1,645 research outputs found

    The Kelvin-wave cascade in the vortex filament model

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    The energy transfer mechanism in zero temperature superfluid turbulence of helium-4 is still a widely debated topic. Currently, the main hypothesis is that weakly nonlinear interacting Kelvin waves transfer energy to sufficiently small scales such that energy is dissipated as heat via phonon excitations. Theoretically, there are at least two proposed theories for Kelvin-wave interactions. We perform the most comprehensive numerical simulation of weakly nonlinear interacting Kelvin-waves to date and show, using a specially designed numerical algorithm incorporating the full Biot-Savart equation, that our results are consistent with nonlocal six-wave Kelvin wave interactions as proposed by L'vov and Nazarenko.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Diffusive propagation of UHECR and the propagation theorem

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    We present a detailed analytical study of the propagation of ultra high energy (UHE) particles in extragalactic magnetic fields. The crucial parameter which affects the diffuse spectrum is the separation between sources. In the case of a uniform distribution of sources with a separation between them much smaller than all characteristic propagation lengths, the diffuse spectrum of UHE particles has a {\em universal} form, independent of the mode of propagation. This statement has a status of theorem. The proof is obtained using the particle number conservation during propagation, and also using the kinetic equation for the propagation of UHE particles. This theorem can be also proved with the help of the diffusion equation. In particular, it is shown numerically, how the diffuse fluxes converge to this universal spectrum, when the separation between sources diminishes. We study also the analytic solution of the diffusion equation in weak and strong magnetic fields with energy losses taken into account. In the case of strong magnetic fields and for a separation between sources large enough, the GZK cutoff can practically disappear, as it has been found early in numerical simulations. In practice, however, the source luminosities required are too large for this possibility.Comment: 16 pages, 13 eps figures, discussion of the absence of the GZK cut-off in strong magnetic field added, a misprint in figure 6 corrected, version accepted for publication in Ap

    Energy Spectra of Quantum Turbulence: Large-scale Simulation and Modeling

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    In 204832048^3 simulation of quantum turbulence within the Gross-Pitaevskii equation we demonstrate that the large scale motions have a classical Kolmogorov-1941 energy spectrum E(k) ~ k^{-5/3}, followed by an energy accumulation with E(k) ~ const at k about the reciprocal mean intervortex distance. This behavior was predicted by the L'vov-Nazarenko-Rudenko bottleneck model of gradual eddy-wave crossover [J. Low Temp. Phys. 153, 140-161 (2008)], further developed in the paper.Comment: (re)submitted to PRB: 5.5 pages, 4 figure

    Degree of randomness: numerical experiments for astrophysical signals

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    Astrophysical and cosmological signals such as the cosmic microwave background radiation, as observed, typically contain contributions of different components, and their statistical properties can be used to distinguish one from the other. A method developed originally by Kolmogorov is involved for the study of astrophysical signals of randomness of various degrees. Numerical performed experiments based on the universality of Kolmogorov distribution and using a single scaling of the ratio of stochastic to regular components, reveal basic features in the behavior of generated signals also in terms of a critical value for that ratio, thus enable the application of this technique for various observational datasetsComment: 6 pages, 9 figures; Europhys.Letters; to match the published versio

    Strong Imbalanced Turbulence

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    We consider stationary, forced, imbalanced, or cross-helical MHD Alfvenic turbulence where the waves traveling in one direction have higher amplitudes than the opposite waves. This paper is dedicated to so-called strong turbulence, which cannot be treated perturbatively. Our main result is that the anisotropy of the weak waves is stronger than the anisotropy of a strong waves. We propose that critical balance, which was originally conceived as a causality argument, has to be amended by what we call a propagation argument. This revised formulation of critical balance is able to handle the imbalanced case and reduces to old formulation in the balanced case. We also provide phenomenological model of energy cascading and discuss possibility of self-similar solutions in a realistic setup of driven turbulence.Comment: this is shorter, 5 page version of what is to appear in ApJ 682, Aug. 1, 200

    Locality and stability of the cascades of two-dimensional turbulence

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    We investigate and clarify the notion of locality as it pertains to the cascades of two-dimensional turbulence. The mathematical framework underlying our analysis is the infinite system of balance equations that govern the generalized unfused structure functions, first introduced by L'vov and Procaccia. As a point of departure we use a revised version of the system of hypotheses that was proposed by Frisch for three-dimensional turbulence. We show that both the enstrophy cascade and the inverse energy cascade are local in the sense of non-perturbative statistical locality. We also investigate the stability conditions for both cascades. We have shown that statistical stability with respect to forcing applies unconditionally for the inverse energy cascade. For the enstrophy cascade, statistical stability requires large-scale dissipation and a vanishing downscale energy dissipation. A careful discussion of the subtle notion of locality is given at the end of the paper.Comment: v2: 23 pages; 4 figures; minor revisions; resubmitted to Phys. Rev.

