718 research outputs found

    Revisiting digital technologies: envisioning biodigital bodies

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    In this paper the contemporary practices of human genomics in the 21st century are placed alongside the digital bodies of the 1990s. The primary aim is to provide a trajectory of the biodigital as follows: First, digital bodies and biodigital bodies were both part of the spectacular imaginaries of early cybercultures. Second, these spectacular digital bodies were supplemented in the mid-1990s by digital bodywork practices that have become an important dimension of everyday communication. Third, the spectacle of biodigital bodies is in the process of being supplemented by biodigital bodywork practices, through personal or direct-to-consumer genomics. This shift moves a form of biodigital communication into the everyday. Finally, what can be learned from putting the trajectories of digital and biodigital bodies together is that the degree of this communicative shift may be obscured through the doubled attachment of personal genomics to everyday digital culture and high-tech spectacle.Keywords: genomics, biodigital, bodies, spectacle, everyda

    Дигитализация рынка транспорта и логистики: интеграция информационных систем. Российский опыт внедрения цифровых технологий в организации логистических процессов

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    The paper summarizes the experience of using information systems in transport and logistics companies in Russia, their typologization and functionality. The definition of "smart logistics" is formulated; it contains a description of the essence of the term characterizing its specific features and effects that are achieved as a result of processes of the same name. Based on the study of the trans-logistics platforms functional structure and the “single window” evolutionary development levels, the industry and departmental participants of the logistics market, which information systems can potentially be integrated into a single information space, are identified. The relevance of the information systems integration for providing synchromodal transportation is underlined. Expert opinions on practices in the digitalization of transport and logistics processes in Russia are highlighted and summarized. Opinions on the uneven development of digitalization in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and also on the conditions and trends in digital logistics development are highlighted.El documento resume la experiencia del uso de sistemas de información en empresas de transporte y logística en Rusia, su tipología y funcionalidad. Se formula la definición de "logística inteligente"; contiene una descripción de la esencia del término que caracteriza sus características y efectos específicos que se logran como resultado de procesos del mismo nombre. Con base en el estudio de la estructura funcional de las plataformas trans-logísticas y los niveles de desarrollo evolutivo de "ventana única", se identifican la industria y los participantes departamentales del mercado logístico, cuyos sistemas de información se pueden integrar potencialmente en un solo espacio de información. Se subraya la relevancia de la integración de los sistemas de información para proporcionar transporte sincromodal. Se destacan y resumen las opiniones de expertos sobre prácticas en la digitalización de los procesos de transporte y logística en Rusia. Se destacan las opiniones sobre el desarrollo desigual de la digitalización en las entidades constitutivas de la Federación de Rusia, y también sobre las condiciones y tendencias en el desarrollo de la logística digital.В статье обобщен опыт использования информационных систем в транспортных и логистических компаниях России, их типологизация и функциональность. Сформулировано определение «умная логистика»; он содержит описание сущности термина, характеризующего его специфические особенности и эффекты, которые достигаются в результате одноименных процессов. На основе изучения функциональной структуры транс-логистических платформ и уровней эволюционного развития «единого окна» определены отраслевые и ведомственные участники рынка логистики, информационные системы которых потенциально могут быть интегрированы в единое информационное пространство. Подчеркивается актуальность интеграции информационных систем для обеспечения синхромодальных перевозок. Экспертные заключения о практике оцифровки транспортных и логистических процессов в России выделены и обобщены. Выделяются мнения о неравномерном развитии цифровизации в субъектах Российской Федерации, а также об условиях и тенденциях развития цифровой логистики


