73 research outputs found

    Modular technology of corporate formation of blue-collar workers’ professional competency

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    Topicality of the problem under investigation is conditioned by implementation of competency oriented federal state educational standards and professional standards into the practice of blue-collar workers training, the mentioned standards being intended to disclose the host of functions of various blue-collar occupations and WorldSkills standards reflecting modern world trends in the field of formation and development of blue-collar workers’ professional competences. In the meaningful aspect, today’s standards identifying requirements to blue-collar workers training will define principles of selection and formation of competency oriented subject matter of training; however, the choice of training technologies quite often remains beyond the training standards. At the same time, the competency oriented training of blue-collar workers shall envisage application of the activity approach to organization and realization of the training and, consequently, of technologies of training based on the activity approach. The modular technology of training based on points of European concept of “Modular employable skills” can be one of such technologies. The purpose of the article is description of the authors’ modular technology of forming of workers’ professional competency under conditions of corporate training. The modular technology is described herein as exemplified by formation of professional competency of workers of the machine-building industry in field of lathe part machining. The article also includes results of an experimental approbation of a developed modular technology in conditions of plants’ training centers. The investigation’s leading method shall be a pedagogical educational experiment in process whereof the modular technology of forming of workers’ professional competency which has been developed by the authors shall be approbated, the mentioned workers belonging to the machine-building industry in field of lathe part machining, whereas a worker’s professional competency is regarded as an integrated aggregate of core competencies and occupational personal properties which lie in the base of the selection and structuring of the subject matter of training. Materials and methods: the pedagogical educational experiment allows exposing the efficiency of complex formation of the professional competency in trainees by means of applying of the modular technique of training and methodological support, that is, educational elements developed in line with requirements of Modular employable skills concept and supplemented with a set of production tasks performed directly on the job under the tutor’s guidance. The following methods were used in process of the research: theoretical (analysis, synthesis, deduction and induction); diagnostic (methods of analysis and systemizing of scientific pedagogical literature; generalization and classification); empirical (modelling). The key results described in the article: the professional competency model of the machine-building industry workers; the modular technology of forming of professional competency of the machine-building industry workers; the methodological support elaborated in line with requirements of Modular employable skills concept, plus results of the experimental approbation of the developed modular technology. The modular approach, possessing systemic properties, allows integrating the substantive basis of training formed in the competency-based format, processes of selection and structuring of the content of blue-collar workers’ training reflected in the program documentation fixed forms, educational-methodological documentation represented by training elements, organization- methodological aspects of training, organization and realization of training which are also recorded in documentary form in line with requirements of Modular employable skills concept. © 2018 by the authors


