1,632 research outputs found

    Vetronics Architecture with in vehicle Networking

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        The effectiveness of combat and combat support vehicles platforms can be improved significantly by incorporating Vetronics concept at the platform design stage itself which allows on-board systems to be interconnected as networks and enables them not only to share the information with-in the platform but also with the neighbouring platforms. The Vetronics concept not only optimises the on-board computing resources and other electronic sub-systems, also aids in easier platform integration. The Vetronics architecture with in-vehicle networking can be conceived and optimised based for vehicle type, requirement of types of systems envisaged for integration and having a balance between standard and customised components. The conceptual architecture proposed in this paper brings out the benefits offered by Vetronics approach for integration of on-board sub-systems thereby enhancing the platform effectiveness and Battlefield Management System for in-service and futuristic platforms considering the space as one of the major constraints. The proposed concept is adaptable, flexible and scalable enabling integration of the various electronic sub-systems

    Clinical study of Misgav Ladach technique of caesarean section

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    Background: In the last decades caesarean section rates increased in many countries becoming the most performed intraperitoneal surgical procedure. The operative technique performed is made chiefly on the basis of the individual experience and preference of operators, the characteristics of patients, timing and urgency of intervention. Present study was undertaken to assess the benefits of the Misgav Ladach caesarean section technique in tertiary care hospital and evaluate the operative parameters like efficacy, safety, duration of surgery, blood loss, need for suture material, post-operative morbidity.Methods: Prospective surgical interventional study conducted in department of obstetrics and gynecology in tertiary care institute.Results: The duration of surgery, blood loss and post-operative complications were significantly less in the Misgav Ladach technique of LSCS.Conclusions: The choice of the Caesarean section technique is strictly linked to the individual experience and confidence of the surgical team. Misgav-Ladach technique proved to be associated to less complications, moreover, since its shorter operating time; it is to prefer in all that cases a prompt operation is required

    A Numerical Method to Compute Brain Injury Associated to Concussion

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    This research proposes a new a numerical method to compute brain injury associated with concussion using the Peak Virtual Power method, using the THUMS 4.02 head model. The results indicate that mild and severe concussions could be prevented for lateral collisions and frontal impacts with PVP values lower than 0.928mW and 9.405mW, respectively, and no concussion would happen in the head vertical direction for a PVP value less than 1.184mW. This innovative method proposes a new paradigm to improve helmet designs, assess sports injuries and improve people's wellbeing.Comment: 12 page

    A Numerical Method to Compute Brain Injury Associated to Concussion

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    This research proposes a new a numerical method to compute brain injury associated with concussion using the Peak Virtual Power method, using the THUMS 4.02 head model. The results indicate that mild and severe concussions could be prevented for lateral collisions and frontal impacts with PVP values lower than 0.928mW and 9.405mW, respectively, and no concussion would happen in the head vertical direction for a PVP value less than 1.184mW. This innovative method proposes a new paradigm to improve helmet designs, assess sports injuries and improve people's wellbeing.Comment: 12 page

    Comparative study on Judgment Text Classification for Transformer Based Models

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    This work involves the usage of various NLP models to predict the winner of a particular judgment by the means of text extraction and summarization from a judgment document. These documents are useful when it comes to legal proceedings. One such advantage is that these can be used for citations and precedence reference in Lawsuits and cases which makes a strong argument for their case by the ones using it. When it comes to precedence, it is necessary to refer to an ample number of documents in order to collect legal points with respect to the case. However, reviewing these documents takes a long time to analyze due to the complex word structure and the size of the document. This work involves the comparative study of 6 different self-attention-based transformer models and how they perform when they are being tweaked in 4 different activation functions. These models which are trained with 200 judgement contexts and their results are being judged based on different benchmark parameters. These models finally have a confidence level up to 99% while predicting the judgment. This can be used to get a particular judgment document without spending too much time searching relevant cases and reading them completely.Comment: 28 pages with 9 figure

    A study on health profile of geriatric population in an urban slum of bijapur

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    Background: Advances in medical field have increased the longevity of people by reducing morbidity and mortality to a great extent. With the increase in longevity, problems related to old age have also increased. These problems are more confounded by social factors. Objective: To assess the various health problems faced by elderly people and suggest the remedial measures so that effective preventive and promotive measures can be implemented. Methodology: Community based cross-sectional study of the elderly persons residing in an urban slum of Bijapur. Results: Among acute health problems most common were arthritis (39%) and bronchitis (20.8%). Most common chronic illness observed was respiratory illness 19% (COPD and asthma) fallowed by visual impairment (11.5%), arthritis (11.1%), and hypertension (9.1%) Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) showed that majority of respondents 297 (60%) were having the normal score. Conclusion: The pattern of geriatric health problems have different characteristics and hence require a specific type of screening programme based on the finding of various geriatric health studies

    Variations of the McEliece Cryptosystem

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    Two variations of the McEliece cryptosystem are presented. The first one is based on a relaxation of the column permutation in the classical McEliece scrambling process. This is done in such a way that the Hamming weight of the error, added in the encryption process, can be controlled so that efficient decryption remains possible. The second variation is based on the use of spatially coupled moderate-density parity-check codes as secret codes. These codes are known for their excellent error-correction performance and allow for a relatively low key size in the cryptosystem. For both variants the security with respect to known attacks is discussed

    Prehistoric Painted Rock Shelter or Chalukyan Workshop? New Discovery of a Rock Art Site near Aihole and Its Examination in Context

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    We report the discovery of a hitherto unreported rock art site in the neighbourhood of a recently uncovered single‐celled shrine at Benakanawari, near Aihole. The shrine is located deep inside a cleft of the sandstone ranges near Benakanawari, between Pattadakal and Aihole, at the foot of an escarpment. The painted rock shelter, which is roughly at a height of 25m in the cliffs above the temple, is formed by two large slabs of sandstone, collapsed and resting against a natural overhang, and contains a painted image as well as painted inscriptions in ochre and white. The inscriptions are in 8th century Kannada script as well as modern Kannada script, the former being definitely of Early Chalukyan provenance. In this paper, we describe the newly discovered site as well as the context in which it is located, and attempt to understand the possible use(s) it might have been put to

    Occurrence of Pregnancies among HIV Infected Indian Women

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    This is the first study to examine the behavioural effect of HIV on fertility among HIV infected women in India. Retrospective calendar data from ever-married HIV infected women between 15 and 45 years of age, attending a specialized HIV clinic in Pune, Western India (N = 560), were analysed. Directly standardized overall and parity-specific pregnancy rates were compared among HIV infected women before and after coming to know about their HIV status. The age- and parity-standardized pregnancy rates and age-standardized parity-specific pregnancy rates were statistically significantly lower after knowing about HIV status as compared to before the HIV status was known. Analysis of parity-specific rates suggested lower likelihood of HIV infected women to progress to higher parity. The clear behavioural impact of HIV on fertility observed should be taken into account while estimating HIV infected pregnant women in the country. Ensuring access to information and services for PMTCT to HIV infected couples is essential to support informed reproductive decision making among them