196 research outputs found

    Management of Women — Risk or Opportunity?

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    A lot has been written about women. Throughout human civilization women have been the foundation of families, but also wars were waged over women, and through marriages friendships were created or expanded, agreements forged between friends, etc. Even today women are the entity, without which one can not imagine the existence of the universe. In other words, evolution is a process in which cells (male and female) are connected resulting in growth and development, but also in the ability to connect with other cells which leads to the formation of living beings, including man as the most complex living being which operates on the principles of selforganization. However, when it comes to politics, business and the general performance of complex and traditional activities that are practiced by men, women are marginalized and discriminated against on numerous issues. Stereotypes and negative attitudes toward business women or women managers have been carefully maintained over centuries. Not far from the truth is statement according to which women must be twice as good as men, to take up important positions in organizations. The aim of this paper is to point out certain indisputable facts when it comes to female management and to answer the question of whether female management is a risk or a chance

    Use of Probiotics as Growth Promoters and Immunostimulators in Fingerlings of Cyprinid Fish Species

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    Intensive aquaculture production has required the development of an individual’s resistance to disease rather than depending upon antibiotics or chemotherapeutics. The role of gastrointestinal microflora in disease resistance has been established in many fish species, which has led to the concept of manipulating gastrointestinal microflora for better health management. A number of studies has been conducted in different fish species with various useful microorganisms called ‘probiotics’ to amplify gastrointestinal microflora to fight against various infectious diseases. Probiotics are beneficial microorganisms which protect the host from diseases. Probiotic protection can be achieved by various mechanisms. Most probiotics used in aquaculture belong to the lactic acid bacteria, the genus Bacillus, the photosynthetic bacteria, the yeast, notwithstanding other genera and species have also been used. The immunostimulatory effect of probiotics has been established in many fish species, but their direct involvement in the immune response is not well established. It has also been proven that the application of probiotics in aquaculture has beneficial effects on growth of fish as well as on the environment. At present, data about the efficacy of probiotics in commercial aquaculture of Serbia is still lacking. This review discusses mainly the studies and applications about effects, problems and perspectives of probiotics used in fingerlings of cyprinid fish species, and highlights immunostimulatory effects and growth promotion effects of commercial probiotic products. In the present paper the results that show positive influence of probiotics in cyprinides nutrition on production performance and immune system are summarized. Special accent is given to criteria for proper selection of probiotics in cyprinides production

    Electronic Devices Based on Purified Carbon Nanotubes Grown By High Pressure Decomposition of Carbon Monoxide

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    The excellent properties of transistors, wires, and sensors made from single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) make them promising candidates for use in advanced nanoelectronic systems. Gas-phase growth procedures such as the high pressure decomposition of carbon monoxide (HiPCO) method yield large quantities of small diameter semiconducting SWNTs, which are ideal for use in nanoelectronic circuits. As-grown HiPCO material, however, commonly contains a large fraction of carbonaceous impurities that degrade properties of SWNT devices. Here we demonstrate a purification, deposition, and fabrication process that yields devices consisting of metallic and semiconducting nanotubes with electronic characteristics vastly superior to those of circuits made from raw HiPCO. Source-drain current measurements on the circuits as a function of temperature and backgate voltage are used to quantify the energy gap of semiconducting nanotubes in a field effect transistor geometry. This work demonstrates significant progress towards the goal of producing complex integrated circuits from bulk-grown SWNT material.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Nature Material

    A case report: isolation of alysiella filiformis from pig"s lungs

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    Alysiella filiformis is considered a common resident in the oral cavities of many animals. All reports of Alysiella indicate that it is restricted to the oral cavity of warm-blooded vertebrates, where it apparently is nonpathogenic. However, increased losses of young pigs occured in one farm in Serbia. Spumous content in bronchia and partly clotted blood in blood vesels o f the lungs were present. Characteristic signs of oedema disease were present and E. coli serogroup 0139 was isolated. Furthermore, Alysiella filiformis was the single agent isolated from the lungs of diseased pigs. This is the first isolation of Alysiella filiformis from pig lungs


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    In this paper are presented the overall energy needs of the buildings and measures to improve energy efficiency in buildings. It is shown the importance of sustainable construction as one of the important segments of environmental protection and sustainable development. It is also pointed out the importance of use of renewable energy sources in the construction of energy efficient buildings

    GTN-P borehole data management towards global assessment of permafrost temperature change

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    In 1999, the International Permafrost Association (IPA) established the Global Terrestrial Network for Permafrost (GTN-P, gtnp.org). The goal of the network is systematic and long-term documentation of the distribution, variability, and trends of permafrost (an Essential Climate Variable, ECV) based on a global network of field measurements. The two current cryospheric indicators are permafrost temperature and active layer thickness, throughout the Earth’s permafrost regions. The network has been mainly operated by scientist and research institutions and programs. GTN-P developed a Data Management System (gtnpdatabase.org) for the collection, processing (including standardisation), and dissemination of permafrost data and metadata. Recent ground temperature and active layer thickness data are being compiled to provide an update to the current permafrost state. GTN-P is part of the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) Global Terrestrial Observing System (GTOS). GCOS is a joint undertaking of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the International Council for Science (ICSU). Permafrost temperature measurements, commonly performed with permanently installed multi-thermistor cables in boreholes, enable a good accuracy of 0.1°C. The logger resolution and measurement frequency, however, varies with the type and the depth of the individual borehole. Due to high geomorphological surface and subground dynamics, the relative vertical position of testing probes can change and bias the depth indications of old boreholes in sensitive areas. Most important quality concerns are measurement accuracy, zero annual amplitude depth, data gaps, incomplete time series, and spatial clustering of boreholes. We developed a methodological approach to filter the data by defined quality rules in order to calculate global to regional weighted averages of permafrost temperature anomalies. In this presentation we aim to give an overview on the systematical data pathway from borehole principal investigators over National Correspondents in GTN-P, followed by data processing algorithms in the GTN-P DMS towards quality checked time series data

