32 research outputs found

    High-Dimensional Inference with the generalized Hopfield Model: Principal Component Analysis and Corrections

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    We consider the problem of inferring the interactions between a set of N binary variables from the knowledge of their frequencies and pairwise correlations. The inference framework is based on the Hopfield model, a special case of the Ising model where the interaction matrix is defined through a set of patterns in the variable space, and is of rank much smaller than N. We show that Maximum Lik elihood inference is deeply related to Principal Component Analysis when the amp litude of the pattern components, xi, is negligible compared to N^1/2. Using techniques from statistical mechanics, we calculate the corrections to the patterns to the first order in xi/N^1/2. We stress that it is important to generalize the Hopfield model and include both attractive and repulsive patterns, to correctly infer networks with sparse and strong interactions. We present a simple geometrical criterion to decide how many attractive and repulsive patterns should be considered as a function of the sampling noise. We moreover discuss how many sampled configurations are required for a good inference, as a function of the system size, N and of the amplitude, xi. The inference approach is illustrated on synthetic and biological data.Comment: Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics (2011) to appea

    The Bethe approximation for solving the inverse Ising problem: a comparison with other inference methods

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    The inverse Ising problem consists in inferring the coupling constants of an Ising model given the correlation matrix. The fastest methods for solving this problem are based on mean-field approximations, but which one performs better in the general case is still not completely clear. In the first part of this work, I summarize the formulas for several mean- field approximations and I derive new analytical expressions for the Bethe approximation, which allow to solve the inverse Ising problem without running the Susceptibility Propagation algorithm (thus avoiding the lack of convergence). In the second part, I compare the accuracy of different mean field approximations on several models (diluted ferromagnets and spin glasses) defined on random graphs and regular lattices, showing which one is in general more effective. A simple improvement over these approximations is proposed. Also a fundamental limitation is found in using methods based on TAP and Bethe approximations in presence of an external field.Comment: v3: strongly revised version with new methods and results, 25 pages, 21 figure

    Intrinsic limitations of inverse inference in the pairwise Ising spin glass

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    We analyze the limits inherent to the inverse reconstruction of a pairwise Ising spin glass based on susceptibility propagation. We establish the conditions under which the susceptibility propagation algorithm is able to reconstruct the characteristics of the network given first- and second-order local observables, evaluate eventual errors due to various types of noise in the originally observed data, and discuss the scaling of the problem with the number of degrees of freedom

    On the criticality of inferred models

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    Advanced inference techniques allow one to reconstruct the pattern of interaction from high dimensional data sets. We focus here on the statistical properties of inferred models and argue that inference procedures are likely to yield models which are close to a phase transition. On one side, we show that the reparameterization invariant metrics in the space of probability distributions of these models (the Fisher Information) is directly related to the model's susceptibility. As a result, distinguishable models tend to accumulate close to critical points, where the susceptibility diverges in infinite systems. On the other, this region is the one where the estimate of inferred parameters is most stable. In order to illustrate these points, we discuss inference of interacting point processes with application to financial data and show that sensible choices of observation time-scales naturally yield models which are close to criticality.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, version to appear in JSTA

    U.S. stock market interaction network as learned by the Boltzmann Machine

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    We study historical dynamics of joint equilibrium distribution of stock returns in the U.S. stock market using the Boltzmann distribution model being parametrized by external fields and pairwise couplings. Within Boltzmann learning framework for statistical inference, we analyze historical behavior of the parameters inferred using exact and approximate learning algorithms. Since the model and inference methods require use of binary variables, effect of this mapping of continuous returns to the discrete domain is studied. The presented analysis shows that binarization preserves market correlation structure. Properties of distributions of external fields and couplings as well as industry sector clustering structure are studied for different historical dates and moving window sizes. We found that a heavy positive tail in the distribution of couplings is responsible for the sparse market clustering structure. We also show that discrepancies between the model parameters might be used as a precursor of financial instabilities.Comment: 15 pages, 17 figures, 1 tabl

    Beyond inverse Ising model: structure of the analytical solution for a class of inverse problems

