23 research outputs found

    Daurian Monuments of the Amur Region

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    The first information about the Amur peoples appeared in the mid-17th century in the reports of Russian pioneers. For the Daurians, accommodation was indicated along the Amur and Zee. It was noted that the Daurians had towns and fortresses, and a military-administrative system under the control of local princes. Unlike the Tungus-Manchus, the Daurians were not the indigenous inhabitants of the Amur region. Their relocation to the Amur was regarded as a military and political act of the Yuan Dynasty, which was assigned the function of Mongolian occupation troops. A series of archaeological sites identified as Daurian has been discovered in the Western Amur region. It has been established that the settlements of the Daurian type belong to the valley type, and have a square shape with 1–2–3 ramparts, corner towers and ditches. Settlements and underground burial grounds were located near the Daurian towns. The earliest Daurian towns and burial grounds date back to the period of the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty (1271–1368). The late Daurian monuments date back to the 17th century. During the Chinese Ming Dynasty (1368–1644), the Mongol-speaking Daurians lived in parallel with the aboriginal Tungus-Manchu tribes

    Reading Practices of Students of the Metropolitan Metropolis: “Amateurs” and “Pragmatists”

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    Modern social processes (globalization, urbanization, digitalization, succession of generations and others) actualize public and scientific attention to students’ reading culture, reading practices and their various aspects (gender, social, economic, and others). The issue of culture of reading, reading practices, their features and structure is a topical and relatively under-developed topic of interdisciplinary analysis. These phenomena are considered in sociology within the framework of some concepts: as a separate type of practice in the process of personal literacy formation, through the connection of cultural heritage and social class, through the analysis of subjective and existential meanings of the reading experience, and others. It is interesting to study the reading practices of students due to the specificity of the subject-object role of this social group in the process of cultural intergenerational continuity. The article highlights the results of an empirical study conducted among students of Moscow universities. Two types of students’ attitudes to works of fiction are revealed: pragmatic and value-reflective. The characteristics of these two groups are given, compared with other indicators (love of reading, reading as pleasure, volume of reading, genres of fiction, and others). The main conclusions and results presented in the publication will be of interest to teachers, scientists, representatives of state and public organizations and specifically to students

    Between extreme simplification and ideal optimization: antennal sensilla morphology of miniaturized Megaphragma wasps (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae)

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    One of the major trends in the evolution of parasitoid wasps is miniaturization, which has produced the smallest known insects. Megaphragma spp. (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) are smaller than some unicellular organisms, with an adult body length of the smallest only 170 µm. Their parasitoid lifestyle depends on retention of a high level of sensory reception comparable to that in parasitoid wasps that may have antennae hundreds of times larger. Antennal sensilla of males and females of Megaphragma amalphitanum and M. caribea and females of the parthenogenetic M. mymaripenne are described, including sensillum size, external morphology, and distribution. Eight different morphological types of sensilla were discovered, two of them appearing exclusively on female antennae. Two of the types, sensilla styloconica and aporous placoid sensilla, have not been described previously. Regression analyses were performed to detect and evaluate possible miniaturization trends by comparing available data for species of larger parasitoid wasps. The number of antennal sensilla was found to decrease with the body size; M. amalphitanum males have only 39 sensilla per antenna. The number of antennal sensilla types and sizes of the sensilla, however, show little to no correlation with the body size. Our findings on the effects of miniaturization on the antennal sensilla of Megaphragma provide material for discussion on the limits to the reduction of insect antenna

    Морфологические особенности и механизмы регуляции тонуса стенки легочных артерий

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    Morphological features of pulmonary artery (PA) wall in rabbits and mechanisms of its cholinergic, histaminergic and adrenergic regulation were investigated. The PA structure in its upper part is of a blended type with light predominance of elastic elements and while branching it transforms to a muscular type.A two-component dose dependent character is a peculiarity of the segment PA cholinergic regulation. A low-threshold component of relaxing action of pilocarpine has the endothelium-dependent origin. An important feature of PA histaminergic regulation is a direct contractile effect of histamine that is not inherent to the systemic circulation. The endothelium inhibits histamin-induced contraction of PA smooth muscles (SM). The basic feature of the PA adrenergic regulation are beta-adrenergic contractile effects on SM of the vascular wall. Activation of the cAMP-dependent signalling system in PA SM is able to cause constriction. So, the determined features of the PA tone regulation can be of great clinical and physiological significance.Изучены морфологические особенности стенки легочных артерий (ЛА) кроликов и механизмы холинергической, гистаминергической и адренергической регуляции ее тонуса. В верхних отделах ЛА кроликов имеет смешанный тип строения с небольшим преобладанием эластических элементов, а по мере ветвления превращается в сосуд мышечного типа.Особенностью холинергической регуляции сегментов ЛА является двухкомпонентный характер дозовой зависимости. При этом низкопороговый компонент расслабляющего действия пилокарпина имеет эндотелийзависимую природу. Важной особенностью гистаминергической регуляции тонуса ЛА является прямой сократительный эффект гистамина, что не присуще сосудам большого круга. Эндотелий оказывает угнетающее действие на гистаминергическое сокращение гладких мышц (ГМ) стенки ЛА. Принципиальной особенностью адренергической регуляции тонуса ЛА являются P-адренергические контрактильные эффекты на ГМ сосудистой стенки. Активация цАМФ-зависимой сигнальной системы в ГМ ЛА способна оказывать констрикторный эффект. Выявленные особенности регуляции тонуса ЛА могут иметь существенное клинико-физиологическое значение