    Low-frequency Current Fluctuations in Individual Semiconducting Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes

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    We present a systematic study on low-frequency current fluctuations of nano-devices consisting of one single semiconducting nanotube, which exhibit significant 1/f-type noise. By examining devices with different switching mechanisms, carrier types (electrons vs. holes), and channel lengths, we show that the 1/f fluctuation level in semiconducting nanotubes is correlated to the total number of transport carriers present in the system. However, the 1/f noise level per carrier is not larger than that of most bulk conventional semiconductors, e.g. Si. The pronounced noise level observed in nanotube devices simply reflects on the small number of carriers involved in transport. These results not only provide the basis to quantify the noise behavior in a one-dimensional transport system, but also suggest a valuable way to characterize low-dimensional nanostructures based on the 1/f fluctuation phenomenon

    Field-effect transistors assembled from functionalized carbon nanotubes

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    We have fabricated field effect transistors from carbon nanotubes using a novel selective placement scheme. We use carbon nanotubes that are covalently bound to molecules containing hydroxamic acid functionality. The functionalized nanotubes bind strongly to basic metal oxide surfaces, but not to silicon dioxide. Upon annealing, the functionalization is removed, restoring the electronic properties of the nanotubes. The devices we have fabricated show excellent electrical characteristics.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Cellular expression, trafficking, and function of two isoforms of human ULBP5/RAET1G

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    Background: The activating immunoreceptor NKG2D is expressed on Natural Killer (NK) cells and subsets of T cells. NKG2D contributes to anti-tumour and anti-viral immune responses in vitro and in vivo. The ligands for NKG2D in humans are diverse proteins of the MIC and ULBP/RAET families that are upregulated on the surface of virally infected cells and tumours. Two splicing variants of ULBP5/RAET1G have been cloned previously, but not extensively characterised. Methodology/Principal Findings: We pursue a number of approaches to characterise the expression, trafficking, and function of the two isoforms of ULBP5/RAET1G. We show that both transcripts are frequently expressed in cell lines derived from epithelial cancers, and in primary breast cancers. The full-length transcript, RAET1G1, is predicted to encode a molecule with transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains that are unique amongst NKG2D ligands. Using specific anti-RAET1G1 antiserum to stain tissue microarrays we show that RAET1G1 expression is highly restricted in normal tissues. RAET1G1 was expressed at a low level in normal gastrointestinal epithelial cells in a similar pattern to MICA. Both RAET1G1 and MICA showed increased expression in the gut of patients with celiac disease. In contrast to healthy tissues the RAET1G1 antiserum stained a wide variety or different primary tumour sections. Both endogenously expressed and transfected RAET1G1 was mainly found inside the cell, with a minority of the protein reaching the cell surface. Conversely the truncated splicing variant of RAET1G2 was shown to encode a soluble molecule that could be secreted from cells. Secreted RAET1G2 was shown to downregulate NKG2D receptor expression on NK cells and hence may represent a novel tumour immune evasion strategy. Conclusions/Significance: We demonstrate that the expression patterns of ULBP5RAET1G are very similar to the well-characterised NKG2D ligand, MICA. However the two isoforms of ULBP5/RAET1G have very different cellular localisations that are likely to reflect unique functionality

    Patients with Refractory Ascites Treated with alfapump® System have Better Health-related Quality of Life as Compared to those Treated with Large Volume Paracentesis: The Results of a Multicenter Randomized Controlled Study

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    Background Refractory ascites (RA) is a complication of cirrhosis which is treated with large volume paracentesis (LVP) as the standard of care. Alfapump® system is a fully implantable pump system which reduces the need for LVP. The aim was to assess health-related quality of life (HRQL) in patients treated with alfapump® versus LVP. Methods The data were collected in a multicenter open-label randomized controlled trial (clinicaltrials.gov #NCT01528410). Subjects with cirrhosis Child–Pugh class B or C accompanied by RA were randomized to receive alfapump® or LVP. The SF-36v2 and CLDQ scores were compared between the two treatment arms at screening and monthly during treatment. Results Of 60 subjects randomized, HRQL data were available for 58 (N = 27 received alfapump® and N = 31 received LVP only). At baseline, no differences were seen between the treatment arms (all p > 0.05): age 61.9 ± 8.4, 79.3% male, MELD scores 11.7 ± 3.3, 85.2% Child–Pugh class B, 70.7% had alcoholic cirrhosis. The mean number of LVP events/subject was lower in alfapump® than LVP (1.1 vs. 8.6, p  0.05) in the first 3 months. Multivariate analysis showed that treatment with alfapump® was independently associated with better HRQL at 3 months (total CLDQ score: beta = 0.67 ± 0.33, p = 0.05). Conclusion As compared to LVP, the use of alfapump® system is associated with both a reduction in the number of LVP events and improvement of health-related quality of life