1,013 research outputs found

    Ecological assemblages of corticulous myxomycetes in forest communities of the North-East Ukraine

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    Corticulous myxomycetes remain one of the least surveyed ecological groups of terrestrial protists. These organisms develop on the bark of trees, mostly feeding on bacteria and microalgae. Their microscopic size and fast developmental cycle (3–5 days) complicate the study of these organisms, and therefore data their on ecological relationships and patterns of biodiversity corticulous myxomycetes remain controversial. On the territory of the southwest spurs of the Central Russian Upland (Northeast Ukraine), no special studies on these organisms have been conducted. During 2017–2020, in nine forest sites located in this territory, we collected samples of bark of 16 species of tree plants, on which sporulating myxomycetes were then identified using the moist chamber technique in laboratory conditions. A total of 434 moist chambers was prepared, and 267 (61.5%) of which were found to contain myxomycete fruiting bodies. In total, we made 535 observations, finding 20,211 sporocarps. As a result, in the surveyed territory, we found 38 species of corticulous myxomycetes, belonging to 18 genera, 10 families, 7 orders, and 2 subclasses of Myxomycetes. Among the species of corticulous myxomycetes, the most abundant were Echinostelium minutum, Arcyria pomiformis, Macbrideola cornea, Perichaena chrysosperma, Licea kleistobolus, Paradiacheopsis fimbriata, Cribraria violacea, Enerthenema papillatum, A. cinerea, and L. operculata. The greatest species richness in the examined biota was observed for genera Comatricha, Licea, Paradiacheopsis and Perichaena, families Amaurochaetaceae and Trichiaceae, orders Stemonitidales, Trichiales and Physarales. By species diversity, dark-spored myxomycetes (Collumellomycetidae) somewhat exceeded bright-spored myxomycetes (Lucisporomycetidae). Badhamia versicolor, Didymium dubium, D. sturgisii, Macbrideola decapillata, and Perichaena luteola are new species for the surveyed area. Four species of myxomycetes were collected in Ukraine for the first time: Hemitrichia pardina, Licea floriformis, L. pygmea, and Macbrideola argentea. Quantitative and qualitative structure of myxomycete consortia developing on different species of substrate-forming plants demonstrated significant differences. The highest level of similarity was demonstrated by Fraxinus excelsior and Acer platanoides, and a relatively strong relationship was seen between Pinus sylvestris and Tilia cordata. The central cluster comprised F. excelsior, A. platanoides and P. sylvestris. By the sum of values of Bray-Curtis coefficient, Quercus robur appeared to be most distinctive plant species by quantitative composition of myxomycete consortia. F. excelsior and T. cordata are the most favourable for the development of corticulous myxomycetes. In all the analyzed consortia, the dominant species belonged to the Stemonitidales and Trichiales orders, while the remaining orders were represented by notably fewer species. Relative species richness of Stemonitidales was the highest in consortia of P. sylvestris, the contribution of Liceales was the greatest in A. platanoides and P. sylvestris, the percentage of Echinosteliales and Physarales was the highest on F. excelsior, the share of Cribrariales was especially large on A. platanoides. Trichiales were represented on all the analyzed substrates to almost the same extent. Representatives of Cribrariales and Physarales were completely absent on P. sylvestris, the species of Clastodermatales – on all species of plants, except Q. robur. Prevalence of bright-spored myxomycetes was determined for consortia of Acer platanoides, the dominance of dark-spored myxomycetes – for F. excelsior, P. sylvestris and Q. robur. The obtained data indicate the presence of stable complexes of corticulous myxomycetes, associated with different species of trees in the forest ecosystems of Northeast Ukraine. This encourages further study of the structure of myxomycete consortia with tree species that were not included in this study and determining the influence of physical-chemical properties of the bark of different plant species on the discovered peculiarities of myxomycete communities

    Selection and Breeding of Dairy Cattle in Western Siberia

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    The main objective of stock breeding is to raise highly productive animals, improve existing ones and create new types and breeds of livestock. The main focus of dairy cattle breeding is on increasing milk yield, fat and protein content in milk; preserving fertility and productive longevity; and developing high adaptive properties of suitability for modern industrial technologies. Selection and breeding of black-and-white and red steppe breeds of cattle is aimed at improving the breeding and productive qualities of the animals. These breeds are traditionally raised in Western Siberia. Breeding to improve the economic and productive features of black-and-white and red steppe breeds of cattle led to the creation of new zonal types, including the Priobsky, Kulunda and Siberian zonal types, which are characterized by relatively high dairy productivity. This study showed that the Siberian type of heifers had the maximum milk yield – 6389 kg, which was 1239 kg and 828 kg more than the Kulunda and Priobsky types, respectively. The same tendency was observed for the third lactation. Animals with a dry period of less than 40 days had lower milk yields than those with a longer period. In terms of the amount of milk and the weight fraction of fat and protein in the milk, the animals exceeded the standard for the parental breed. The duration of pregnancy among the studied animals was within the physiological norm – 276.1-280.8 days. The research results may be of interest to agricultural students and specialists involved in selection issues. Keywords: reproduction, breed, milk productivit

    Photoperiodical regulation of biorhyths and summer-winter time switching consequences

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    Magnetic phase diagram and first principles study of Pb3TeCo3V2O14

