696 research outputs found


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    In the title compound, C20H15N5O4S, the central benzene ring makes dihedral angles of 59.5 (1) and 51.7 (1)°, respectively, with the terminal phenyl and benzene rings. The mol­ecular structure exhibits weak intra­molecular N—H⋯N and C—H⋯S inter­actions. In the crystal structure, mol­ecules are linked by weak inter­molecular N—H⋯S and C—H⋯O inter­actions, forming a chain along [11]

    Some observations on the possibilities of culture of the Indian sand whiting Sillago sihama (Forskal) in brackish waters

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    Indian sand whiting, Sillago sihama (Forskal) forms a dominant species in the estuarine fish catches during the south-west monsoon when they are in great demand and fetch a high price as sea fishing remains suspended due to rough weather conditions. The paper deals with preliminary observations on certain aspects of the biology of the fish related to its culture. The ability of the species to withstand very wide raoges of salinity makes it suitable for culture io both brackish and fresh waters

    Digital Hash Data Encryption for IoT Financial Transactions using Blockchain Security in the Cloud

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    Blockchain security via the Internet of Things (IoT) will reshape the decision-making function of the data-driven incumbent smart enterprise, providing the vision of the connected world of things. Enterprise IoT development of devices, personnel, and systems in such a way that they may connect and communicate with each other through the Internet. Blockchain is an enterprise financial transaction, and its digital network is distributed transaction ledger. Today, enterprises need the massive global data management and rapid trading volume to keep things going and growing. It creates enterprise business challenges of different types of security, transparency, and complexity of the problem. Enterprise architecture offers several advantages for the thief to obtain a specific user account,   application, and access to the device. This is, will doesn't be to provide the necessities of security. The proposed Digital Hash Data Encryption (DHDE) is used to secure the transaction data-based embedded system people and blockchain. Blockchain and IoT technology integration may bring numerous benefits to mention. Therefore, the proposed DHDE algorithm comprehensively discusses the blockchain technology integration system. The proposed DHDE algorithm encrypts the transaction data for an unauthorized person who cannot access the enterprise transaction data based on embedded system people and blockchain

    Capacity Behaviour using WSDV Scheme over WiMAX

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    The objective of this project is to create Mobile Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX) for 4th generation mobile wireless networks in which it is foreseen that mobile Television (TV) services will reproduce rapidly. In television applications are bandwidth hogs that cause a challenging capacity problem in wireless networks. To address this challenge, a novel scheme for mobile Television services over WiMAX network, called the Wireless Switched Digital Video (WSDV) scheme, is proposed. Compared with the conventional broadcast or unicast schemes, the hybrid approach introduced in the proposed WSDV approach exploits the merits of two conventional schemes and mitigates their demerits, which enables it to increase wireless capacity for mobile Television services. The analytical model can capture the details of WiMAX resource allocation and take into consideration the popularity of the mobile Television contents being viewed by users enabling it to provide an accurate estimate of the amount of bandwidth required for WiMAX TV services and also enabling a designer to optimally select the number of channels via the WSDV service while meeting a desired level of blocking probability. The proposed optimized scheme outperforms the conventional schemes with respect to blocking probability. Finally, an end-to-end solution to the WSDV scheme is also presented

    Statin Therapy in Metabolic Syndrome and Hypertension Post-JUPITER: What is the Value of CRP?

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    Much evidence supports a pivotal role for inflammation in atherosclerosis. C-reactive protein (CRP), the prototypic marker of inflammation in humans, is a cardiovascular risk marker and may also promote atherogenesis. CRP levels are increased in metabolic syndrome and hypertension and confer increased risk of cardiovascular events in patients in these subgroups. Statins have been shown to lower low-density lipoproteins and CRP independently, and reduce cardiovascular events in subjects with and without metabolic syndrome and hypertension. In this review, we focus on the results from the primary prevention statin trial, Justification for the Use of statins in Primary prevention: an Intervention Trial Evaluating Rosuvastatin (JUPITER), which showed reductions in LDL, CRP, and cardiovascular events. Post-JUPITER, the new guidelines will now need to consider recommending high-sensitivity CRP testing to intermediate-risk metabolic syndrome patients and those with hypertension and intermediate risk so that we can better identify candidates at greater risk and reduce cardiovascular burden in these subjects with statin therapy

    Bayesian analysis of the prevalence bias: learning and predicting from imbalanced data

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    Datasets are rarely a realistic approximation of the target population. Say, prevalence is misrepresented, image quality is above clinical standards, etc. This mismatch is known as sampling bias. Sampling biases are a major hindrance for machine learning models. They cause significant gaps between model performance in the lab and in the real world. Our work is a solution to prevalence bias. Prevalence bias is the discrepancy between the prevalence of a pathology and its sampling rate in the training dataset, introduced upon collecting data or due to the practioner rebalancing the training batches. This paper lays the theoretical and computational framework for training models, and for prediction, in the presence of prevalence bias. Concretely a bias-corrected loss function, as well as bias-corrected predictive rules, are derived under the principles of Bayesian risk minimization. The loss exhibits a direct connection to the information gain. It offers a principled alternative to heuristic training losses and complements test-time procedures based on selecting an operating point from summary curves. It integrates seamlessly in the current paradigm of (deep) learning using stochastic backpropagation and naturally with Bayesian models

    Packages of Practices for Sustainable, Ecofriendly Mariculture (Land-based Saline Aquaculture and Seafarming)

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    The problems of fast growing human population and protein deficit, particularly in the developing countries continue to exert pressure on the fisheries resources available for exploitation in the wild water bodies. The increasingly limited opportunities in the capture fisheries sector have generated considerable interest in aquaculture

    Three-dimensional anatomical accuracy of cranial models created by rapid prototyping techniques validated using a neuronavigation station

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    In neurosurgery and ear, nose and throat surgery the application of computerised navigation systems for guiding operations has been expanding rapidly. However, suitable models to train surgeons in using navigation systems are not yet available. We have developed a technique using an industrial, rapid prototyping process from which accurate spatial models of the cranium, its contents and pathology can be reproduced for teaching. We were able to register, validate and navigate using these models with common available navigation systems such as the Medtronic StealthStation S7 (R). (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. This record was migrated from the OpenDepot repository service in June, 2017 before shutting down

    Ethnicity, popular democratic movements and labour in Malaysia

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    This article uses framing theory to examine how activists and trade unions have framed labour’s political agenda in Malaysia. A polity grounded in ethnicity continues to hinder the formation of cross-ethnic collective worker identities and labour politics. However, inclusive popular democratising movements have strengthened in recent years, providing a favourable context for greater emphasis on non-ethnic political action by trade unions. The latter have shifted in this direction, adopting elements of the popular movement’s ‘human rights’ internationalism. Thus, the democratic movement’s frame has influenced that of the trade unions, with implications for framing theory