2,085 research outputs found

    Analysis of the level of labor potential development in higher educational institutions of Ukraine: competitiveness of university graduates

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    The article focuses on the possibility of using the criterion of competitiveness of domestic higher education institutions in the international labor market to analyze the level of development of labor potential of a particular university. In the article the relationship between the level of professional competence of future professionals and the quality of labor potential of universities which were involved in their formation and development. This article contains statistical information on the results of participation of Ukrainian university students in international student competitions, which the author used to characterize the quality of professional institutions in the field of competitiveness of future specialists. In addition, the article contains generalizations as for the possibility of usage the competitiveness feature level of graduates as an indicator (index) of the quality of university's labor potential

    On a scale-invariant Fermi gas in a time-dependent harmonic potential

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    We investigate a scale-invariant two-component Fermi gas in a time-dependent isotropic harmonic potential. The exact time evolution of the density distribution in position space in any spatial dimension is obtained. Two experimentally relevant examples, an abrupt change and a periodic modulation of the trapping frequency are solved. Small deviations from scale invariance and isotropy of the confinement are addressed within first order perturbation theory. We discuss the consequences for experiments with ultracold quantum gases such as the excitation of a tower of undamped breathing modes and a new alternative for measuring the Tan contact.Comment: 6+3 pages, 2 figures; revised and extended versio

    Державне управління якістю вищої освіти: менеджмент на рівні особистості

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    The article defined the directions of state management of the higher education quality, with taking into account peculiarities of manifestation (perception) of its contents on the individuality level. The article draws attention to the importance of aim to obtain higher education for ensuring its quality and also determined the place and role of the state in the corresponding process. In addition, the article determines the place and role of career guidance work in the system of higher education quality assurance, and presents a list of basic normative legal documents, which regulate relevant field of work. The article contains proposals for improving the normative legal mechanism of state management of the higher education quality.В статті визначено напрями державного управління якістю вищої освіти з прийняттям до уваги особливостей прояву (сприйняття) її змісту на індивідуальному рівні. В статті звернуто увагу на значущість мети здобуття вищої освіти для забезпечення її якості, а також визначено місце та роль держави у відповідному процесі. Крім того, стаття містить узагальнення щодо місця та ролі профорієнтаційної роботи в системі забезпечення якості вищої освіти, а також подано перелік основних нормативно-правових документів, які регламентують відповідний напрям роботи. Стаття містить пропозиції щодо вдосконалення нормативно-правового механізму державного управління якістю вищої освіти

    Role of the middle ear muscle apparatus in mechanisms of speech signal discrimination

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    A method of impedance reflexometry was used to examine 101 students with hearing impairment in order to clarify the interrelation between speech discrimination and the state of the middle ear muscles. Ability to discriminate speech signals depends to some extent on the functional state of intraaural muscles. Speech discrimination was greatly impaired in the absence of stapedial muscle acoustic reflex, in the presence of low thresholds of stimulation and in very small values of reflex amplitude increase. Discrimination was not impeded in positive AR, high values of relative thresholds and normal increase of reflex amplitude in response to speech signals with augmenting intensity

    Інститут корпоративного університету та його досвід для розвитку трудового потенціалу класичного вищого навчального закладу

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    This article focuses on some historical aspects of the formation and development of corporate training centers with taking into account the peculiarities of their functioning within a modern system of vocational education. In the article there is defined the categorical meaning of corporate education, and formulated the goal of corporate functioning of the institution. This article contains the author's opinion on the content of category definitions of corporate education and corporate university, and the results justify the importance of relevant experience of the Institute for the development of labor potential of classic form of higher education. In addition, the article presents generalizations about the possibility of using the traditional mechanisms of corporate universities to develop their own labor potential, within the system of classical universities in terms of improving the content of vocational training of subjects and objects of the educational process.Акцентується увага на окремих історичних аспектах формування та розвитку корпоративних навчальних центрів з прийняттям до уваги особливостей їх функціонування у межах сучасної системи професійної освіти. Визначено категоріальний зміст корпоративної освіти, а також сформульовано мету функціонування корпоративного навчального закладу. Викладено авторську думку щодо змісту визначень категорій корпоративної освіти та корпоративного університету, а також результати обґрунтування значущості досвіду функціонування відповідних інститутів для розвитку трудового потенціалу класичних за формою свого утворення вищих навчальних закладів. Наведено узагальнення щодо можливості використання традиційних для корпоративних університетів механізмів розвитку власного трудового потенціалу, у межах системи управління класичними вищими навчальними закладами в частині удосконалення змісту системи професійної підготовки суб’єктів та об’єктів навчально-виховного процесу

