153 research outputs found

    Advanced training of architecture and art university teaching staff in the advanced training in specialized educational activities: source of motivation

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    The article describes the problems of motivation of teaching staff of Architecture and Art University in the advanced training in specialized educational activitiesВ статье рассматриваются проблемы поиска источников мотивации педагогических работников архитектурно-художественного вуза к процессу повышения квалификации по профилю педагогической деятельност

    The ability of civil society to act against corruption

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    Actions against any acts of criminal nature should be complex. Fight against corruption as a multi aspect social phenomenon especially requires a complex approach. Each state that considers corruption as a negative social phenomenon and is willing to eliminate it, uses, maximum possible resources in compliance with political position of a ruling class. First of all, a state makes full use of legal remedies – regulative and protective (punitive). It is reasonable to make the steps in social and economic direction. However, reliance only on public law measures in terms of preventing and fighting corruption cannot be justified. The reason lies in the corruption itself, its expansion and tolerant attitude of the society. This proves the need to uproot corruption determinants not only “from the top” but from “down”, i.e. from the civil society as well. On the one hand, the society serves as a social base for corruption; on the other hand, it is the civil society that is able to control corruption and the work of public authorities in terms of corruption combat. The aim of this paper is to designate civil society as a subject fighting against corruption. The objectives are to detect the means with the help of which civil society could significantly increase efficiency in terms of combating corruption adding to governmental means. The authors of the paper applied traditional methods of criminal science. The paper presents the results of criminological studies carried out by the authors of this paper and by other researches concerning corruption combating.peer-reviewe


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    We researched, polymorphism, of interleukin IL-8 gene at Helicobacter pylori-associated diseases: ulcers and chronic gastritis in native and visitant population of the Republic of Khakassia by the method, of restriction enzyme digest analysis. Prevalence of subtypes VacA+ and CagA+ of Helicobacter pylori was realized, by the method, of polymerase chain reaction. We revealed, the most widespread allelic variants of genes of cytokines among Khakas. The expediency of determination, of population, risk and. protective genotypes of Helicobacter pylori that promote development of ulcer desease in Khakas


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    Purpose. The aim of the review is to analyze the modern data on the molecular mechanisms of stomach and intestinal carcinogenesis, which can be the basis for managing of malignant stomach and intestine neoplasms mortality risks’ reduction. Materials and methods. The review includes data from foreign and domestic studies published in the electronic bibliographic databases PubMed, Cyberleninka, Elibrary over the past 10 years. Results. It is given the analysis of Wnt and β-catenin gene family role in the pathogenesis of stomach and colon malignant tumors and the carcinogenic potential of Helicobacter pylori in gastric cancer, as well as the driver bacteria contributing to the development of colon cancer. Conclusion. Stomach cancer and colon cancer are heterogeneous diseases with diverse molecular and histological subtypes, having both similarities and differences in the patterns of cancer promotion. Progress in transparency genesis of these diseases is associated with an understanding of cytotoxic and genotoxic effects, oxidative stress and chronic inflammation mechanisms

    Передовые зарубежные методы управления программой разработки изделия в авиастроении

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    The state and development prospects of administration methods of production program of product development in the aircraft industry is considered. The modern W model of the design process of life cycle is offered. The modern design technology of construction in the aircraft industry is described.Рассмотрены состояние и перспективы развития методов управления программой разработки изделия в авиастроении. Предложена современная W-модель процесса проектирования жизненного цикла. Описаны современные технологии проектирования изделия в авиастроении

