66 research outputs found


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    The key problems of the development of the labor market in the conditions of formation of the digital economy have been considered. The digital economy dictates to all countries of the world the paradigm of development of new directions in the economic sphere. The influence of the digital economy on the state of the labor market has been investigated, a number of its new features has been shown. The number of people employed in the economy by gender and status has been analyzed, and it has been shown, how changes, related to the digital economy, affect the issues of retraining and personnel training. The importance of implementing information and communication technologies in modern Russia, taking into account the needs of the labor market, has been emphasized. Measures have been proposed to solve problems, identified by the results of the study

    Results of studying pro- and anti-atherogenic immune factors in the persons chronically exposed to ionising radiation

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    It is well established that cohorts of individuals exposed to ionizing radiation exhibit increased risks for cardiovascular diseases. Currently, the role of immune system in pathogenesis of atherosclerosis is actively studied. Meanwhile, the immunomodulatory effects of irradiation in pathogenesis of atherosclerosis in the persons exposed to ionizing radiation still remain unclear. The aim of this research was to study the effect of ionizing radiation upon lymphocyte subpopulations involved in pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. The lymphocyte subpopulations were studied in peripheral blood of the workers chronically exposed to occupational combined radiation versus a control group. The study considered 72 workers of the Russian nuclear production facility, the Mayak Industrial Association (mean age of 72.1±10.9 years), and 72 control individuals (mean age of 70.7±9.2 years). All the workers were chronically exposed to combined radiation (external gamma-rays and internal alpha-particles). The mean cumulative dose absorbed by red bone marrow from external gamma-ray exposure was 0.750±0.699 Gy; the mean cumulative absorbed dose to red bone marrow from internal alpha-particles was 0.072±0.092 Gy. The relative and absolute numbers of lymphocyte subpopulations (total T-cells, T-helpers, T-cytotoxic, total B-cells, NK-cells and T-NK-cells) were detected by flow cytofluorometry. The absolute number of CD3+CD19+T-lymphocytes was significantly lower in the individuals exposed to chronic irradiation, compared with the controls (1658.8±694.3 x 106/l and 1988.4±1045.4 x 106/l, respectively). The relative number of CD3+CD4+T-helpers and CD3+CD8+T-cytotoxic lymphocytes was significantly higher in individuals exposed to chronic irradiation. Relative number of T-helpers in the main group was 42.4±8.8% vs 35.3±8.7% in controls; the relative number of T-cytotoxic lymphocytes was 27.6±9.5%, and 23.3±6.5%, respectively. A significant negative correlation was revealed between absolute number of T-lymphocytes and cumulative absorbed doses to bone marrow from external gamma irradiation (correlation quotient r = -0,53565, p = 0,000001) and internal alpha sources (r = -0.54804, p = 0.0000006). This correlation may indicate a relationship between these changes (decreased absolute numbers of T cells) and occupational exposure rates. The increased relative number of T-helpers and cytotoxic T-lymphocytes confirm an assumption that specific antigens may cause an enhanced immune response during the development of atherosclerosis in exposed individuals

    The role of cytokines in the pathogenesis of malignant neoplasms

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    The paper analyzes the literature data on the role of cytokines in the pathogenesis of malignant neoplasms (MN). Cytokines are biologically active, hormone-like proteins that regulate a wide range of processes occurring in the body. Cytokines determine the type and duration of the immune response, stimulation or suppression of cell growth, their differentiation, and functional activity. The complex of cytokines produced in the tumor microenvironment plays an important role in the pathogenesis of MN. The spectra of biological activities of cytokines overlap in most cases. The same process in a cell can be stimulated by more than one cytokine, creating a favorable environment for the initiation and progression of MN. The immune system can recognize transformed cells. Various cytokines correspond to specifc pathways activated by receptors on the cell surface, which in turn cause intracellular signaling cascades that affect target cellular functions. Cytokine genes are mutually related to oncogenes. Cytokines, which are released in response to infection, inflammation, or during an immune response to an antigen, can inhibit tumor development. In turn, cytokines, which weaken apoptosis and promote invasion and metastasis, promote tumor growth. Cytokines are involved in the initiation, development and metastasis of malignant neoplasms through various mechanisms