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    Seismicity migration is studied by a new method based on space-time diagrams and a combination of cluster and regression analyses. Data from the global and Baikal regional earthquake catalogues are analysed with the application of the specially designed geographic information system (GIS) in order to establish parameters and mechanisms of seismicity migration in space and time. We study the migration of seismic events in the following geostructural systems: the Baikal rift zone (BRZ), the area between BRZ and the Indo-Eurasian interplate collision zone, the area between BRZ and the West-Pacific seismic foci Benoiff zone, and two segments of the Middle Atlantic ridge.As evidenced by the obtained results, studying regimes of seismic migration provides for analyses of space-time distribution of seismic energy in the fault-block structure of the lithosphere and facilitates more detailed studies of the origin of deformation waves and mechanisms of the seismotectonic regime of the Earth. Forward (from the equator) and backward (towards the equator) migration of seismic events are established in all the regions under study. It is assumed that this phenomenon may result from regular changes of the polar compression of the Earth due to variations of its rotation regime. Besides, it is revealed that energy clusters of migration are regularly generated, and the regularity may be related to the 11-year cycle of the solar activity which impacts the seismic regime. We discuss the need to study the interference of wave deformations in the lithosphere which are initiated by several external energy sources. It is proposed to consider the regimes of planetary seismicity migration as a reflection of redistribution of endogenic (primarily heat) energy of the Earth during the destruction of its lithospheric shell under the impacts of cosmogenic factors via triggering mechansms. With reference to our positive experiences of applying the proposed concept to BRZ, we consider possibilities of using the seismicity migration data for prediction of earthquakes in the planetary and regional scales.Изучение процессов сейсмомиграции проводилось новым методом построения пространственно-временных диаграмм и посредством сочетания кластерного и регрессионного анализа. С помощью разработанной геоинформационной системы (ГИС) и с использованием всемирного и байкальского регионального каталогов землетрясений решались задачи по выяснению параметров и механизмов пространственно-временной миграции сейсмической активности. Сейсмомиграционные явления изучались в следующих геоструктурных системах: в пределах Байкальской рифтовой зоны (БРЗ), между БРЗ и областью Индо-Евразийской межплитной коллизии, между БРЗ и Западно-Тихоокеанской сейсмофокальной зоной Беньофа, а также в двух сегментах Срединно-Атлантического хребта.На основе анализа полученных результатов показано, что изучение режимов сейсмомиграций позволяет анализировать пространственно-временное перераспределение сейсмической энергии в разломно-блоковой структуре литосферы и, соответственно, более углубленно изучать деформационно-волновую природу и механизмы формирования сейсмотектонического режима Земли. Установлено проявление прямых (от экватора) и обратных (к экватору) сейсмомиграций для всех рассмотренных районов. Предполагается, что такое явление может быть объяснено периодическим изменением полярного сжатия Земли за счет вариаций ее ротационного режима. Выявлена также периодичность в режиме генерации энергетических кластеров миграции, что может быть связано с влиянием на сейсмический режим 11-летнего цикла солнечной активности. Обсуждается необходимость изучения интерференции волновых деформаций в литосфере, возбужденных несколькими внешними энергетическими источниками. С этих позиций режимы планетарной сейсмомиграции предлагается рассматривать как отражение перераспределения эндогенной, преимущественно тепловой, энергии нашей планеты в ходе деструкции ее литосферной оболочки под воздействием космогенных факторов через триггерные механизмы. На основе положительного опыта для БРЗ обсуждаются возможности применения полученных сведений о сейсмомиграции для прогноза землетрясений в планетарном и региональном масштабе

    “How the Motherland Begins”: on Development of Song’s Patriotic Semantics

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    The question of development of patriotic semantics in a song is considered taking into account genre approach. Attention is paid to text units that actualize patriotic semantics in the song context. The article presents the results of functional and semantic analysis of the text of the song “How the Motherland Begins.” The authors claim that in the text semantic field of this song three levels of patriotic semantics are actualized. Text units specific for each level are characterized. The novelty of the study is seen in the fact that the features of the development of patriotic semantics in the communicative space of the song text are analyzed using the concept of “text units.” The relevance of the study is due to the demand for songs as an empirical material in the modern scientific paradigm, as well as the implementation of one of the main functions of the language - accumulative, that is, the function of accumulation and storage of information, historical and cultural memory, transfer of value orientations to the next generations. It is emphasized that the reference to the theme of patriotism is of great social importance in the practice of teaching Russian as a native, non-native and foreign language. The authors use the terms text landscape unit and text unit with patriotic semantics and develop their content. In the course of the functional-semantic analysis of song text, the initial and potential, incremented content of text units is revealed, taking into account the context environment


