922 research outputs found

    Coherent switching of semiconductor resonator solitons

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    We demonstrate switching on and off of spatial solitons in a semiconductor microresonator by injection of light coherent with the background illumination. Evidence results that the formation of the solitons and their switching does not involve thermal processes.Comment: 3 pages, 5 figure

    Cybersecurity Development Problems in Ukraine

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    To date, the problem of cybersecurity is topical. Every day, each of us is faced with the need to use information technology, beginning with the placement of personal information on the Internet, to the use of ATMs, bank accounts, etc. Hence the question arises whether this problem is controlled by national legislation and whether our information is well protected

    Spatial Resonator Solitons

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    Spatial solitons can exist in various kinds of nonlinear optical resonators with and without amplification. In the past years different types of these localized structures such as vortices, bright, dark solitons and phase solitons have been experimentally shown to exist. Many links appear to exist to fields different from optics, such as fluids, phase transitions or particle physics. These spatial resonator solitons are bistable and due to their mobility suggest schemes of information processing not possible with the fixed bistable elements forming the basic ingredient of traditional electronic processing. The recent demonstration of existence and manipulation of spatial solitons in emiconductor microresonators represents a step in the direction of such optical parallel processing applications. We review pattern formation and solitons in a general context, show some proof of principle soliton experiments on slow systems, and describe in more detail the experiments on semiconductor resonator solitons which are aimed at applications.Comment: 15 pages, 32 figure

    Spiritual and moral development of the personality in modern educational space

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    The culture and education are viewed as areas through which the process of the personality’s full development and formation takes place. This is the way how the human being, who is capable of the implementation and development of the experience accumulated by the mankind, is formed. The article proves the fact that education involves a person in a system of socially significant values; it forms the universal behavioural patterns and promotes the assimilation of human values. Taking into account the personality’s requests and social factors, it is extremely important for modern education to find optimal conditions for the harmonization of relations between the individual and the society, man and nature. This harmonization promotes the emergence and development of all physical and spiritual powers of the human being. Features mentioned above activate a new type of world perception and a system of values, which are impossible without understanding the ways of the modern man’s spiritual culture

    New Signals of Quark-Gluon-Hadron Mixed Phase Formation

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    Here we present several remarkable irregularities at chemical freeze-out which are found using an advanced version of the hadron resonance gas model. The most prominent of them are the sharp peak of the trace anomaly existing at chemical freeze-out at the center of mass energy 4.9 GeV and two sets of highly correlated quasi-plateaus in the collision energy dependence of the entropy per baryon, total pion number per baryon, and thermal pion number per baryon which we found at the center of mass energies 3.8-4.9 GeV and 7.6-10 GeV. The low energy set of quasi-plateaus was predicted a long time ago. On the basis of the generalized shock-adiabat model we demonstrate that the low energy correlated quasi-plateaus give evidence for the anomalous thermodynamic properties inside the quark-gluon-hadron mixed phase. It is also shown that the trace anomaly sharp peak at chemical freeze-out corresponds to the trace anomaly peak at the boundary between the mixed phase and quark gluon plasma. We argue that the high energy correlated quasi-plateaus may correspond to a second phase transition and discuss its possible origin and location. Besides we suggest two new observables which may serve as clear signals of these phase transformations.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, new signals of QGP formation are suggeste

    Dark polariton-solitons in semiconductor microcavities

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    We report the existence, symmetry breaking and other instabilities of dark polariton-solitons in semiconductor microcavities operating in the strong coupling regime. These half-light half-matter solitons are potential candidates for applications in all-optical signal processing. Their excitation time and required pump powers are a few orders of magnitude less than those of their weakly coupled light-only counterparts.Comment: submitted to PR

    Hadron Resonance Gas Model with Induced Surface Tension

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    Here we present a physically transparent generalization of the multicomponent Van der Waals equation of state in the grand canonical ensemble. For the one-component case the third and fourth virial coefficients are calculated analytically. It is shown that an adjustment of a single model parameter allows us to reproduce the third and fourth virial coefficients of the gas of hard spheres with small deviations from their exact values. A thorough comparison of the compressibility factor and speed of sound of the developed model with the one and two component Carnahan-Starling equation of state is made. It is shown that the model with the induced surface tension is able to reproduce the results of the Carnahan-Starling equation of state up to the packing fractions 0.2-0.22 at which the usual Van der Waals equation of state is inapplicable. At higher packing fractions the developed equation of state is softer than the gas of hard spheres and, hence, it breaks causality in the domain where the hadronic description is expected to be inapplicable. Using this equation of state we develop an entirely new hadron resonance gas model and apply it to a description of the hadron yield ratios measured at AGS, SPS, RHIC and ALICE energies of nuclear collisions. The achieved quality of the fit per degree of freedom is about 1.08. We confirm that the strangeness enhancement factor has a peak at low AGS energies, while at and above the highest SPS energy of collisions the chemical equilibrium of strangeness is observed. We argue that the chemical equilibrium of strangeness, i.e. γs1\gamma_s \simeq 1, observed above the center of mass collision energy 4.3 GeV may be related to the hadronization of quark gluon bags which have the Hagedorn mass spectrum, and, hence, it may be a new signal for the onset of deconfinement