    Immunological aspects of the use of melatonin in experimental thermal trauma

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    The prevalence of thermal trauma, the high risk of infectious and non-infectious short- and long- term complications, and the limited effectiveness of the therapeutic approaches used are prerequisites for the search and pathogenetic justification of new therapies, among which the endogenous homeostasis regulator with pleiotropic properties melatonin attracts attention.The aim of the work is to investigate the immunological aspects of intraperitoneal use of melatonin (MT) in experimental thermal trauma (TT).The work was performed on 158 rats of the Wistar line, grade III TT and a relative area of 3.5% were simulated by skin immersion in water at 98-99 °C for 12 s. MT was administered intraperitoneally daily at a dose of 10 mg/kg for 5 days. The quantitative composition of blood cells was evaluated on a hematological analyzer. Plasma concentrations of IL-4, TNFa, IFNg, and CRP were determined on an automatic enzyme immunoassay using rat-specific test systems, and MT by capillary electrophoresis.With experimental TT, against the background of a progressive increase in the number of leukocytes in the blood from 5 to 20 days due to neutrophils, monocytes, basophils, the number of lymphocytes decreases. With TT, the concentration of CRP increases in serum on days 5 and 10. The content of TNFa, IL-4 increases on days 5, 10 and 20 in the absence of significant changes in the concentration of IFNg. The concentration of serum MT does not change significantly. Intraperitoneal use of MT in TT leads to a partial restoration of the number of lymphocytes in the blood on day 5. Evaluation of the cytokine profile in serum revealed a decrease in the concentration of TNFa on days 10 and 20, no significant changes in the concentration of IL-4 and IFNg were recorded, the concentration of CRP decreased on day 5. The concentration of serum MT increases by 5 days.With TT on the 5th, 10th, 20th day of the experiment, the number of neutrophils, monocytes, basophils in the blood increases, decreases – lymphocytes, the serum content of CRP, TNFa, IL-4 increases, the content of IFNg and melatonin does not change. Intraperitoneal use of MT in TT partially restores the number of lymphocytes in the blood, the concentration of CRP, TNFa. A decrease in serum concentrations of TNFa and CRP in TT under the conditions of MT use suggests a limitation of the acute phase response as a consequence of the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory effect of MT, which can accelerate healing and reduce the area of the lesion of TT


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    Introduction. Surgically induced astigmatism (SIA) is one of the reasons of the patient’s dissatisfaction with the refractive result after phacoemulsification (PHACO). The degree of SIA depends mainly on the type, length, shape and location of the tunnel, the distance to the optical center of the cornea, as well as the biomechanical properties of the cornea. Pseudoexfoliation syndrome (PEX) is associated with a change of the biomechanical properties of the cornea. The issue of the effect of these changes on the degree of SIA remains unexplored.The objective is to assess the influence of PEX on the degree of SIA after PHACO.Material and methods. The study included 42 patients (42 eyes) admitted for surgical treatment of cataracts to the V micro-surgical Department of the HMB № 2. The main group consisted of 20 patients (20 eyes) with PEX, the control group consisted of 22 patients (22 eyes) without PEX.The groups were of equal sex and age. The main selection criterion for the main group was the detection of pseudoexfoliative material on the anterior lens capsule, along the pupillary edge edge or in the corner of the anterior chamber. The exclusion criteria were the traumatic and uveal cataracts, glaucoma and laser vision correction in the anamnesis. All patients underwent keratotopography (TMS-3, Tomey, Japan) preoperatively and in 4 to 6 weeks after surgery.Results. There was no significant difference in the degree of SIA (limbal incision, 2.4 mm) among the groups provided the formation of a 2.4 mm limbal tunnel. Moreover, there was no significant difference in the degree of SIA between the nasal and temporal limbal tunnels within the groups. Введение. Хирургический индуцированный астигматизм (ХИА) – одна из причин неудовлетворенности пациента рефракционным результатом после факоэмульсификации (ФЭ). Степень ХИА зависит преимущественно от типа, длины, формы и расположения тоннеля, расстояния до оптического центра роговицы, а также биомеханических свойств роговицы. Для псевдоэксфолиативного синдрома (ПЭС) характерно изменение биомеханических свойств роговицы. Не изученным остается вопрос о влиянии этих изменений на степень ХИА.Цель – оценка влияния наличия ПЭС на степень ХИА после ФЭ.Материалы и методы. Были обследованы 42 пациента (42 глаза), поступивших для хирургического лечения катаракты на V микрохирургическое отделение ГМПБ № 2. Основную группу составили 20 пациентов (20 глаз) с ПЭС, группу контроля – 22 пациента (22 глаза) без ПЭС. Группы были равноценны по полу и возрасту. Основным критерием отбора в основную группу было обнаружение псевдоэксфолиативного материала на передней капсуле хрусталика, по зрачковому краю или в углу передней камеры. Критерии исключения – травматические и увеальные катаракты, наличие глаукомы и лазерная коррекция зрения в анамнезе. Всем пациентам была выполнена кератотопография (TMS-3, Tomey, Япония) до и через 4–6 недель после операции.Результаты. Достоверной разницы в степени ХИА между группами получено не было при условии формирования лимбального тоннеля 2,4 мм. Степень ХИА между носовыми и височными лимбальными тоннелями не отличается в пределах групп.