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    The article presents the results of the evaluation of life quality of teachers of industrial Kuzbass city using SF-36 questionnaire, an application form and conversation. The share of the surveyed teachers up to 30 years is 20 %, up to 40 years -13,3 %, the rest of the teachers are older than 40 years. A low level of life quality of the teachers due to the decrease of their role and social reaction, vital activity, psycho-emotional tonus is revealed. The majority of the surveyed teachers complain of headache, backache, pain in the joints of the lower extremities and numbness of the hands. The level of motor activity of the surveyed subjects according to the questionnaire survey and conversation is low. The level of psycho-emotional tension is high. One-third of surveyed teachers notes strong mental problems in the form of emotional instability, depressive and anxiety manifestations. The level of mental health is low, it is manifested through the presence of depressive and anxious feelings, mental and emotional problems, irritability, unstable moods. There is a big difference between good physical health of the surveyed teachers and their poor psycho-emotional condition. The publications devoted to the problems of teachers' health report about the decrease of level of teachers health in process of increase in an experience of years of pedagogical activity. This article reveals the weak correlations between the age of teachers, their work experience and integral indicators of health (physical and mental components), it is contrary to the directions on the dependence of the intensity of psycho-emotional disorders teachers on their age and length of teaching experience. A strong direct correlation between the index of psychological well-being and social indicators of functioning (r = 0,68), role emotional functioning (r = 0,76), the frequency of headaches (r = 0,47) and the subjective evaluation of health status (r = 0,42) is found. This suggests a prevalence of psycho-emotional disorders in surveyed teachers while the preservation of their physical health, which manifest themselves regardless of the age of the surveyed teachers and length of teaching experience


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    The research of theoretical and methodological issues of assessing the quality of the economic space of Russian regions has been conducted. The concepts of economic space and its quality, institutional environment of economic space have been substantiated. In order to determine the integral indicator of the standard of living and the quality of the economic space, the method of a systematic approach has been applied, which allowed the authors to justify and identify the system-forming indicators of the quality of the ec onomic space and the features of the relationship between them. The developed method of assessing the quality of economic space at the meso-level allows you to form a rating of investment attractiveness of the subjects of the Federation and determine the integral indicator of the quality of life of the population of the regions. The results of the study can be used in the development of investment rating and typology of Russian regions, implementation of social policy and state regulation of spatial development

    Educational Migration Bridge: From Metaphor to Project

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    The purpose of the article is to analyze the topical problem of educational migration and ways to solve it. The article identifies factors preventing from successful adaptation and socialization of foreign students in recipient country as legal, pedagogical, psychological, lingvo-communicative are identified. Minimization of negative factors actualized the integrated strategy of educational migration «bridge construction» development aimed at solving tasks of migrants’ integration in Russian labour market, providing them with all-round support in getting education, improving professional qualification, adaptation and socialization. The term «bridge» is metaphorically used as an artificial, virtual «construction» functioning as a means for educational migration support of citizens.The experience of the Orenburg State University in development and realization of the longterm integrated strategy of educational migration «bridge construction» presented within the Strategic Academic Leadership Program «Priority 2030» is studied. Regarding the potential of the University and Orenburg region the ways of educational migration «bridge construction» are determined: introduction of educational migration interactions into mission and policy of the university; development of open university migration interactions network structures; implementation of educational migration interaction based on norms, values and ideals of person’s lingvo-communicative culture. The practical steps for the strategy realization within the project «Educational migration bridge» are described: formation of the united scientific, educational and cultural environment based on mutual activity in international scientific and educational community; arrangement of universities regional consortium for informing applicants from Asian countries, for training and living in universities campuses; establishment of the Faculty of foreign students’ education and digital educational platform ensuring logistics and student educational improvement management; development and realization of module network programs for foreign students; realization of additional educational programs in OSU Linguistic center. The authors analyze the main indicators of the project effectiveness: quantitative and qualitative results of the Faculty of foreign students’ education activity in training Russian and culture; establishment of the Orenburg branch of Foreign Students Association, students’ involvement in various interaction forms and special career guidance events; scientific and methodological support for teachers. Realization of the strategy implies creation in OSU in the nearest future a specific environment including social infrastructure for foreigners