ 0,05) лише між гомозиготами AA і GG. Відповідно до результатів мутацію A+3971G у гені інсуліну можна розглядати як молекулярно-генетичний маркер морфологічних якостей курячих яєць

    Semiconductor THz Lasers and Their Applications in Spectroscopy of Explosives

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    Recently, applications of THz spectroscopy for detecting explosive agents have attracted much attention due to following reasons: many CBRNE agents have fingerprint-like features in the THz wavelength range; the THz spectroscopy provides an ability for remote and non-destructive identification of explosives; the THz radiation penetrates through many covering dielectric materials including paper, leather, fabric and so on. One of the most important components of THz spectroscopy setups is the source of THz radiation, which has to be high-power, tunable, low-cost and to have compact sizes. In this chapter, we are going to overview recent progress of wide variety of THz emitters considered as candidates for that role. We will pay a special attention to recent trends in engineering of spectral characteristics of THz quantum-cascade lasers and their tunability. Also we will describe the advantages and difficulties that accompany a THz spectroscopy of explosives

    Formation of ultrashort triangular pulses in optical fibers

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    Specialty shape ultrashort optical pulses, and triangular pulses in particular, are of great interest in optical signal processing. Compact fiber-based techniques for producing the special pulse waveforms from Gaussian or secant pulses delivered by modern ultrafast lasers are in demand in telecommunications. Using the nonlinear Schr¨odinger equation in an extended form the transformation of ultrashort pulses in a fiber towards triangular shape is characterized by the misfit parameter under variety of incident pulse shapes, energies, and chirps. It is shown that short (1-2 m) conventional single mode fiber can be used for triangular pulse formation in the steady-state regime without any pre-chirping if femtosecond pulses are used for pumping. The pulses obtained are stable and demonstrate linear chirp. The ranges and combinations of the pulse parameters found here will serve as a guide for scheduling the experiments and implementation of various all-fiber schemes for optical signal processing

    Maps for developing information competency of sportsman students in conditions of digital transformation

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    The progress to "cloud-based learning" and transition to "personalized learning" occur within digital transformation of education. Within this context, the authors analyse regulatory documents and recommendations outlined by the professional, teaching, and psychological communities and making the research relevant. The research question put up in the paper is: how to plot maps for developing the information competency of students in conditions of digital transformation. Theoretical substantiation is presented for the following phenomena under study: digital transformation, mapping, individual educational path, the information competency of students. It is pointed out that mapping is the process of creating maps for reducing the unpredictability effect and solving the problem of choice, a way of visualization of the future, and a strategy of one's self-development. It is highlighted that the individual educational route is the authors' approach to self-fulfilment in the real and virtual world. They describe the approach to understanding the student information competency as the key meta-subject educational one. This competency consists of the cognitive, motivational, and activity-based components which are provided with details by students via "understanding", generating their own meanings, and enriching their subject experience. In the paper, the stages of pedagogical support and fulfilment of maps for developing the said competency are described, too: the ascertaining one, transforming, and analytical ones. The pedagogical experience of mapping is summed up which is associated with the students' plotting and fulfilling various types of maps outlined by the authors: subject maps, meta-subject (mental) maps, portfolio maps as the digital footprint, start-up maps. The total of various maps represents the databases and analytical methods of their research. For studying the former, the authors used the expert appraisal method and applied some psychological techniques. The principal research results can be summarized by the statement: in the period of digital transformation and the pandemic, maps have to be plotted for settling emotions in conditions of lockdown and uncertainty, for supporting the relevant student initiatives, and for shaping their profound unmistakable "digital footprint", which characterizes the students' high information competency development level

    Applicability of the piecewise-linear approximation of the potential profile of undoped MQW heterostructures

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    Femtosecond parabolic pulse shaping in normally dispersive optical fibers

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    Formation of parabolic pulses at femtosecond time scale by means of passive nonlinear reshaping in normally dispersive optical fibers is analyzed. Two approaches are examined and compared: the parabolic waveform formation in transient propagation regime and parabolic waveform formation in the steady-state propagation regime. It is found that both approaches could produce parabolic pulses as short as few hundred femtoseconds applying commercially available fibers, specially designed all-normal dispersion photonic crystal fiber and modern femtosecond lasers for pumping. The ranges of parameters providing parabolic pulse formation at the femtosecond time scale are found depending on the initial pulse duration, chirp and energy. Applicability of different fibers for femtosecond pulse shaping is analyzed. Recommendation for shortest parabolic pulse formation is made based on the analysis presented