    Development of chromosome-specific markers for a study on introgressive hybridization of potato with the wild Mexican allotetraploid species Solanum stoloniferum Schltdl

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    In order to involve valuable germplasm of the wild Mexican allotetraploid potato species Solanum stoloniferum Schltdl. (genomic composition ААВВ) into breeding, pentaploid interspecific hybrids (ААAAВ) with cultivated potato S. tuberosum L. (АААА) and their backcross progenies are usually used. Homologous synapsis in meiosis of such hybrids is expected only between chromosomes of the A subgenome, therefore a question arose about a possibility of introgressing genetic material of the subgenome B into the A genome of cultivated potato. In this connection, development of various schemes for the B subgenome introgression into the genome of cultivated potato is considered as a topical issue. The previous research has yielded four schemes of S. stoloniferum involvement into breeding, which imply backcrossing with cultivated potato of the following interspecific hybrids: (1) hexaploids (genomic composition ААААВВ, the conventional introgression scheme), (2) tetraploids (putatively, АААВ), (3) self-pollination progeny of a 4x hybrid and (4) pentaploid hybrids with a putative genome composition of АААВВ. The present paper presents the first results of the development of chromosome-specific DNA markers for the identification of S. stoloniferum chromosomes in interspecific hybrids. An S. stoloniferum accession PI 205522 with a high degree of resistance to late blight and PVY had been found to possess several DNA-markers of the R-genes conferring resistance to these pathogens and was used in hybridization as a promising parent. A set of 23 SSR- and CAPS markers with the known chromosome location in S. tuberosum was generated. These markers detect polymorphism between parent genotypes, i.e., the diploid clone IGC 10/1.21 of cultivated potatoes S. tuberosum, and accession PI 205522 of S. stoloniferum. All the markers specific for the wild species were found in triploid (ААВ) and pentaploid (АААВВ) hybrids of S. stoloniferum × S. tuberosum. This set of markers will be used for efficiency assessment of different schemes for S. stoloniferum genetic material introgression into the obtained BC2-BC3 generations after crossing the interspecific hybrids with cultivated potato