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    The article provides data on the structure of the Paleoproterozoic intercontinental Imandra-Varzuga rifting structure (IVS) and compositions of intrusive formations typical of the early stage of the IVS development and associated mineral resources. IVS is located in the central part of the Kola region. Its length is about 350 km, and its width varies from 10 km at the flanks to 50 km in the central part. IVS contains an association of the sedimentary-volcanic, intrusive and dyke complexes. It is a part of a large igneous Paleoproterozoic province of the Fennoscandian Shield spreading for a huge area (about 1 million km2), which probably reflects the settings of the head part of the mantle plume. Two age groups of layered intrusions were associated with the initial stage of the IVS development. The layered intrusions of the Fedorovo-Pansky and Monchegorsk complexes (about 2.50 Ga) are confined to the northern flank and the western closure of IVS, while intrusions of the Imandra complex (about 2.45 Ga) are located at the southern flank of IVS. Intrusions of older complexes are composed of rock series from dunite to gabbro and anorthosites (Monchegorsk complex) and from orthopyroxenite to gabbro and anorthosites (Fedorovo-Pansky complex). Some intrusions of this complexes reveal features of multiphase ones. The younger Imandra complex intrusions (about 2.45 Ga) are stratified from orthopyroxenite to ferrogabbro. Their important feature is comagmatical connection with volcanites. All the intrusive complexes have the boninite-like mantle origin enriched by lithophyle components. Rocks of these two complexеs with different age have specific geochemical characteristics. In the rocks of the Monchegorsk and Fedorovo-Pansky complexes, the accumulation of REE clearly depends on the basicity of the rocks, the spectrum of REE is non-fractionated and ‘flat’, and the Eu positive anomaly is slightly manifested. In the rocks of the Imandra complex, the level of REE accumulation is relatively higher. The spectrum of REE here differs with more fractionated LREE with a ‘flat’ distribution of HREE and distinct Eu anomalies. Rocks of all the intrusive complexes are characterized mostly by negative eNd(T) values, and eNd values are distributed more heterogeneously in the rocks of the Monchegorsk complex than in the rocks of the Fedorovo-Pansky complex. Deposits and occurrences of Cr, complex PGE-Cu-Ni and low-sulfide Pt-Pd ores of the world class are spatially related and genetically associated with the IVS intrusive complexes. The Sopcheozero deposit (Monchepluton of the Monchegorsk complex) and Bolshaya Varaka deposit (the same-name intrusion of the Imandra complex) represent a layered Cr mineralization. Complex PGE-Cu-Ni deposits are confined to Monchepluton. They occur in vein ores of the Nittis-Kumuzhya-Travyanaya massifs (which have been worked out) and Sopcha, vein PGE-Cu, injecting Ni ores mostly and bottom deposits of the Nittis-Kumuzhya-Travyanaya massifs, as well as in the Nyud ‘critical’ horizon. In the past 10–15 years, low-sulphide Pt-Pd ores were discovered as new for the Kola region. Two main types of such ores have been distinguished: (1) stratiform (rift) ores being consistent with the massifs’ layering, and (2) basal ores located within lower marginal zones. Deposits of Kievey (West-Pansky massif of the Fedorovo-Pansky complex), horizon 330 of the Sopcha and Vurechuayvench (Monchepluton of the Monchegorsk complex) belong to the first type; the second type is represented by the Fedorovotundrovskoe (Fedorovo-Pansky complex), South Sopcha and Loypishnyun (Mon­chetundrovsky massif of Monchegorsk complex) deposits.   В статье приведены данные о строении палеопротерозойской внутриконтинентальной Имандра-Варзуг­ской рифтогенной структуры (ИВС), составе интрузивных образований ее раннего этапа развития и связанных с ними полезных ископаемых. ИВС расположена в центральной части Кольского региона, имеет протяженность около 350 км и ширину от 10 км на флангах до 50 км в центральной части и включает ассоциацию осадочно-вулканоген­ных, интрузивных и дайковых комплексов. Она входит в состав обширной изверженной палеопротерозойской провинции Фенноскандинавского щита, которая охватывает огромный площадной ареал развития (около 1 млн км2), отражающий, по-видимому, параметры головной части мантийного плюма. С начальным этапом развития ИВС свя­зано формирование двух возрастных групп расслоенных интрузий. К северному борту и западному замыканию структуры приурочены расслоенные интрузии Федорово-Панского и Мончегорского комплексов с возрастом около 2.50 млрд лет, а к южному борту структуры – интрузии Имандровского комплекса с возрастом около 2.45 млрд лет. Интрузии более древних комплексов образованы рядом пород от дунитов до габбро и анортозитов (Мончегорский комплекс) и от ортопироксенитов до габбро и анортозитов (Федорово-Панский комплекс). При этом в некоторых интрузиях этих комплексов установлены признаки их многофазности. Интрузии более молодого Имандровского комплекса с возрастом около 2.45 млрд лет расслоены от ортопироксенитов до феррогаббро. Важной их особенностью является комагматическая связь с вулканитами. Все интрузивные комплексы образованы из бонинитоподобного мантийного источника, обогащенного литофильными компонентами. Для пород этих двух разновозрастных комплексов характерны свои отличительные геохимические особенности. В породах Мончегорского и Федорово-Пан­ского комплексов наблюдается отчетливая зависимость накопления редкоземельных элементов (РЗЭ) от основности пород, нефракционированный «плоский» характер спектра РЗЭ и незначительно проявленные положительные Eu аномалии. В породах Имандровского комплекса уровень накопления РЗЭ сравнительно более высокий. Спектр РЗЭ в них отличается более фракционированным характером легких редкоземельных элементов (РЗЭ) при «плоском» распределении тяжелых редкоземельных элементов (РЗЭ) и отчетливо выраженными Eu аномалиями. Породы всех интрузивных комплексов характеризуются преимущественно отрицательными значениями параметра eNd(T), при этом в породах Мончегорского комплекса распределение значений eNd более гетерогенное, чем в породах Федорово-Панского комплекса. С интрузивными комплексами ИВС пространственно и генетически связаны месторождения и проявления Cr, комплексных платинометально (ЭПГ)-Cu-Ni и малосульфидных Pt-Pd руд мирового уровня. Стратиформное хромовое оруденение представлено Сопчеозерским месторождением (Мончеплутон Мончегорского комплекса) и месторождением Большая Варака (одноименная интрузия Имандровского комплекса). Комплексные ЭПГ-Cu-Ni месторождения – приурочены к Мончегорскому плутону. Они присутствуют в жильных рудах массивов Ниттис-Кумужья-Травяная (отработаны) и Сопчи, жильных ЭПГ – Cu, инъекционных существенно Ni рудах и донной залежи массива Ниттис-Кумужья-Травяная, а также в «критическом» горизонте Нюда. Малосульфидные Pt-Pd руды были выявлены в течение последних 10–15 лет и являются новыми для Кольского региона. Они делятся на два основных типа: стратиформные (рифовые), гармоничные с расслоенностью массивов, и базальные, локализованные в пределах нижних краевых зон. К первому типу относятся месторождения Киевей (Западно-Панский массив Федорово-Панского комплекса), 330-го горизонта Сопчи и Вурэчуайвенч (Мончеплутон Мончегорского комплекса), ко второму – Федоровотундровское (Федорово-Панский комплекс), Южносопчинское и Лойпишнюн (Мончетундровский массив Мончегорского комплекса). 