    Hemodynamics State at Different Modes of Systemic Air Cryogenic Exposure

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    The article estimates the hemodynamics state during systemic air cryotherapy sessions in cryosaunas, in the course of which body temperature drops in the range of cryostability (up to 5-10 C), while the core body temperature persists and enables to avoid shift in thermal regulation. Majority of circulatory dimensions at post-cryothermia period showed reactions opposite in sign if compared to hypothermia period, systolic and diastolic blood pressure were significantly lower than before the sessions. Such evident compensatory reaction of blood circulation is apparently the specific extension of stress syndrome, developed at testees directly in the course of cryotherapy


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    In article the question of a modern Russian labor market of its globalization, of the competition is considered. Into the forefront quality of preparation acts by Highschools of the young specialist. New instruments of training and preparation: distant, electronic, media components are shown. Use of computer technologies allows students to take part in professional engineering competitions BEST, to solve difficult production problems to perform at the Olympiads and conferences.В статье рассматривается вопрос о современном российском рынке труда, его глобализации, конкуренции. На первый план выступает качество подготовки вузами молодого специалиста. Показаны новые инструменты обучения и подготовки: дистанционные, электронные, медийные компоненты. Использование компьютерных технологий позволяет студентам принимать участие в профессиональных, инженерных соревнованиях BEST, решать непростые производственные задачи, выступать на олимпиадах, конференциях

    Фотодинамическая терапия больных раком нижней губы

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    Results of diagnosis and treatment in 32 patients with lower lip cancer using photodynamic therapy (PDT) with photosensitizer Photosense are represented. 15 patients had stage I of disease, in 12 – stage II and in 5 – stage III. Photosensitizer Photosense was administered at dose of 0.5 mg/kg body weight in 20 patients and at dose of 0.8 mg/kg – in 12 patients as single intravenous infusion. During the treatment the fluorescent diagnosis (FD) was performed. The average power of diagnostic laser irradiation was 2 mW, light dose on tissue surface was < 1 J/cm2. Power density of therapeutic laser irradiation accounted for 150–300 mW/cm2, light dose of one session was 200-300 J/cm2. First session of PDT was performed 24 h after drug injection, the interval between following sessions accounted for 24 h. The number of session varied from 3 to 5. The results of FD showed the increase of fluorescent intensity in the center of tumor from 14.9 up to 150.8 r.u. 24 h after drug injection, this parameter in the normal mucosa increased from 13,4 to 88,3 r.u. The side-effects of PDT with Photosense included pain syndrome, which was managed by non-opioid analgesics in all 10 patients. The signs of phototoxycity were observed in 9 patients. Two months after PDT 22 (68.7%) patients had complete regression of tumor lesion, the response in 8 (25%) patients was defined as partial, 2 (6.3%) patients had stabilization of tumor growth. Приведены результаты диагностики и лечения 32 больных раком нижней губы методом фотодинамической терапии (ФДТ) с использо- ванием фотосенсибилизатора фотосенс. У 15 пациентов была диагностирована I ст. заболевания, у 12 – II ст. и у 5 – III ст. Фотосенси- билизатор фотосенс вводили в дозе 0,5 мг/кг массы тела 20 пациентам и в дозе 0,8 мг/кг – 12 пациентам в виде однократной внутри- венной инфузии. В процессе лечения проводилась флюоресцентная диагностика (ФД). Средняя мощность диагностического лазерного излучения 2 мВт, плотность энергии на поверхности тканей < 1 Дж/см2. Плотность мощности терапевтического лазерного излучения 150–300 мВт/см2, световая доза одного сеанса 200–300 Дж/см2. Первый сеанс ФДТ проводили через 24 ч после введения препарата, интервал между последующими сеансами составлял 24 ч. Число сеансов варьировалось от 3 до 5. Результаты ФД показали высокую интенсивность флюоресценции фотосенса в центре опухоли – 14,9–150,8 отн. ед. через 24 ч после введения препарата, в здоровой слизистой этот показатель был ниже в 1,71 раза. Из побочных эффектов ФДТ с фотосенсом отмечен болевой синдром, который у всех 10 пациентов купировался с помощью ненаркотических анальгетиков. Признаки фототоксичности наблюдались у 9 больных. Через 2 мес. после проведения ФДТ у 22 (68,7%) пациентов отмечена полная регрессия опухолевого очага, у 8 (25%) больных эффект от лечения оценен как частичный, у 2 (6,3%) больных зафиксирована стабилизация опухолевого процесса.