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    I consider the problem of deriving couplings of a statistical model from measured correlations, a task which generalizes the well-known inverse Ising problem. After reminding that such problem can be mapped on the one of expressing the entropy of a system as a function of its corresponding observables, I show the conditions under which this can be done without resorting to iterative algorithms. I find that inverse problems are local (the inverse Fisher information is sparse) whenever the corresponding models have a factorized form, and the entropy can be split in a sum of small cluster contributions. I illustrate these ideas through two examples (the Ising model on a tree and the one-dimensional periodic chain with arbitrary order interaction) and support the results with numerical simulations. The extension of these methods to more general scenarios is finally discussed.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    Adaptive cluster expansion for the inverse Ising problem: convergence, algorithm and tests

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    We present a procedure to solve the inverse Ising problem, that is to find the interactions between a set of binary variables from the measure of their equilibrium correlations. The method consists in constructing and selecting specific clusters of variables, based on their contributions to the cross-entropy of the Ising model. Small contributions are discarded to avoid overfitting and to make the computation tractable. The properties of the cluster expansion and its performances on synthetic data are studied. To make the implementation easier we give the pseudo-code of the algorithm.Comment: Paper submitted to Journal of Statistical Physic

    Bethe-Peierls approximation and the inverse Ising model

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    We apply the Bethe-Peierls approximation to the problem of the inverse Ising model and show how the linear response relation leads to a simple method to reconstruct couplings and fields of the Ising model. This reconstruction is exact on tree graphs, yet its computational expense is comparable to other mean-field methods. We compare the performance of this method to the independent-pair, naive mean- field, Thouless-Anderson-Palmer approximations, the Sessak-Monasson expansion, and susceptibility propagation in the Cayley tree, SK-model and random graph with fixed connectivity. At low temperatures, Bethe reconstruction outperforms all these methods, while at high temperatures it is comparable to the best method available so far (Sessak-Monasson). The relationship between Bethe reconstruction and other mean- field methods is discussed

    Stimulus-dependent maximum entropy models of neural population codes

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    Neural populations encode information about their stimulus in a collective fashion, by joint activity patterns of spiking and silence. A full account of this mapping from stimulus to neural activity is given by the conditional probability distribution over neural codewords given the sensory input. To be able to infer a model for this distribution from large-scale neural recordings, we introduce a stimulus-dependent maximum entropy (SDME) model---a minimal extension of the canonical linear-nonlinear model of a single neuron, to a pairwise-coupled neural population. The model is able to capture the single-cell response properties as well as the correlations in neural spiking due to shared stimulus and due to effective neuron-to-neuron connections. Here we show that in a population of 100 retinal ganglion cells in the salamander retina responding to temporal white-noise stimuli, dependencies between cells play an important encoding role. As a result, the SDME model gives a more accurate account of single cell responses and in particular outperforms uncoupled models in reproducing the distributions of codewords emitted in response to a stimulus. We show how the SDME model, in conjunction with static maximum entropy models of population vocabulary, can be used to estimate information-theoretic quantities like surprise and information transmission in a neural population.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Pairwise maximum entropy models for studying large biological systems: when they can and when they can't work

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    One of the most critical problems we face in the study of biological systems is building accurate statistical descriptions of them. This problem has been particularly challenging because biological systems typically contain large numbers of interacting elements, which precludes the use of standard brute force approaches. Recently, though, several groups have reported that there may be an alternate strategy. The reports show that reliable statistical models can be built without knowledge of all the interactions in a system; instead, pairwise interactions can suffice. These findings, however, are based on the analysis of small subsystems. Here we ask whether the observations will generalize to systems of realistic size, that is, whether pairwise models will provide reliable descriptions of true biological systems. Our results show that, in most cases, they will not. The reason is that there is a crossover in the predictive power of pairwise models: If the size of the subsystem is below the crossover point, then the results have no predictive power for large systems. If the size is above the crossover point, the results do have predictive power. This work thus provides a general framework for determining the extent to which pairwise models can be used to predict the behavior of whole biological systems. Applied to neural data, the size of most systems studied so far is below the crossover point