750 research outputs found

    On a new compactification of moduli of vector bundles on a surface, IV: Nonreduced moduli

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    The construction for nonreduced projective moduli scheme of semistable admissible pairs is performed. We establish the relation of this moduli scheme with reduced moduli scheme built up in the previous article and prove that nonreduced moduli scheme contains an open subscheme which is isomorphic to moduli scheme of semistable vector bundles.Comment: 20 pages, additions and removal

    Formation of the human resource capacity in modern universities

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    The paper discussed the personnel issue, its importance and problems of its formation in higher educational institutions

    Socio-economic stratification and the penitentiary system

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    The development of market relations in Russia, the sharp socioeconomic stratification of the society into rich and poor has given rise to corruption, terrorism, prostitution, the demographic crisis, and the devaluation of the values of family life. The increase in mortality, the decline in the birth rate in Russia are not only because of economic difficulties, but also because of the crisis of the spiritual values of youth and, above all, minorities. Theoretical and methodological studies of the process of the formation of a spiritually-moral personality were reflected in the fundamental works of philosophers, sociologists, psychologists and teachers. In these conditions, the importance of the educational colonies (EC) for the correction of minors, because of the quality of educational work on them. The revealed contradictions, relevance and insufficient theoretical elaboration have shown the need for a fundamental, complex and interdisciplinary study of the process of formation of the spiritual and moral values of under-age female convicts in educational colonies, in connection with the development of gender conceptual and methodological foundations for the formation of spiritual and moral values of under-age female convicts in the domestic educational colonies. This is the goal of this study on the basis of the person-centered, pedagogical-axiological, subject and socially-gender approaches. The outlook of the research consists in the development of the theory and methodology of constructing gender-communicative strategies and tactics for the development of the personal, actionable and cognitive levels of the formation of the spiritual and moral values of under-age female convicts, taking into account the characteristics of their sex.peer-reviewe

    Comparing Etymological Characteristics of Plant Naming in Yakut, Even, and Evenk Languages

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    This article considers issues of language contacts between Yakut, Even, and Evenk people through an analysis of plant vocabulary. We define etymological characteristics of fixed lexical units that denote plant names and present results of a comparative analysis of plant naming in these three languages, with emphasis on lexical parallels and structural types in designating plant names. To our knowledge, this is the first research to undertake a comparative study of plant naming in the Yakut and Tungusic languages (Even and Evenk) with consideration of the methods of their formation. The study is highly relevant because of the unique contribution of plant-world vocabulary in helping to clarify peculiarities of native speakers’ natural environments. Our results show that, based on lexical units with stable semantic meaning, the Evenk language is in the closest position vis-à-vis Yakut. There are 16 names in Yakut of plants and four of common names of herbs that grow on the territory of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and have borrowed names in Evenk and Even. Twenty-eight names have lexical parallels in Evenk (including variations) and two in Even.Cet article se penche sur la question des contacts linguistiques entre les Yakoutes, les Évènes et les Evenkis au moyen de l’analyse du vocabulaire des plantes. Nous définissons les caractéristiques étymologiques d’unités lexicales fixes dénotant les noms de plantes et présentons les résultats de l’analyse comparative de la nomenclature de plantes dans ces trois langues, en mettant l’accent sur les parallèles lexicaux et les types structuraux de la désignation des noms de plantes. À notre connaissance, il s’agit de la première recherche à entreprendre l’étude comparative de la nomenclature botanique en langues yakoute et toungouse (évène et evenki) tout en tenant compte de leurs méthodes de formation. Cette étude est d’une grande pertinence, car l’apport unique du vocabulaire des plantes aide à expliquer les particularités des milieux naturels des locuteurs natifs. Selon nos résultats, fondés sur les unités lexicales dotées de significations sémantiques stables, l’evenki est la langue la plus proche du yakoute. En yakoute, il y a 16 noms de plantes et quatre noms communs d’herbes dans le territoire de la république de Sakha (Yakoutie) dont les noms ont été empruntés à l’evenki et à l’évène. Vingt-huit noms ont des parallèles lexicaux en evenki (variantes y comprises), et deux en évène

    About some economic applications of cohort analysis

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    Nowadays, there is the problem of evaluating the return on advertising costs for industries with a delayed conversion. Cohort analysis is a series of studies which are conducted at certain time intervals. Using cohort analysis we can better assess the effectiveness of advertising channels for industries with a delayed conversion. Cohort analysis can be used to analyze following items: efficiency in the context of "traffic sources", usefulness of changes on the web site; assessment of effectiveness of marketing campaigns; assessment of impact of seasonality on the behavior of the user; the decision-making period. The article presents an overview of tools we can use to collect data for analysis. The article also describes the method of selection and the variants of the cohorts to construct the analysis. For demonstration of the proposed method and calculation variant, there is considered the practical example of building a cohort analysis. Using these method and the example of calculating, the companies with delayed conversion can analyze the effectiveness of Internet advertising for different advertising channels. © 2018 Author(s)

    Effectiveness of Distance Learning in Schools and Universities

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    В данной статье рассматривается специфика дистанционной формы обучения. Указываются ее преимущества и недостатки, дается оценка эффективности традиционного и дистанционного образования, предлагаются меры по повышению эффективности данной формы обучения.The specifics of distance learning are discussed in this article. Its advantages and disadvantages are indicated, an assessment of the effectiveness of traditional and distance education is given, measures to improve the effectiveness of this form of education are proposed

    Competence approach in the evaluation of educational achievements of students

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    В статье рассматривается оценка качества освоения программы подготовки специалистов среднего звена включает текущий контроль успеваемости, промежуточную и государственную итоговую аттестации обучающихся. Профессиональные задачи выступают средством обучения и контроля интегрированных умений и опыта практической деятельности, необходимых для освоения профессиональных компетенций специалиста.The article deals with the quality assessment of mastering of the training program of mid-level specialists, which includes the current control of progress, intermediate and final state certification of students. Professional tasks are a means of training and supervision of integrated skills and practical experience, necessary for the mastering of professional competence of a specialist


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    This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (No. 22-73-10069)