44 research outputs found

    On the possibility of refining by means of optical location some astronomical parameters of the system - Earth-Moon

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    Optical location of moon in Earth-Moon system using artificial light reflector, on lunar surfac

    Optical spectroscopy of single beryllium acceptors in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well

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    We carry out microphotoluminescence measurements of an acceptor-bound exciton (A^0X) recombination in the applied magnetic field with a single impurity resolution. In order to describe the obtained spectra we develop a theoretical model taking into account a quantum well (QW) confinement, an electron-hole and hole-hole exchange interaction. By means of fitting the measured data with the model we are able to study the fine structure of individual acceptors inside the QW. The good agreement between our experiments and the model indicates that we observe single acceptors in a pure two-dimensional environment whose states are unstrained in the QW plain

    Optical orientation of spins in GaAs:Mn/AlGaAs quantum wells via impurity-to-band excitation

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    The paper reports optical orientation experiments performed in the narrow GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells doped with Mn. We experimentally demonstrate a control over the spin polarization by means of the optical orientation via the impurity-to-band excitation and observe a sign inversion of the luminescence polarization depending on the pump power. The g factor of a hole localized on the Mn acceptor in the quantum well was also found to be considerably modified from its bulk value due to the quantum confinement effect. This finding shows the importance of the local environment on magnetic properties of the dopants in semiconductor nanostructures


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    The article contains a description of the simulation method, required for a quantitative study of modernization stages and repairs of the railway infrastructure. Its use is particularly important in the development of growing traffic volumes with the expectation of long-term perspective and subject of lengthy work-intervals (breaks in traffic for maintenance works), reducing the capacity of lines operated.Статья содержит описание метода имитационного моделирования, необходимого для количественного обоснования этапов модернизации и ремонта железнодорожной инфраструктуры. Его применение имеет особое значение при освоении возрастающих объемов перевозок с расчетом на длительную перспективу и с учетом предоставления продолжительных «окон» (пауз в движении), снижающих пропускную способность эксплуатируемых линий


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    Need to reconstruct the electric centralization of train station creates a problem of rational distribution of functions and management areas between station operators, which requires not to exceed the rate of workload of personnel and to ensure the best conditions for technological operations. Complexity of the problem is exacerbated by the lack of theoretical and practical methods of quantitative assessment of results of alleged use of various options for solving the problem in order to select the best of them. The article contains a summary of the adjusted method of quantitative assessment of station officers’ workload at train stations at different ways of organizing their work places and different volume of movement based on the algorithmic description of the contents of the personnel’s labor.Необходимость реконструкции электрической централизации технической станции создает проблему рационального распределения функций и зон управления между дежурными по станции, при котором требуется не превышать норму загруженности персонала и обеспечить наилучшие условия для выполнения технологических операций. Сложность проблемы усугубляется отсутствием теоретически и практически отработанных методов количественной оценки результатов предполагаемого применения различных вариантов решения задачи с целью выбора из них наилучшего. Статья содержит изложение уточненного метода количественной оценки загруженности дежурных по технической станции при разных способах организации их рабочих мест и разных размерах движения, основанного на алгоритмическом описании содержания труда персонала

    Assessment of interpersonal compatibility of military personnel on the basis of the study of the hierarchy of personality qualities

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    The article is devoted to the development of the assessment approach diagnol (pairwise) compatibility of professions at particular risk. The assessment of interpersonal compatibility in the line of duty in groups (settlements, crews, outfits, etc.) necessary unity of ideas about the qualities of the ideal colleague (colleague). The technique of determining the relevant personal qualities are pairwise compatible soldiers. The metric basis of measurement amounted to the admission ranking list of 15 socially approved qualities. As a result of the empirical study 163 patients were statistically significant differences in the hierarchy as to the relevance of personality traits among military personnel of different degrees diagnol compatibility. The generated regression model assessing interpersonal compatibility, defined by its normative values and the algorithm works with the method. Testing of the proposed diagnostic approach, as well as the study of the type of distribution of the resulting indicator. The differential abilities of the algorithm of classification of diagnostic images of compatible and incompatible faces are estimated. The technique can be used to assess interpersonal compatibility, not only the military but law enforcement. The approach is aimed at improving the activities of the representatives of the professions at particular risk

    Problems of the organizational providing of psychological work in divisions of the state traffic Inspectorate

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    The article analyzes the problems of the organizational providing of psychological work in divisions of the state traffic Inspectorate. Detailed the range of tasks that need to be implemented to psychologists, and specifics of the state traffic Inspectorate. The features of carrying out of activities of professional psychological selection of candidates for service, psychological training, prevention and other support activities. Potentially conflicting interaction of inspectors of traffic police with the participants of traffic, the inability to predict traffic situations and the psycho drivers necessitate treatment to psychological knowledge and the application of the constant efforts of specialists-psychologists. It is shown that the replacement of tenured psychologists psychologists state traffic Inspectorate of the territorial body of internal Affairs will not amount to nor the volume of work nor its quality. Psychological work with the personnel of the state traffic Inspectorate should only be carried out by psychologists of this unit. Eventually psychologist in the state traffic Inspectorate has expressed prospects and can not be replaced by the activities of other specialists