20 research outputs found

    Spin relaxation of spin density fluctuations in liquids

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    Relaxational kinetics of spin density fluctuations in liquids is considered by the method of projection operators. It is shown that the description of magnetic relaxation on the basis of spin density fluctuations gives the most detailed picture of relaxational phenomena. © 1989

    Microbial strategies for the improvement of legume production in hostile environments

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    Various biotic and abiotic factors limit crop productivity, affecting nearly 1 billion people around the world. Malnutrition is recognized as the world’s most serious health problem, while agricultural development is considered as the most effective sector in reducing hunger and poverty, through improvements in crop productivity..

    Growth and Symbiotic Performance of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum) Cultivars under Saline Soil Conditions

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    The present study was conducted to investigate growth and symbiotic performance of selected salt tolerant chickpea (Cicer arietinum) cultivars under arid saline soil conditions. Plants were grown in saline soil of Syrdarya province, Uzbekistan. The results showed that the growth and nodulation of chickpea cultivars Uzbekiston-32, Xalima, Miroz, Flip 1-33 and CIEW 45 were much better under saline conditions compared other chickpea cultivars. Inoculation of salt tolerant chickpea cultivars with M. ciceri IC53 significantly increased numbers of nodules on the roots (300%), shoot and root dry weight (27%), pod numbers (28%) and yield (23%). The above results revealed that for achieving the highest symbiotic effectiveness under salinity conditions plant cultivars have to be taken into account. It could be suggested that cultivation of salt tolerant cultivars with its symbiotic partners could be an effective selection technology to overcome the problem of soil salinity. Key words: Chickpea, Cultivars, Salinity, Mezorhizobium ciceri, and Nodulation

    Lithologic-facies and paleogeographic features of Mid-Upper Jurassic oil-gas bearing sediments in Nurolsk depression (Western Siberia)

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    Bathonian-Callovian-Oxfordian sedimentation environment reconstruction in SE Nurolsk depression, Western Siberia has been described. Paleogeographic and litho-geochemical features of sediments, numerous plant remains and ichnofossils indicated the fact that this territory during the Naunaksk suite formation was the transition in-situ sedimentogenesis. Based on the integrated research data, the potential litho-facies were identified in the Mid-Upper sediments within Nurolsk depression, Western Siberia


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    The high mortality and morbidity of patients in terminal heart failure are a therapeutic challenge to modern medicine. Surgically, cardiac transplantation is an excellent treatment for many patients. However, lack of donors combined with an increasing number of patients has led to the search for other surgical strategies. Although other common surgical methods’, such as Batista operation or dynamic cardiac myoplasty has a favorable outcome in selected patients, those method’s is currently not recommended for treatment of heart failure because of high surgical failure rates. The present paper reviews some of the relevant literature regarding surgical left ventricular remodeling in heart failure. Высокая заболеваемость и смертность пациентов с терминальной стадией хронической сердечной недо- статочности остается актуальной проблемой для современной медицины. Ортотопическая транспланта- ция сердца является единственным радикальным хирургическим методом лечения таких больных. Одна- ко дефицит донорских органов и возрастающее количество нуждающихся пациентов приводит к поиску новых альтернативных методов хирургического лечения. Несмотря на то что такие общеизвестные мето- дики, как операция Батисты или динамическая кардимиопластика, у некоторых пациентов имели поло- жительные результаты, на сегодняшний день из-за высокого риска осложнений и низкой эффективности выполнять их не рекомендуется. В данной статье представлен обзор современных и новых направлений в хирургическом лечении пациентов с ДКМП.

    Endophytic Bacteria Improve Plant Growth, Symbiotic Performance of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) and Induce Suppression of Root Rot Caused by Fusarium solani under Salt Stress

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    Salinity causes disturbance in symbiotic performance of plants, and increases susceptibility of plants to soil-borne pathogens. Endophytic bacteria are an essential determinant of cross-tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses in plants. The aim of this study was to isolate non–rhizobial endophytic bacteria from the root nodules of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), and to assess their ability to improve plant growth and symbiotic performance, and to control root rot in chickpea under saline soil conditions. A total of 40 bacterial isolates from internal root tissues of chickpea grown in salinated soil were isolated. Four bacterial isolates, namely Bacillus cereus NUU1, Achromobacter xylosoxidans NUU2, Bacillus thuringiensis NUU3, and Bacillus subtilis NUU4 colonizing root tissue demonstrated plant beneficial traits and/or antagonistic activity against F. solani and thus were characterized in more detail. The strain B. subtilis NUU4 proved significant plant growth promotion capabilities, improved symbiotic performance of host plant with rhizobia, and promoted yield under saline soil as compared to untreated control plants under field conditions. A combined inoculation of chickpea with M. ciceri IC53 and B. subtilis NUU4 decreased H2O2 concentrations and increased proline contents compared to the un-inoculated plants indicating an alleviation of adverse effects of salt stress. Furthermore, the bacterial isolate was capable to reduce the infection rate of root rot in chickpea caused by F. solani. This is the first report of F. solani causing root rot of chickpea in a salinated soil of Uzbekistan. Our findings demonstrated that the endophytic B. subtilis strain NUU4 provides high potentials as a stimulator for plant growth and as biological control agent of chickpea root rot under saline soil conditions. These multiple relationships could provide promising practical approaches to increase the productivity of legumes under salt stress