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    An antiferromagnetic ordering in Pb3TeCo3V2O14 takes place through formation of short range correlation regime with T* ~ 10.5 K and succession of second order phase transition at TN1 = 8.9 K and first order phase transition at TN2 = 6.3 K. An external magnetic field rapidly destroys magnetic structure at T < TN2 and influences the magnetic order at TN2 < T < TN1 resulting in complex magnetic phase diagram of Pb3TeCo3V2O14 as derived from magnetization and specific heat measurements. The first principles calculations indicate that in variance with layered crystal structure the magnetic subsystem of Pb3TeCo3V2O14 is quasi-one-dimensional and highly unusual consisting of weakly coupled triangular tubes.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Spatio-temporal mechanism of genetic homeostasis

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    Suppositional measures for harmful microalga <i>Pseudo-nitzschia calliantha</i> control in aquaculture farms

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    Growth of potentially toxic diatom microalga Pseudo-nitzschia calliantha is investigated in laboratory culture under different conditions of cultivation. In the conditions without stirring, the highest abundance of algae was moderate (16131 cells/ml) and observed after 3 days of exposition; many chains of 5-8 cells were formed. Further exposition showed cyclic dynamics of the culture, the chains of 5-12 cells were numerous, chloroplasts looked healthy, their color was olive-green. After stirring, a short lag-phase preceded to the phase of active cells dividing with exponential growth of their number to the peaks of 59828-70566 cells/ml, chains of 2-8 cells were formed but rapidly settled to the vessel bottom, chloroplasts were discrete and bleached that indicated dying of the culture. P. calliantha is potentially toxic species, so the sites with active water circulation or constrained water mixing are recommended for aquaculture farming that protects the environments from its phycotoxins accumulation

    Формування службової кар’єри в органах внутрішніх справ (профорієнтація та профвідбір)

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    Маркіна, Я. В. Формування службової кар’єри в органах внутрішніх справ (профорієнтація та профвідбір) / Я. В. Маркіна // Вісник Національного університету внутрішніх справ. - 2005. - Вип. - 29. - С. 197-202.Розглянуто питання формування службової кар’єри в органах внутрішніх справ (профорієнтації та профвідбору). Рассмотрены вопросы формирования служебной карьеры в органах внутренних дел (профориентации и профотбора). The issues of career formation in law enforcement agencies (career guidance and professional selection) are considered

    Взаимодействие диатомовых водорослей Pseudo-nitzschia hasleana и Thalassiosira pseudonana в смешанной культуре

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    Представители рода Pseudo-nitzschia (Bacillariophyta) вызывают цветения в разных районах Мирового океана, поэтому важно знать экологические особенности этих видов, в том числе то, как они взаимодействуют с другими видами одноклеточных водорослей. Кроме того, необходима методика быстрой идентификации данных водорослей в среде. В связи с этим нами оценена динамика численности клеток Pseudo-nitzschia hasleana и Thalassiosira pseudonana в моно- и смешанных культурах путём их прямого подсчёта в камере Нажотта. Также проанализированы температурные кривые флуоресценции хлорофилла a, полученные методом лазерно-индуцированной флуоресценции в температурной камере. Опыты проводили в течение 14 суток. Показано, что P. hasleana оказывала различное действие на T. pseudonana в зависимости от начальной численности T. pseudonana. При начальной концентрации 0,8 × 104 кл.·мл−1 происходила выраженная стимуляция роста этой диатомовой водоросли. При начальных концентрациях 1,6 × 104 и 3,2 × 104 кл.·мл−1 отмечено ингибирование её роста. В смешанной культуре T. pseudonana оставалась в стационарной фазе роста, тогда как в монокультуре популяция входила в фазу отмирания к 14-м суткам опыта. T. pseudonana ингибировала рост P. hasleana. Эксперимент с совместным культивированием P. hasleana и T. pseudonana показал, что на флуоресценцию хлорофилла a смеси оказывает большее воздействие та микроводоросль, концентрация которой значительно выше. Флуоресцентный сигнал двух культивируемых отдельно монокультур потенциально может быть использован для их поиска в смеси


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    Since the current budget reform proclaimed the transition from cost management to the management of results as the main objective, there arises a necessity to reform institutions of the public sector, including the improvement of the financial mechanism of the budgetary institution operation to make it consistent with the present market requirements.The paper considers the historical aspects of the formation and evolution of the financial mechanism of the budgetary institution operation, describes its contents before and after the adoption of the Federal Law No. 83- FZ «On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation to Improve the Legal Status of Public (Municipal) Institutions» dated May 8, 2010. The paper also identifies areas for improving the financial mechanism of the budgetary institution operation: arguments in favor of using the government (municipal) task assignment as the main tool to regulate the volume and quality of public (municipal) services are given along with substantiating the necessity to improve the mechanism for granting subsidies from the Russian Federation budget system and to use normative per capita funding of public (municipal) services.В рамках проводимой бюджетной реформы, провозгласившей в качестве основной цели переход от управления затратами к управлению результатами, возникла необходимость реформирования учреждений государственного сектора экономики, в том числе совершенствования финансового механизма функционирования бюджетных учреждений, который не соответствует рыночным условиям их функционирования.В статье рассмотрены исторические аспекты становления и развития финансового механизма функционирования бюджетных учреждений, определено его содержание до и после принятия Федерального закона от 8 мая 2010 г. № 83-ФЗ «О внесении изменений в отдельные законодательные акты Российской Федерации в  связи с  совершенствованием правового положения государственных (муниципальных) учреждений».Определены направления совершенствования финансового механизма функционирования бюджетных учреждений: обоснована необходимость применения государственного (муниципального) задания как основного инструмента регулирования объема и качества государственных (муниципальных) услуг; совершенствования механизма предоставления субсидий из бюджетной системы РФ; использования нормативно-подушевого финансирования государственных (муниципальных) услуг.