    Fluid regime of formation of the Loipishnyun low-sulfide PGE deposit, Monchetundra basic massif (Kola Peninsula, Russia)

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    The distribution features of the volatile components (H2O, H2, CO2, CO, H2S, SO2, CH4 and N2) was investigated by method of pyrolytic gas chromatography in the ore-free and ore-bearing rocks of the low-sulfide PGE deposit Loipishnyun of the basal structural type, which localized within Monchetundra mafic massif of the Kola region. It was established that PGE ore, compared with the ore-free rocks are higher overall fluid-saturated, higher contents of H2O and especially H2S and SO2. In the ore-free rocks, in contrast to the mineralized one, was revealed higher concentrations of CO, H2 and N2. H2S and SO2 play the main role to the process of the platinum-metal ore formation. The contribution of these components at the initial stage of the platinum-metal ore genesis is equivalent, as evidenced by the close values of positive correlations of these volatile compounds with platinum group metals and ore elements. With further decrease of temperature in the process of the ore genesis are dominate by the hydrogen sulfide, which has a high positive correlation mainly with copper and platinum group metals. The obtained results suggest that the process of the platinum-metal ore genesis proceeded in a wide temperature range from 1050 to 450°C. It began in late-magmatic, postcumulus stage (1050-850°C) under variable redox conditions and continued with the gradual reduction of the temperature to 450°C in conditions decreasing sulfur fugasity

