1,274 research outputs found

    Geochemistry and origin of gold mineralization in the Kolar Schist Belt

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    Geological, mineralogical, mineral-textural and geochemical data of the sulfide lodes in the belt indicate that the gold mineralization could be related to low temperature, low Eh and high pH rock-dominated geothermal systems set up in the submarine volcanic pile prior to amphibolite metamorphism. A relatively long-lived geothermal system produced an economic deposit, whereas short-lived ones, because of rapid burial by younger basalts throttled the geothermal system and diffused the discharge yielding low grade ore bodies. The source for gold and iron could be iron enriched tholeiites derived from source regions enriched in komatiitic melt components and komatiitic rocks derived by very low extents of melting of metasomatised mantle sources. On the other hand, the geographical restriction of the quartz-calcite lodes, their mineralogical and geochemical data and their estimated temperature of formation all seem to suggest that a major part of the hydrothermal fluids, and a significant portion of gold could have been derived from mantle derived intrusive, sanukitoid type magma sources, similar to the Champion Gneiss occurring on the eastern part of the belt. However, the possibility of some input by remobilization of a premetamorphic sulfide protore to quartz lodes cannot be ruled out completely

    Smarandachely t-path step signed graphs

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    Characterizing signed graphs which are switching equivalent to their Smarandachely 3-path step signed graphs

    Method of measuring cross-flow vortices by use of an array of hot-film sensors

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    The invention is a method for measuring the wavelength of cross-flow vortices of air flow having streamlines of flow traveling across a swept airfoil. The method comprises providing a plurality of hot-film sensors. Each hot-film sensor provides a signal which can be processed, and each hot-film sensor is spaced in a straight-line array such that the distance between successive hot-film sensors is less than the wavelength of the cross-flow vortices being measured. The method further comprises determining the direction of travel of the streamlines across the airfoil and positioning the straight-line array of hot film sensors perpendicular to the direction of travel of the streamlines, such that each sensor has a spanwise location. The method further comprises processing the signals provided by the sensors to provide root-mean-square values for each signal, plotting each root-mean-square value as a function of its spanwise location, and determining the wavelength of the cross-flow vortices by noting the distance between two maxima or two minima of root-mean-square values

    Correlation of CD4 count with Carotid Intima Media Thickness in HIV patients

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    BACKGROUND: HIV patients have increased risk of cardiovascular disease events. HIV infected individuals may exhibit more rapid IMT(intima media thickness) progression in the carotid artery compared with uninfected individuals due to inflammatory state present in HIV infected. Low CD4 count has been identified as a risk factor but data has not been consistent as studies have not confirmed the reported associations of low CD4+ T-cell count with clinical or subclinical CVD. AIM OF THE STUDY: To investigate the correlation between CD4 count and CAROTID INTIMA MEDIA THICKNESS as a marker of atherosclerosis in HIV patients. METHODS: This was an observational study that included 100 HIV patients from medical wards and those attending OPD at ART center at Madras Medical College and Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital, Chennai. Patients selected for clinical study as per inclusion/exclusion criteria- demographic data, past medical history, ART drug history, duration of illness is collected from patients.CD4 T cell count is measured. Carotid artery intima media thickness is measured using B-mode ultrasound. RESULTS: At p75 values of CIMT adjusted for age, significant values, p=0.015, are noted in age groups below 30 years and above 50 years. 54 % were males and 46 % were females and CIMT values at p75 distributed for the sexes was significant p=0.007, indicating that females had more significant increase in CIMT than males. Comparing age groups, significant at p75, p =0.004, patients on ART for 6-10 years had more CIMT values compared to other age groups. The mean CD4 counts was found to be in decreasing trend with increasing percentile of CIMT. The count was 344, 323, 306 for p25, p50, p75 respectively and was significant with p value < 0.001 indicating a correlation between CD4 count and CIMT and it was found to have a negative correlation (the Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed) meaning that the CIMT values were increasing in trend when there was a fall in mean CD4 count. There was also a negative correlation between CIMT values and ART duration indicating that CIMT was more for patients who are on prolonged ART. CONCLUSION: It was found that HIV-infected patients with a low CD4+ T-cell count had a significantly increased carotid intima media thickness (CIMT) indicating that there is increased atherosclerosis in these immunocompromised group of patients. CIMT was increased in older age group, females than males and patients on prolonged ART. Further studies to reduce chronic inflammation beyond ART are required to investigate whether or not this improves vascular inflammation and ultimately reduces atherosclerotic risk in HIV patients

    On a Comparative Study of the Reflectivities of Aluminium and Silver Films

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    Isozyme diversity in Cassia auriculataL.