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    Objective: to study the relationship between metalloproteinases and expression TIMP1 expression and intensity of inflammatory response in the cervical stroma of women with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and microinvasive carcinoma. Material and methods. Morphological, morphometric and immunohistochemical examination of cervical biopsies in patients with cervical epithelial neoplasia (cINI–III) and microinvasive carcinoma was carried out. all patients were divided into two age groups: group 1 consisted of 95 patients of early reproductive age ranged from 18 to 35 years (mean age 28.5 ± 0.58 years) and group 2 consisted of 85 perimenopausal and menopausal patients aged 49 to 65 (mean age 55.4 ± 0.98 years). Results. In women of both age groups, the density of inflammatory cell infiltrate was shown to increase, being significantly higher in women of group 1 than in women of group 2. the increase in the expression level of metalloproteinases-2, -3, -7, and -9 with dysplasia progression was observed in women of both age groups, being also higher in group 1 women. the tIMP1 expression level was higher in group 2 women and increased with disease progression. Conclusion. In young women, pronounced and active inflammation in the cervical stroma contributes to a high potential for metalloproteinase synthesis. a higher level of tIMP1 expression in perimenopausal and menopausal women may be one of the factors contributing to a decrease in the metalloproteinase synthesis in these women.Цель исследования – изучить экспрессию металлопротеиназ и tIMP1, а также особенности воспалительной реакции в строме шейки матки при цервикальной интраэпителиальной неоплазии и микроинвазивной карциноме у пациенток различных возрастных групп. Материал и методы. Проведены морфологическое, морфометрическое и иммуногистохимическое исследования биоптатов шейки матки с цервикальной эпителиальной неоплазией (cINI–III) и микроинвазивной карциномой пациенток двух возрастных групп: 1-я группа (n=95) – пациентки раннего репродуктивного возраста 18–35 лет (средний возраст – 28,5 ± 0,58 года), 2-я группа (n=85) – женщины пострепродуктивного (перименопаузального и менопаузального) возраста 49–65 лет (средний возраст – 55,4 ± 0,98 года). Результаты. Показано, что в обеих возрастных группах женщин объемная плотность воспалительного клеточного инфильтрата нарастала вплоть до микроинвазивной карциномы, и у женщин молодого возраста этот показатель был достоверно выше. Установлено нарастание экспрессии металлопротеиназ-2, -3, -7, -9 с прогрессированием диспластических изменений в обеих возрастных группах, и данный показатель также был выше у молодых женщин в каждой подгруппе. Экспрессия tIMP1 была выше у пациенток старшего возраста и нарастала с прогрессированием патологических изменений. Заключение. У молодых женщин выраженный и активный воспалительный процесс в строме шейки матки способствует высокому клеточному потенциалу для синтеза металлопротеиназ. Более высокий уровень экспрессии tIMP1 у женщин старшего возраста может являться одним из факторов, способствующих снижению синтеза металлопротеиназ

    Features of the frequency of occurrence of T-330G <i>IL2</i> gene polymorphism in patients with COVID-19

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    SARS-CoV-2 infection is the etiopathogenetic factor of the new coronavirus infection. Susceptibility to the virus and, accordingly, the incidence differs in children and adults. On the one hand, this reflects the age-related features of the immune response. On the other hand, it is realized through the production of a number of cytokines, including IL-2, and reflects the genetically determined features of cytokine production. The aim of the study was to analyze the frequency of occurrence of T-330G polymorphic variants of the IL2 gene in patients with a new coronavirus infection. A total of 145 patients were examined, including 31.0% of children (n = 45) and 69.0% of adults (n = 100). The diagnosis of a new coronavirus infection was verified by RT-PCR confirming the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and identifying clinical symptoms of an upper respiratory tract infection. The control group consisted of 50 healthy volunteer donors. Allele-specific PCR with electrophoretic detection in 3% agarose gel (Litech, Russia) was used to analyze the T-330G polymorphism of the IL2 gene. To compare the frequencies of allele combinations, the χ2 test and the odds ratio OR and (95% CI) were used.The dominant genotype in patients with COVID-19 was the heterozygous GT genotype of the T-330G polymorphism of the IL2 gene. In the group of children at risk of developing a new coronavirus infection, the GG genotype of the T-330G polymorphism of the IL2 gene was associated (31.1% in children and 18.0% in the control group, p &lt; 0.05, OR = 2.047). While the homozygous TT genotype of the T-330G polymorphism of the IL2 gene was a protective genotype (its occurrence rate was 26.7% in patients, 54.0% in the control group, p &lt; 0.05, OR = 0.315). In adults, the heterozygous GT genotype of the T-330G polymorphism of the IL2 gene was associated with the risk of developing a new coronavirus infection (in the group of patients – 44.0% versus control – 28.0%, p = 0.028, OR = 2.020). A low risk of developing the disease was associated with the homozygous TT variant of the T-330G polymorphism of the IL2 gene (in the group of patients 37.0% versus control – 54.0%, p = 0.024, OR = 0.500).The T-330G polymorphism of the promoter zone of the IL2 gene differently affects its production. The direction of the immune response and its effectiveness depend on the level of IL-2. Understanding the individual factors that determine the features of the immune response can help in understanding the mechanisms of development of COVID-19-associated diseases and the selection of approaches to personalized methods of their treatment