    Biological monitoring as method occupational risk assessment

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    Significant association given between concentrations manganese in whole blood and concentrations manganese in the workroom air based on dates of biological monitoring. Urinary concentrations of iron, cobalt and manganese from welders were all statistically significantly lower then referents.По данным биологического мониторинга, установлена достоверная корреляционная связь между концентрациями марганца в цельной крови и концентрациями марганца в воздухе рабочей зоны у электросварщиков. Выявлено статистически достоверное снижение концентраций железа, кобальта и марганца в моче у пациентов с диагнозом хронической марганцевой интоксикации по сравнению с контрольной группой

    In-hospital outcomes of ST elevation myocardial infarction in post-COVID-19 patients

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    Aim. To study clinical and anamnestic data, as well as inhospital outcomes in patients with ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) with prior coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) compared with previously uninfected STEMI patients.Material and methods. This prospective study included 181 patients treated for STEMI. The patients were divided into 2 groups, depending on the anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG titer as follows: the main group included 62 seropositive patients, while the control group — 119 seronegative patients without prior COVID-19. Anamnesis, clinical and paraclinical examination, including electrocardiography, echocardiography, coronary angiography, were performed. Mortality and incidence of STEMI complications at the hospital stage were analyzed.Results. The mean age of the patients was 62,6±12,3 years. The vast majority were men (69,1% (n=125)). The median time from the onset of COVID-19 manifestations to STEMI was 60,00 [45,00; 83,00] days. According to, the patients of both groups were comparable the severity of circulatory failure (p>0,05). Coronary angiography found that in patients of the main group, Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) score of 0-1 in the infarct-related artery was recorded much less frequently (62,9% (n=39) vs, 77,3% (n=92), p=0,0397). Patients of the main group demonstrated a lower concentration of leukocytes (9,30*109/l [7,80; 11,40] vs 10,70*109/l [8,40; 14,00], p=0,0065), higher levels of C-reactive protein (21,5 mg/L [9,1; 55,8] vs 10,2 mg/L [5,1; 20,5], p=0,0002) and troponin I (9,6 ng/mL [2,2; 26,0] vs 7,6 ng/mL [2,2; 11,5], p=0,0486). Lethal outcome was recorded in 6,5% (n=4) of cases in the main group and 8,4% (n=10) in the control group (p=0,6409). Both groups were comparable in terms of the incidence of complications (recurrent myocardial infarction, ventricular fibrillation, complete atrioventricular block, stroke, gastrointestinal bleeding) during hospitalization (p>0,05).Conclusion. Patients with STEMI after COVID-19, despite a more burdened history and higher levels of C-reactive protein and troponin I, compared with STEMI patients without COVID-19, did not differ significantly in clinical status, morbidity, and inhospital mortality

    Using FRET-effect in ophthalmology

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    Дубль статьи стр. 351-353Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке РФФИ, проект № 12-07-12080

    Using FRET-effect in ophthalmology

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    Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке РФФИ, проект № 12-07-12080

    Planning Sustainability in Higher Education: Three Case Studies

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    Sustainable development is a key principle of national and international policies, which has been strongly promoted by the European Union since 2015. Communication, education, the awareness of the importance of accelerating the transition from a linear economy to a circular one and of raising environmental awareness play a key role in the achievement of sustainable development goals (SDGs). To achieve the goals on a large scale, it is necessary to start from a local scale. In this sense, universities must experiment best practices and make them available to the society. In the last years, many universities have adopted environmental sustainability plans in order to implement green policies and develop a roadmap towards the achievement of the SDGs, while sharing best practices with university communities and society. This paper presents the case of two Italian universities and a Russian one. Specifically, the paper presents the contents of the current environmental sustainability plans of the Italian universities, discussing the reasons for the choice of the environmental sustainability goals and the expected results following the implementation of the related actions. A comparison between the approaches adopted in the sustainability plans of the two Italian universities will be presented in details. In addition, the paper analyses the potential implementation of a sustainability plan in the Russian university. The paper will discuss also potential criticalities in the achievement of the goals. © 2021 WITPress. All rights reserved.This research was supported by Act 211 Government of the Russian Federation, contract № 02.A03.21.0006