    Random Hierarchical Matrices: Spectral Properties and Relation to Polymers on Disordered Trees

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    We study the statistical and dynamic properties of the systems characterized by an ultrametric space of states and translationary non-invariant symmetric transition matrices of the Parisi type subjected to "locally constant" randomization. Using the explicit expression for eigenvalues of such matrices, we compute the spectral density for the Gaussian distribution of matrix elements. We also compute the averaged "survival probability" (SP) having sense of the probability to find a system in the initial state by time tt. Using the similarity between the averaged SP for locally constant randomized Parisi matrices and the partition function of directed polymers on disordered trees, we show that for times t>tcrt>t_{\rm cr} (where tcrt_{\rm cr} is some critical time) a "lacunary" structure of the ultrametric space occurs with the probability 1const/t1-{\rm const}/t. This means that the escape from some bounded areas of the ultrametric space of states is locked and the kinetics is confined in these areas for infinitely long time.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures (the paper is essentially reworked

    Weighted Fixed Points in Self-Similar Analysis of Time Series

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    The self-similar analysis of time series is generalized by introducing the notion of scenario probabilities. This makes it possible to give a complete statistical description for the forecast spectrum by defining the average forecast as a weighted fixed point and by calculating the corresponding a priori standard deviation and variance coefficient. Several examples of stock-market time series illustrate the method.Comment: two additional references are include

    Exact Resummations in the Theory of Hydrodynamic Turbulence: III. Scenarios for Anomalous Scaling and Intermittency

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    Elements of the analytic structure of anomalous scaling and intermittency in fully developed hydrodynamic turbulence are described. We focus here on the structure functions of velocity differences that satisfy inertial range scaling laws Sn(R)RζnS_n(R)\sim R^{\zeta_n}, and the correlation of energy dissipation Kϵϵ(R)RμK_{\epsilon\epsilon}(R) \sim R^{-\mu}. The goal is to understand the exponents ζn\zeta_n and μ\mu from first principles. In paper II of this series it was shown that the existence of an ultraviolet scale (the dissipation scale η\eta) is associated with a spectrum of anomalous exponents that characterize the ultraviolet divergences of correlations of gradient fields. The leading scaling exponent in this family was denoted Δ\Delta. The exact resummation of ladder diagrams resulted in the calculation of Δ\Delta which satisfies the scaling relation Δ=2ζ2\Delta=2-\zeta_2. In this paper we continue our analysis and show that nonperturbative effects may introduce multiscaling (i.e. ζn\zeta_n not being linear in nn) with the renormalization scale being the infrared outer scale of turbulence LL. It is shown that deviations from K41 scaling of Sn(R)S_n(R) (ζnn/3\zeta_n\neq n/3) must appear if the correlation of dissipation is mixing (i.e. μ>0\mu>0). We derive an exact scaling relation μ=2ζ2ζ4\mu = 2\zeta_2-\zeta_4. We present analytic expressions for ζn\zeta_n for all nn and discuss their relation to experimental data. One surprising prediction is that the time decay constant τn(R)Rzn\tau_n(R)\propto R^{z_n} of Sn(R)S_n(R) scales independently of nn: the dynamic scaling exponent znz_n is the same for all nn-order quantities, zn=ζ2z_n=\zeta_2.Comment: PRE submitted, 22 pages + 11 figures, REVTeX. The Eps files of figures will be FTPed by request to [email protected]

    Anomalous Scaling of Structure Functions and Dynamic Constraints on Turbulence Simulations

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    The connection between anomalous scaling of structure functions (intermittency) and numerical methods for turbulence simulations is discussed. It is argued that the computational work for direct numerical simulations (DNS) of fully developed turbulence increases as Re4Re^{4}, and not as Re3Re^{3} expected from Kolmogorov's theory, where ReRe is a large-scale Reynolds number. Various relations for the moments of acceleration and velocity derivatives are derived. An infinite set of exact constraints on dynamically consistent subgrid models for Large Eddy Simulations (LES) is derived from the Navier-Stokes equations, and some problems of principle associated with existing LES models are highlighted.Comment: 18 page