    Reflectance spectra of some fractions of Migei and Murchison SM chondrites in the range of 0.3-2.6 microns

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    The reddening observed in CM chondrites is not understood. Johnson and Fanale observed that, as CM chondrites are more finely powdered, their spectra become more reddened. In the process of meteorite crushing, the chondrules are broken up. Those authors suggested that in this case the silicate components of the chondrules (mainly olivine), which have higher IR reflectivities, were able to contribute more to the overall spectrum. Gaffey and McCord proposed two possible physical mechanisms which could produce such an effect. But it is also possible that the presence of the organic polymers in the matrix material results in the reddening of the CM spectra. To test these two hypotheses, the matrix material and the material enriched in olivines were separated from Migei and Murchison CM chondrites using a binocular microscope. The spectra of these fractions were compared with the spectra of the bulk samples of Migei and Murchison. The spectra of the most 'clean' Migei matrix fractions indicate that the reddish slopes of CM spectral curves in the near infrared are due to the enhanced olivine feature, rather than to organic matter. The authors propose that the red slope of the spectra of some C-type asteroids may indirectly suggest the presence of olivine in the surface material. At the same time, the red sloped spectra of more distant D-type asteroids seem to be due to the presence of organic materials. If so, then the chemical or physical form of this organic matter must be quite different from the organic materials which would be on the surfaces of the parent bodies of CM chondrites (most likely C-type asteroids). It is also possible that the content of organic components in the CM matrix is too low to change the slope of the spectra

    Early stages in the evolution of the atmosphere and climate on the Earth-group planets

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    The early evolution of the atmospheres and climate of the Earth, Mars and Venus is discussed, based on a concept of common initial conditions and main processes (besides known differences in chemical composition and outgassing rate). It is concluded that: (1) liquid water appeared on the surface of the earth in the first few hundred million years; the average surface temperature was near the melting point for about the first two eons; CO2 was the main component of the atmosphere in the first 100-500 million years; (2) much more temperate outgassing and low solar heating led to the much later appearance of liquid water on the Martian surface, only one to two billion years ago; the Martian era of rivers, relatively dense atmosphere and warm climate ended as a result of irreversible chemical bonding of CO2 by Urey equilibrium processes; (3) a great lack of water in the primordial material of Venus is proposed; liquid water never was present on the surface of the planet, and there was practically no chemical bonding of CO2; the surface temperature was over 600 K four billion years ago

    The Aharonov-Casher theorem and the axial anomaly in the Aharonov-Bohm potential

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    The spectral properties of the Dirac Hamiltonian in the the Aharonov-Bohm potential are discussed. By using the Krein-Friedel formula, the density of states (DOS) for different self-adjoint extensions is calculated. As in the nonrelativistic case, whenever a bound state is present in the spectrum it is always accompanied by a (anti)resonance at the energy. The Aharonov-Casher theorem must be corrected for singular field configurations. There are no zero (threshold) modes in the Aharonov-Bohm potential. For our choice of the 2d Dirac Hamiltonian, the phase-shift flip is shown to occur at only positive energies. This flip gives rise to a surplus of the DOS at the lower threshold coming entirely from the continuous part of the spectrum. The results are applied to several physical quantities: the total energy, induced fermion-number, and the axial anomaly

    Preliminary results of the Vega 1 and Vega 2 optical investigation of aerosol in the atmosphere of Venus at 30-60 KM

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    Aerosol concentration profiles were measured by an aerosol spectrometer above the landing sites of the Vega 1 and Vega 2 landers. Approximately the same altitude zones were found as in previous experiments: a three-layered basic cloud cover, an intermediate zone and subcloud haze. There were significant quantitative differences in the concentrations of particles, however, and especially in the spectra of their dimensions. Nightglow was found in the troposphere of Venus at a wavelength of about 1 micron. The backscatter coefficient and the extinction coefficient change very little between 32 and 63 km. Large numbers of submicron particles apparently exist in the atmosphere above the landing sites