    Specific features of the electronic, spin, and atomic structures of a topological insulator Bi2Te2.4Se0.6

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    The specific features of the electronic and spin structures of a triple topological insulator Bi2Te2.4Se0.6, which is characterized by high-efficiency thermoelectric properties, have been studied with the use of angular- and spin-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy and compared with theoretical calculations in the framework of the density functional theory. It has been shown that the Fermi level for Bi2Te2.4Se0.6 falls outside the band gap and traverses the topological surface state (the Dirac cone). Theoretical calculations of the electronic structure of the surface have demonstrated that the character of distribution of Se atoms on the Te–Se sublattice practically does not influence the dispersion of the surface topological electronic state. The spin structure of this state is characterized by helical spin polarization. Analysis of the Bi2Te2.4Se0.6 surface by scanning tunnel microscopy has revealed atomic smoothness of the surface of a sample cleaved in an ultrahigh vacuum, with a lattice constant of ~4.23 Å. Stability of the Dirac cone of the Bi2Te2.4Se0.6 compound to deposition of a Pt monolayer on the surface is shown.This study was supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the St. Petersburg State University (project nos. and, and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project nos. 12-02-00226, 13-02-91327, 14-08-31110, and 13-02-12110). The research was also performed at the Resource Center “Physical Methods of Surface Investigation” at St. Petersburg State University. We are also grateful to collaborators of the Helmholtz-Zentrum (Berlin) for financial and technical support.Peer reviewe

    Clinical, hormonal and molecular-genetic characteristics of monogenic diabetes mellitus associated with the mutations in the <i>INS</i> gene

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    Background: Currently more than 50 mutations of the INS gene are known to affect the various stages of insulin biosynthesis in the beta cells of the pancreas. However only individual cases of diabetes mellitus (DM) associated with heterozygous mutations in the coding region of the INS gene were reported in Russian Federation. We report a group of patients with a clinical manifestation of DM caused by mutations in both coding and non-coding regions of the INS gene. The patients with a mutation in the intron of the INS gene are reported for the first time in Russian FederationMaterials and methods: 60 patients with an isolated course of neonatal DM (NDM), 52 patients with a manifestation of DM at the age of 7–12 months and the absence of the main autoimmune markers of type 1 DM, 650 patients with the MODY phenotype were included in the study. NGS technology was used for molecular genetic research. Author’s panel of primers (Custom DNA Panel) was used for multiplex PCR and sequencing using Ion Ampliseq™ technology. The author’s panel “­Diabetes Mellitus” included 28 genes (13 candidate genes of MODY and other genes associated with DM).Results: 13 heterozygous mutations were identified in 16 probands and 9 relatives. The majority of mutations were detected in patients with PNDM (18.75%) and in patients with an onset of DM at the age of 7–12 months (9.6%). Mutations in the INS gene were detected in 2 patients (0.3%) in the group with the MODY phenotype. Mutations in the INS gene were not detected in patients with transient NDM (TNDM). Analysis of clinical data in patients with PND and onset of diabetes at the age of 7–12 months did not show significant differences in the course of the disease. The clinical characteristics of the cases of MODY10 and diabetes caused by a mutation in the intron of the INS gene are reported in details.Conclusion: The role of INS gene mutations in NDM, MODY, and DM with an onset at the age of 7–12 months was analyzed in a large group of patients. The clinical characteristics of DM due to a mutation in the intron of the INS gene are reported for the first time in the Russian Federation