103 research outputs found

    Craniovertebral anomalies associated with pituitary gland duplication

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    Background: An extremely rare occurrence of the pituitary gland duplication inspired us to examine in detail the accompanying craniovertebral congenital anomalies in a patient involved. Materials and methods: T1-wighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed, as well as the multislice computerised tomography (MSCT) and MSCT angiography in our patient, as well as in a control group of 10 healthy subjects. Results: In a 20-year-old male a double pituitary gland was identified, as well as hypothalamic enlargement, tuberomamillary fusion and hamartoma. In addition, the patient also showed a duplicated hypophyseal fossa and posterior clinoid processes, notch of the upper sphenoid, prominent inner relief of the skull, inverse shape of the foramen magnum, third occipital condyle, partial aplasia of the anterior and posterior arches of the atlas with a left arcuate foramen, duplication of the odontoid process and the C2 body, and fusion of the C2–C4 and T12–L1 vertebrae. The MSCT angiography presented a segmental dilatation of both vertebral arteries and the A2 segment of the anterior cerebral artery, as well as a duplication of the basilar artery. Conclusions: This patient is unique due to complex craniovertebral congenital anomalies associated with a duplication of the pituitary gland

    The effects of mineral adsorbents added to broilers diet on breast meat quality

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    The aim of these investigations was to determine the influence of mineral adsorbents Minazel and Minazel Plus added into broiler diet, on the carcass quality and nutritional, technological and sensory properties of breast meat. The examination was done on Cobb 500 provenience divided into 4 groups: control group C (fed without addition of mineral adsorbent), experimental group E I (0.5% of Minazel), experimental group E II (0.2% of Minazel Plus), experimental group E III (0.3% of Minazel Plus). The results showed that the broilers fed with the addition of mineral adsorbents, had a higher (P < 0.01) mass of chilled carcass ready to grill and breast mass, than the broilers of the control group. Based on the parameters and criteria for defining the quality of chicken breast meat (pHu and L*) it can be concluded that meat of all groups had in average normal quality. According to the results of sensory analyzed roasted breast meat, meat of experimental groups had preferable smell and tenderness

    Computing generalized inverses using LU factorization of matrix product

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    An algorithm for computing {2, 3}, {2, 4}, {1, 2, 3}, {1, 2, 4} -inverses and the Moore-Penrose inverse of a given rational matrix A is established. Classes A(2, 3)s and A(2, 4)s are characterized in terms of matrix products (R*A)+R* and T*(AT*)+, where R and T are rational matrices with appropriate dimensions and corresponding rank. The proposed algorithm is based on these general representations and the Cholesky factorization of symmetric positive matrices. The algorithm is implemented in programming languages MATHEMATICA and DELPHI, and illustrated via examples. Numerical results of the algorithm, corresponding to the Moore-Penrose inverse, are compared with corresponding results obtained by several known methods for computing the Moore-Penrose inverse

    Interaction of different third intracellular loop fragments of human dopamine d2l receptor with a-subunit of gi1 protein - prospective therapeutic application

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    In order to find the essential structural motif of the D2L dopamine receptor necessary for the interaction with a-subunit of Gi1 protein, four fragments of the third cytoplasmic loop (CPL3) of this receptor were cloned, expressed in E. coli and purified. After that, fusion proteins with glutathione-S-transferase (GST) were prepared and the interactions quantified by a colorimetric assay for GST activity determination. The presence of D2L-CPL3 fragment-Gia1 complexes was detected by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). Kd values for the interaction of the three fragments with Gia1 were similar and in nmol/L range of concentrations, while the peptide representing the insert in the long form of the dopamine D2 receptor expressed about 10-fold lower binding affinity. These results could serve to design new therapeutic agents that might act at the level of receptor/G protein interaction rather than at the level of ligand-receptor binding.U cilju pronalaženja bitnih strukturnih motiva potrebnih za interakciju sa a podjedinicom Gi1 proteina klonirana su, eksprimirana i prečišćena 4 fragmenta treće citoplazmatične petlje (CPL3) dopaminskog D2L receptora koji su dalje pripremljeni kao fuzioni proteini sa glutation-S-transferazom (GST). Interakcije su kvantifikovane bojenom reakcijom za određivanje aktivnosti GST. Postojanje kompleksa D2L-CPL3 fragment- Gia1 je dokazano elektroforetskom analizom na SDS-poliakrilamidnom gelu (PAGE). Kd vrednosti za tri fragmenta su bile vrlo slične i u nmol/L opsegu koncentracija, dok je peptid koji predstavlja insert u dugom obliku dopaminskog D2 receptora posedovao oko 10 puta manji afinitet vezivanja za Gia1. Ovi rezultati mogu biti osnova za sintezu novih terapeutskih agenasa koji bi delovali na nivou interakcije receptora i G proteina umesto na nivou vezivanja liganda za receptor

    Civil air quality monitoring as an alternative and supplement to the National Air Quality Monitoring Network

