6,803 research outputs found

    Chaotic systems in complex phase space

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    This paper examines numerically the complex classical trajectories of the kicked rotor and the double pendulum. Both of these systems exhibit a transition to chaos, and this feature is studied in complex phase space. Additionally, it is shown that the short-time and long-time behaviors of these two PT-symmetric dynamical models in complex phase space exhibit strong qualitative similarities.Comment: 22 page, 16 figure

    Spectral zeta functions of a 1D Schr\"odinger problem

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    We study the spectral zeta functions associated to the radial Schr\"odinger problem with potential V(x)=x^{2M}+alpha x^{M-1}+(lambda^2-1/4)/x^2. Using the quantum Wronskian equation, we provide results such as closed-form evaluations for some of the second zeta functions i.e. the sum over the inverse eigenvalues squared. Also we discuss how our results can be used to derive relationships and identities involving special functions, using a particular 5F_4 hypergeometric series as an example. Our work is then extended to a class of related PT-symmetric eigenvalue problems. Using the fused quantum Wronskian we give a simple method for calculating the related spectral zeta functions. This method has a number of applications including the use of the ODE/IM correspondence to compute the (vacuum) nonlocal integrals of motion G_n which appear in an associated integrable quantum field theory.Comment: 15 pages, version

    Universality in Random Walk Models with Birth and Death

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    Models of random walks are considered in which walkers are born at one location and die at all other locations with uniform death rate. Steady-state distributions of random walkers exhibit dimensionally dependent critical behavior as a function of the birth rate. Exact analytical results for a hyperspherical lattice yield a second-order phase transition with a nontrivial critical exponent for all positive dimensions D2, 4D\neq 2,~4. Numerical studies of hypercubic and fractal lattices indicate that these exact results are universal. Implications for the adsorption transition of polymers at curved interfaces are discussed.Comment: 11 pages, revtex, 2 postscript figure

    New Quasi-Exactly Solvable Sextic Polynomial Potentials

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    A Hamiltonian is said to be quasi-exactly solvable (QES) if some of the energy levels and the corresponding eigenfunctions can be calculated exactly and in closed form. An entirely new class of QES Hamiltonians having sextic polynomial potentials is constructed. These new Hamiltonians are different from the sextic QES Hamiltonians in the literature because their eigenfunctions obey PT-symmetric rather than Hermitian boundary conditions. These new Hamiltonians present a novel problem that is not encountered when the Hamiltonian is Hermitian: It is necessary to distinguish between the parametric region of unbroken PT symmetry, in which all of the eigenvalues are real, and the region of broken PT symmetry, in which some of the eigenvalues are complex. The precise location of the boundary between these two regions is determined numerically using extrapolation techniques and analytically using WKB analysis

    The Stokes Phenomenon and Schwinger Vacuum Pair Production in Time-Dependent Laser Pulses

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    Particle production due to external fields (electric, chromo-electric or gravitational) requires evolving an initial state through an interaction with a time-dependent background, with the rate being computed from a Bogoliubov transformation between the in and out vacua. When the background fields have temporal profiles with sub-structure, a semiclassical analysis of this problem confronts the full subtlety of the Stokes phenomenon: WKB solutions are only local, while the production rate requires global information. Incorporating the Stokes phenomenon, we give a simple quantitative explanation of the recently computed [Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 150404 (2009)] oscillatory momentum spectrum of e+e- pairs produced from vacuum subjected to a time-dependent electric field with sub-cycle laser pulse structure. This approach also explains naturally why for spinor and scalar QED these oscillations are out of phase.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figs.; v2 sign typo corrected, version to appear in PR

    Polymer-Chain Adsorption Transition at a Cylindrical Boundary

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    In a recent letter, a simple method was proposed to generate solvable models that predict the critical properties of statistical systems in hyperspherical geometries. To that end, it was shown how to reduce a random walk in DD dimensions to an anisotropic one-dimensional random walk on concentric hyperspheres. Here, I construct such a random walk to model the adsorption-desorption transition of polymer chains growing near an attractive cylindrical boundary such as that of a cell membrane. I find that the fraction of adsorbed monomers on the boundary vanishes exponentially when the adsorption energy decreases towards its critical value. When the adsorption energy rises beyond a certain value above the critical point whose scale is set by the radius of the cell, the adsorption fraction exhibits a crossover to a linear increase characteristic to polymers growing near planar boundaries.Comment: latex, 12 pages, 3 ps-figures, uuencode

    Asymptotics of Expansion of the Evolution Operator Kernel in Powers of Time Interval Δt\Delta t

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    The upper bound for asymptotic behavior of the coefficients of expansion of the evolution operator kernel in powers of the time interval \Dt was obtained. It is found that for the nonpolynomial potentials the coefficients may increase as n!n!. But increasing may be more slow if the contributions with opposite signs cancel each other. Particularly, it is not excluded that for number of the potentials the expansion is convergent. For the polynomial potentials \Dt-expansion is certainly asymptotic one. The coefficients increase in this case as Γ(nL2L+2)\Gamma(n \frac{L-2}{L+2}), where LL is the order of the polynom. It means that the point \Dt=0 is singular point of the kernel.Comment: 12 pp., LaTe

    Minimizing Flow Time in the Wireless Gathering Problem

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    We address the problem of efficient data gathering in a wireless network through multi-hop communication. We focus on the objective of minimizing the maximum flow time of a data packet. We prove that no polynomial time algorithm for this problem can have approximation ratio less than \Omega(m^{1/3) when mm packets have to be transmitted, unless P=NPP = NP. We then use resource augmentation to assess the performance of a FIFO-like strategy. We prove that this strategy is 5-speed optimal, i.e., its cost remains within the optimal cost if we allow the algorithm to transmit data at a speed 5 times higher than that of the optimal solution we compare to

    Further explorations of Skyrme-Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov mass formulas. III: Role of particle-number projection

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    Starting from HFB-6, we have constructed a new mass table, referred to as HFB-8, including all the 9200 nuclei lying between the two drip lines over the range of Z and N > 6 and Z < 122. It differs from HFB-6 in that the wave function is projected on the exact particle number. Like HFB-6, the isoscalar effective mass is constrained to the value 0.80 M and the pairing is density independent. The rms errors of the mass-data fit is 0.635 MeV, i.e. better than almost all our previous HFB mass formulas. The extrapolations of this new mass formula out to the drip lines do not differ significantly from the previous HFB-6 mass formula.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.