5 research outputs found

    Experimental investigation of radiative-acoustic effects in the water by the thermodynamical conditions of Dumand

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    The value of the sound pulse produced by a high energy neutrino, if the thermoacoustical mechanism of sound generation takes place, is proportional to the density of energy absorbed, the coefficient of thermal expansion, the sound velocity, and the specific heat all of which depend on temperature, pressure and the salt content of the water

    Use of Electronic Catalogue of Life Database for Evaluating Taxonomic Structure of Flowering Flora (By Example of Samara Region)

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    The article studies the possibility of using the unified taxonomic database Catalogue of Life. The authors evaluated the taxonomic structure of the flowering plants in the Samara Region. The new data were compared with the results of the 2007 taxonomic analysis based on the traditional classification and it led to the following conclusion: 5 new families emerged, 23 families vanished, and 2 new orders appearedВ статье рассматривается возможность использования унифицированной таксономической электронной базы данных Сatalogue of Life. Проведена оценка таксономической структуры флоры цветковых растений Самарской области. В результате сравнения новых данных с результатами осуществлённого в 2007 году таксономического анализа по традиционной классификации можно заключить, что 5 семейств появились, 23 – исчезло, а также появились 2 новых порядк


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    Mountain Strelnaya, where almost all phytocenotic and floristic diversity of stony steppes – relict communities of Zhiguli is represented, is a unique object of natural heritage. On the ridge of Mount Strelnaya there was made a walking path, on the eastern side it is bounded by a steep forest slope, with the western side adjoining the stony slopes. For a long time the trail was used by small groups of vizitors. The idea of natural communities preservation without stopping the regulated access of visitors to the Strelnaya Mountain was realized by building a metal flooring in 2012 with pedestals with rails along the former path. At the present moment, the balance between the level of negative impact of recreants and the processes of natural revitalization of previously disturbed vegetation cannot be considered undoubtedly positive. Sporadic ruderalization and in some places - mechanical damage (trampling) of plant communities continues. Our results showed the necessity in the effective management system of the tourists behavior for limiting and, in the long term, preventing the disturbance of the vegetation cover of a unique natural object