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    Cassia auriculata is considered to be one of the important dye yielding and medicinal plants in India. In the present study seeds from fourteen different localities were collected all over India and nine enzymes were screened by native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) technique and thirty-four putative loci were totally detected. Cluster and factor analyses indicated that there are two major distinct groups or clusters, and thus, seeds collected from a few different localities are enough to capture the genetic variation held by this species. Also isozyme analysis is a reliable, efficient and effective marker technology for determining genetic variations in C. auriculata.Keywords: Genetic diversity, isozyme, Cassia auriculata, dye.African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 4 (8), pp. 772-77

    Hybrid Cryptography security in public cloud using TwoFish and ECC algorithm

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    Cloud computing is a structure for rendering service to the user for free or paid basis through internet facility where we can access to a bulk of shared resources which results in saving managing cost and time for large companies, The data which are stored in the data center may incur various security, damage and threat issues which may result in data leakage, insecure interface and inside attacks. This paper will demonstrate the implementation of hybrid cryptography security in public cloud by a combination of Elliptical Curve Cryptography and Twofish algorithm, which provides an innovative solution to enhance the security features of the cloud so that we can improve the service thus results in increasing the trust over the technology.   

    A Cluster–based Approach for Minimizing Energy Consumption by Reducing Travel Time of Mobile Element in WSN

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    Envoy Node Identification (ENI) and Halting Location Identifier (HLI) algorithms have been developed to reduce the travel time of Mobile Element (ME) by determining Optimal Path(OP) in Wireless Sensor Networks. Data generated by cluster members will be aggregated at the Cluster Head (CH) identified by ENI for onward transmission to the ME and it likewise decides an ideal path for ME by interfacing all CH/Envoy Nodes (EN). In order to reduce the tour length (TL) further HLI determines finest number of Halting Locations that cover all ENs by taking transmission range of CH/ENs into consideration. Impact of ENI and HLI on energy consumption and travel time of ME have been examined through simulations

    Domain swapping in human &#945;A and &#945;B crystallins affects oligomerization and enhances chaperone-like activity

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    &#945;A and &#945;B crystallins, members of the small heat shock protein family, prevent aggregation of proteins by their chaperone-like activity. These two proteins, although very homologous, particularly in the C-terminal region, which contains the highly conserved "&#945;-crystallin domain," show differences in their protective ability toward aggregation-prone target proteins. In order to investigate the differences between &#945;A and &#945;B crystallins, we engineered two chimeric proteins, &#945;ANBC and &#945;BNAC, by swapping the N-terminal domains of &#945;A and &#945;B crystallins. The chimeras were cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. The purified recombinant wild-type and chimeric proteins were characterized by fluorescence and circular dichroism spectroscopy and gel permeation chromatography to study the changes in secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structure. Circular dichroism studies show structural changes in the chimeric proteins. &#945;BNAC binds more 8-anilinonaphthalene-1-sulfonic acid than the &#945;ANBC and the wild-type proteins, indicating increased accessible hydrophobic regions. The oligomeric state of &#945;ANBC is comparable to wild-type &#945;B homoaggregate. However, there is a large increase in the oligomer size of the &#945;BNAC chimera. Interestingly, swapping domains results in complete loss of chaperone-like activity of &#945;ANBC, whereas &#945;BNAC shows severalfold increase in its protective ability. Our findings show the importance of the N- and C-terminal domains of &#945;A and &#945;B crystallins in subunit oligomerization and chaperone-like activity. Domain swapping results in an engineered protein with significantly enhanced chaperone-like activity