    The influence of innovation cluster on the contemporary Chilean foreign policy

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    The article analyzes the in uence of innovation cluster on the contemporary Chilean foreign policy which has traditionally been pragmatic and aimed at promotion of national interests, attracting foreign investments and new technologies. The Chilean experience of cooperation with other countries in the field of innovation, the use of international agreements and regional blocs is a national variation of the maximum application of all opportunities to improve its competitiveness and sustainability in the modern world, to overcome the economic threat

    The current political situation in Chile and the government of the «new majority»

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    The article discusses the current political situation in Chile and the results of the first year in power of Michelle Bachelet second government; analyzes problems and risks of this period associated with increasing political instability. The author points out that high social expectations of the part of society, requiring an accelerated pace of reforms, do not always contribute to the formation of the balanced and adequate political strategy

    The Use of Non-Instrumental Methods of Lie Detection by Operative Officers of Operative Investigative Activities

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    1. Екман П. Теорія брехні / пер. з англ. Київ: KM-БУКС, 2019. 320 с. 2. Психологічні особливості комунікації в діяльності оперативного працівника поліції: методичні рекомендації / Я.М. Когут, О.М. Борисюк, Ю.Ц. Жидецький, Н.М. Калька, Н.О. Пряхіна, О.Й. Хомин. Львів: ЛьвДУВС, 2019. 112 с. 3. Vasuk Katherina. Non-instrumental facilities of lie detection and their efficiency in the modern psychological practice. Chapter «Psychological sciences», 2019. С. 280-302. 4. Калька Н.М., Цивінська М.В., Зубач І.М. Детекція брехні у спілкуванні: соціальнопсихологічний аспект: навч.-метод. посіб. Львів: ЛьвДУВС, 2017. 120 с. 5. Nathan J. Gordon Effective Interviewing and Interrogation Techniques 3rd Edition / Gordon N., W. Fleisher. USA: Academic Press, 2011. 383 р.Комунікація є невід’ємною частиною взаємодії людей у будь-якій сфері життя, в тому числі в оперативно-розшуковій діяльності. Під час проведення оперативно-розшукової діяльності за допомогою ефективної комунікації збирається значна частина оперативно значимої інформації, здійснюється підбір відповідних осіб та їх залучення до таємного співробітництва, спонукання людей до явки з повинною та викриття злочинних груп. Злочинна діяльність завжди ґрунтується на таємниці та обмані. Злочинець, прагнучи здійснити протиправні дії, активно використовує підступ, обман, брехню, щоб здобути довіру інших осіб та приховати свої справжні наміри та цілі. І оскільки оперативно-розшукова діяльність передбачає взаємодію, в першу чергу, саме з особами, які пов’язані із злочинною діяльністю, важливою є потреба у поліпшенні навичок невербальної детекції брехні, задля виявлення неправдивої інформації, таємних мотивів чи цілей, які є важливими для правоохоронних органів і які особа намагається приховати від оперативного працівника.Communication is an integral part of interaction people in any sphere of life, including operational and search activities. In the course of the operational-search activity under the Through effective communication, it is going to much of the operationally relevant information, selection of appropriate persons and their involvement in secret cooperation, encouragement of people to turn themselves in and expose criminal groups. Criminal activity is always based on mystery and deception. A criminal, striving to commit illegal actions, actively uses deceit, deception, lies to gain trust other persons and conceal their true intentions and Goals. And since the operational-search activity involves interaction, first of all, it is For persons who are associated with criminal activity, it is important to improve the skills of non-verbal lie detection in order to identify false information and secret motives or goals that are important to law enforcement organs and which the person is trying to conceal from operative

    Association of polymorphisms of NO synthases and arginase genes, clinical, laboratory and functional indicators with the level of nitrogen oxide in exhaled air in children with bronchial asthma

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    The article presents the results of a study of the associations of NO synthase and arginase genes in children with bronchial asthma with clinical, laboratory and functional parameters depending on the level of nitrogen oxide in exhaled air (FeNO). We examined 107 children with bronchial asthma, they were divided into 2 groups depending on the level of FeNO. We found a number of associations in the group of patients with an elevated level of FeNO (≥20 ppb): carriage of alleles and genotypes containing short tandem repeats of S (9–11) NOS1(AAT)n gene, with an early debut and severe course of the disease, an increased level of total IgE in blood serum; carriage of alleles and genotypes containing long tandem repeats L (12–16) of the NOS2A(CCTTT) n gene, with a moderate course of the disease, with an increased level of IgE; carriage of the allele *A of the ARGII gene (rs3742879) with a moderate course of the disease; carriage of the *G allele and heterozygous *AG genotype of the ARGII gene (rs3742879) with a decreased level of FEV1/FVC; carriage of L alleles and a combination of the SL and LL genotypes of the NOS1(AAT)n gene with elevated blood eosinophils (eosinophilia); a combination of S/L + L/L genotypes of the NOS1(AAT)n gene with fungal sensitization. The authors established the correlations between disease severity and NOS1(AAT)n; the age of the manifestation of the disease and NOS1(AAT)n; FEV1/FVC and ARGII (rs3742879); feedback between blood eosinophilia and NOS1(AAT)n. The authors also determined a number of associations in the group of patients with low level of FeNO (<20 ppb): carriage of alleles and genotypes containing short tandem repeats of S (9–11) gene NOS1(AAT)n, with fungal sensitization; carriage of alleles and genotypes containing long tandem repeats of L (12–16) gene NOS2A(CCTTT)n, with reduced FEV1 and FEV1/FVC; carriage of the homozygous genotype of *GG gene ARGII(rs3742879) with epidermal sensitization. With a reduced level of FeNO, the study determined a relationship between the severity of bronchial asthma and NOS1(AAT)n; degree of effectiveness of anti-inflammatory basic therapy and NOS1(AAT)n; fungal sensitization and NOS1(AAT)n; feedback between FEV1 and NOS2(CCTTT)n; FEV1/FVC and NOS2(CCTTT)n