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    The European initiatives for citizens’ inclusion in the air quality monitoring process have impacted the participants’ knowledge, and attitudes towards air pollution and have led to a higher sense of community toward activities and measures against air pollution. In the Republic of Serbia, an experiment with self-made sensor kits "Klimerko – Air to the Citizens" started in 2018. In this paper, we have presented the level of agreement of the particulate matter (PM) readings from selected Klimerko devices to the PM readings of the reference equivalent PM monitors from the National Air Quality Monitoring Network in the cities of Bor and Belgrade. The Klimerko devices that we tested showed excellent stability and reliability during the comparison period. The conclusion of our investigation is that the properly calibrated Klimerko devices could be applied for indicative measurements of PM mass concentrations in the ambient air

    Investigation of different extraction procedures for the determination of major and trace elements in coal by ICP-AES and ion chromatography

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    This paper presents the extraction of major and trace elements from a coal sample, in deionized water, by using three different extraction techniques. Rotary mixing and ultrasonic extraction were examined for different extraction times, while the microwave-assisted extraction was performed at different temperatures. Metal concentrations (Na, K, Ca, Mg, Al, Fe, Mn, Be, Cd, Co, Cr, Hg, As, Ni, Se, Sb and Pb) in solution were determined employing inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry; whereas the results obtained for Na, K, Ca and Mg were compared employing ion chromatography. Comparing the rotary-and ultrasonic-assisted extractions, it was shown that the former technique was more efficient for the determination of Fe, Na and Pb, whereas the latter one proved more efficient for the determination of Co and Cr ions. Microwave-assisted extraction was shown to be the most efficient method for all the tested elements in coal. In addition, sequential extraction of the elements was realized using microwave digestion. The results of the sequential extraction experiments indicated associations of investigated elements with a mineral phase and organic matrix. Sequential extraction provided information on possible leaching of As, Cd, Co, Cr, Ni, Pb, Fe and Mn under environmental conditions

    Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Edible Offal from Free-Range Reared Swallow-Belly Mangalica Pigs

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    Physical (pH and L*a*b* values) and chemical (moisture, protein, total fat, total ash, K, P, Na, Mg, Ca, Zn, Fe, Cu, and Mn) characteristics of offal consisting of the tongue, heart, lungs, liver, spleen, kidney, brain, and spinal cord of free-range reared Swallow-Belly Mangalica pigs were determined. Many significant differences were found among mean values of quality traits. However, except for a few cases, the determined offal quality traits were in the characteristic ranges reported in the literature. Lungs were high in pH24h (P24h, moisture (P<0.01), and total ash concentration. The highest levels of protein (P<0.01), Mg, Fe (P<0.05), Zn (P<0.01), and Mn (P<0.01) and the lowest of Na were found in liver. The darkest colour (lowest L* value), highest concentration of K, the lowest concentration of total fat and Ca were found in spleen. Finally, spinal cord was the highest in total ash (P<0.01), P (P<0.01), and Ca (P<0.05) and the lowest in protein, Mg (P<0.05), Fe, and Zn (P<0.01) concentration

    Portable Air Quality Monitor Based on Low-Cost Sensors

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    Interaction of different third intracellular loop fragments of human dopamine d2l receptor with a-subunit of gi1 protein - prospective therapeutic application

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    In order to find the essential structural motif of the D2L dopamine receptor necessary for the interaction with a-subunit of Gi1 protein, four fragments of the third cytoplasmic loop (CPL3) of this receptor were cloned, expressed in E. coli and purified. After that, fusion proteins with glutathione-S-transferase (GST) were prepared and the interactions quantified by a colorimetric assay for GST activity determination. The presence of D2L-CPL3 fragment-Gia1 complexes was detected by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). Kd values for the interaction of the three fragments with Gia1 were similar and in nmol/L range of concentrations, while the peptide representing the insert in the long form of the dopamine D2 receptor expressed about 10-fold lower binding affinity. These results could serve to design new therapeutic agents that might act at the level of receptor/G protein interaction rather than at the level of ligand-receptor binding.U cilju pronalaženja bitnih strukturnih motiva potrebnih za interakciju sa a podjedinicom Gi1 proteina klonirana su, eksprimirana i prečišćena 4 fragmenta treće citoplazmatične petlje (CPL3) dopaminskog D2L receptora koji su dalje pripremljeni kao fuzioni proteini sa glutation-S-transferazom (GST). Interakcije su kvantifikovane bojenom reakcijom za određivanje aktivnosti GST. Postojanje kompleksa D2L-CPL3 fragment- Gia1 je dokazano elektroforetskom analizom na SDS-poliakrilamidnom gelu (PAGE). Kd vrednosti za tri fragmenta su bile vrlo slične i u nmol/L opsegu koncentracija, dok je peptid koji predstavlja insert u dugom obliku dopaminskog D2 receptora posedovao oko 10 puta manji afinitet vezivanja za Gia1. Ovi rezultati mogu biti osnova za sintezu novih terapeutskih agenasa koji bi delovali na nivou interakcije receptora i G proteina umesto na nivou vezivanja liganda za receptor