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    The participation of Se in the structure of deiodinases during the metabolism of thyroid hormones defined the interest to the research of its possible impact to the processes of reparative regeneration of bone tissue in the experiment. The aim of the paper is to reveal the dynamics of thyroid hormone secretion at further adding of selenium under the conditions of standard fracture healing in rabbits. The most general response of the thyroid gland at the reparative regeneration of bone tissue was revealed, it is the reduction of Т, T4 and free T4 concentration during the nearest postoperative period. It is shown, that the use of the preparation of Se changes the reaction of thyroid to the dosed damage of the bone and metabolism of iodothyronines as well. The change of T3 concentration was the most evident. Rabbits having extra preparation of Se were less susceptible to fluctuations in the secretion of iodothyronines typical for the dosed damage of the bone but the syndrome of «low Т3» redoubled and peripheral conversion of thyroid hormone reduced


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    Comprehensive examination of 62 adolescents, hospitalized for pulmonary tuberculosis, established high spread of clinical and laboratory markers of secondary immune deficiency: chronic diseases of ear, throat and nose (59,6%), recurrent infection caused by the herpes simplex viruses (SPGV) (55,8%) ; serological SPGV activation (90,4%) and cytomegalovirus infection (CMV) (94,2%); absolute lymphopenia (53,8%), low level and lack of interferon-alpha (28,9%) and interferongamma (76,9%). Validity, effectiveness and safety of modern technology immunization with interferon -α-2b (VIFERON® 3 million IU and 1 million IU suppositories) in 1 month course in the complex treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis was proved with a random research by a «case-control» method. Significant positive clinical and laboratory dynamics was registered: increase in body weight in 84,6 % of adolescents; reduction in the frequency of arrhythmias; increase absolute lymphocyte count (46,1%), decrease in serological SPGV activation (30,8%) and CMV infection (61,5%) increase in the amount of interferon-alpha (61,5%), and interferon-gamma (61,5%) and absence of intolerance and 3 times less undesirable effects of chemotherapy.Комплексное обследование 62 подростков, госпитализированных по поводу туберкулеза легких, установило широкую распространенность клинико-лабораторных маркеров вторичной иммунной недостаточности: хронические заболевания ЛОР-органов (59,6%); рецидивирующая инфекция, вызванная вирусами простого герпеса (ВПГИ) (55,8%); серологическая активация ВПГИ (90,4%) и цитомегаловирусной инфекции (ЦМВИ) (94,2%); абсолютная лимфоцитопения (53,8%), низкий уровень и отсутствие интерферона-альфа (28,9%) и интерферона-гамма (76,9%). Обоснованность, эффективность и безопасность разработанной современной технологии иммунотерапии с применением интерферона-α-2b (ВИФЕРОН® 3 млн МЕ и 1 млн МЕ в суппозиториях) курсом 1 месяц в комплексном лечении туберкулеза легких доказана при рандомизированном исследовании по принципу «случай-контроль» на основании достоверной положительной динамики клинико-лабораторных критериев: увеличения массы тела у 84,6% подростков; уменьшения частоты аритмии; повышения абсолютного количества лимфоцитов (на 46,1%); снижения серологической активации ВПГИ (30,8%) и ЦМВИ (61,5%); повышения количества интерферона-альфа (61,5%) и интерферона-гамма (61,5%); отсутствия непереносимости и уменьшения в 3 раза нежелательных эффектов химиотерапии.


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    Dominante letalmutationen bei totaler und partieller rontgenbestrah- lung der mannlichen maus.

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    Relaxational kinetics of spin density fluctuations in liquids is considered by the method of projection operators. It is shown that the description of magnetic relaxation on the basis of spin density fluctuations gives the most detailed picture of relaxational phenomena. © 1989