108 research outputs found

    Pulmonary fibrosis in foundry workers

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    U grupi radnika u livnici plućna fibroza nađena je u 50% slučajeva: pneumokonioza mikronodularnog tipa nađena je u 25,42%, a linearna fibroza u 24,58%. Četiri-godišnje promatranje tih radnika pokazalo je progresivne promjene u 37,09% slučajeva. Progresivna masivna fibroza nađena je samo u dva radnika koji su bili izloženi prašini na radu u tunelu i rudniku. Autori su izložili udisanju prašine iste livnice i grupu laboratorijskih štakora. Patološke-histološki nalazi pokazali su eksudativne i proliferativne promjene s tendencijom stvaranja fibroznog tkiva. Kratka ekspozicija nije mogla ukazati na vrstu fibroze.In a group of foundry workers pulmonary fibrosis was found in 50% of cases: Pn simplex pinhead or micronodular in 25.42% and linear fibrosis in 24.58%. The four year follow-up studies revealed progression in 37.09% of cases. The PMF was found in two cases only, both having been exposed to dust in tunnel works and mining respectively. A group of laboratory rats was exposed one month to the dust of the same foundry. The patho-histological findings showed exudative and proliferative changes with the tendency to formation of fibrous tissue. The short exposure could not reveal the nature of fibrosis

    Correlation between the limit values of laboratory and clinical mycotoxicosis

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    Analysis of feed for the presence of fungi and mycotoxins is a request necessary to meet in order to ensure a healthy and economical production in livestock. These tests are related to legal regulation which prescribes the maximum legislated content (MLC), both for the presence of mycotoxins and the total number of fungi in certain feeds. Health problems that can occur during the production of animals are sometimes caused by the presence of mycotoxins in the feed. Laboratory testing is a good practice to confirm a suspicion, and allows timely treatment of contaminated feed. Potential problems arise under circumstances when there is a clinical outcome of mycotoxicosis and animal and laboratory findings suggest that the obtained values are below the level that is within the MLC. For these reasons, the subject of our research was to investigate the occurrence of mycotoxins and mold in feed, as well as the clinical presentation for animals that were fed with the feed with allowed values of these agents according to the recommended levels. The aim of this paper was to highlight the problems associated with clinical correlation of sick animals and laboratory findings, and suggest their overcoming. In the period of one year, a total of 176 samples of feed (complete mixture for broilers, corn and soy products) were examined for the presence of fungi, 106 samples were examined for the presence of mycotoxins and 26 flocks of broilers and turkeys were clinically observed. Standard methods were used for isolation of molds and the ELISA test was used for the detection of mycotoxins. Clinical and pathomorphological observation of the flocks was done to determine the natural indicators of production. Studies indicated a problem because clinical and pathomorphological findings in some cases were not correlated with laboratory findings of molds and mycotoxins in the feed, and in some cases it did not necessarily mean that the animals were healthy. Synergism and cumulative effects of mycotoxins, on the one hand, and the characteristics of each species and product category on the other hand, can create specific circumstances that can lead to disease and can increase even though the values prescribed by legislation have been met. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 031071

    Anthracosilicosis in the coal mines of Zaječar

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    Prikazan je problem antrakosilikoze u rudnicima zaječarskog ugljenog basena, Najteži slučajevi antrakosilikoze utvrđeni su u rudniku Vrška Čuka. Analizirana je rudača i jalovina i utvrđene su bogate primjese silicijeva dioksida.The problem of anthracosilicosis in the coal mines of the basin of Zaječar is presented. Most serious cases are observed in the mine Vrška Čuka. The analysis of the ore and rock shows a high Si02 content

    Antimicrobial effects of carbonaceous material functionalized with silver

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    Carbonaceous materials as well as its form functionalized with metallic silver have been prepared by hydrothermal carbonization of fructose. Results are presented to show that nanostructured silver was obtained through the functionalization process. The carbonaceous materials were characterized by: nitrogen adsorption/desorption measurement, XRD, SEM/EDS and FTIR. Samples functionalized with silver were analyzed by: XRD and SEM/EDS. The XRD analysis showed that the carbonaceous materials functionalized with silver by hydrothermal carbonization process were successfully performed. Size of silver particles was found to be approximately 32 nm, indicating formation of nanostructure. All samples were tested as an antimicrobial agent for water disinfection. Presence of nanostructured silver in the sample containing 1 mg/mL carbonaceous materials significantly decreased the number of CFU (dCFU = 97.33 %) if compared to the same sample containing the same amount of carbonaceous materials but without of silver (dCFU 65.33 %)

    A possible connection between phosphate tungsten bronzes properties and briggs-rauscher oscillatory reaction response

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    The calcium phosphate tungsten bronze (Ca-PWB) has been synthesized and characterized (TGA, DSC, XRPD, FTIR, SEM). The influence of solid insoluble materials Ca-PWB, as well as lithium doped (Li-PWB) and cation free phosphate tungsten (PWB) bronzes on the oscillatory Briggs-Rauscher (BR) reaction dynamics, is compared. The results show that doping with Li and Ca reduces sensitivity of the BR reaction towards bronzes addition. These findings suggest the usage of the BR reaction as an innovative method for testing of different properties of bronze material. The behavior of PWB in the BR reaction is significantly changed with divalent cation (Ca2+) doping. The reasons for the different bronzes behavior were found in their calculated unit cell volumes. Namely, the compressed Ca-PWB unit cell volume indicates the difficult availability of the active site for heterogeneous catalysis. Hence, the linear correlation (slope) of the BR oscillogram’s length (τosc) vs. mass of bronze in BR reaction might be considered as a new parameter for the evaluation of the bronzes catalytic activity.У овом раду синтетисана је и окарактерисана (TGA, DSC, XRPD, FTIR, SEM) нова калцијумом допирана фосфат волфрамова бронза (Ca-PWB). Испитан је и упоређен утицај фосфат волфрамове бронзе (PWB), литијумом допиране фосфат волфрамове бронзе (Li-PWB) и калцијумом допиране фосфат волфрамове бронзе (Ca-PWB) на осцилаторну динамику Briggs-Rauscher (БР) реакције. Резултати показују да допирање катјонима Li+ и Ca2+ смањује осетљивост БР реакције на додатак нерастворних бронзи, што се огледа у смањивању нагиба праве осцилаторног времена (τosc) БР реакције у функцији масе додате допиране бронзе. Добијени резултати сугеришу употребу БР реакције као иновативне методе за испитивање различитих својстава допираних и недопиране фосфат волфрамове бронзе. Разлози за различито понашање бронзи у осцилаторној реакцији пронађени су у различитим величинама јединичних ћелија PWB, Li-PWB и Ca-PWB. Наиме, најмања вредност, тј. сабијање јединичне ћелије допирањем калицијумом указује на тежу доступност активних места за хетерогену катализу. Каталитичка активност бронзи усмерена је ка реакцијама оксидације које укључују водоник-пероксид (један од реактаната БР реакције). Стога би се линеарна корелација (нагиб) τosc у функцији масе бронзе у БР реакцији могла сматрати новим параметром за процену каталитичке активности бронзе, али и других материјала

    Prevalence of hepatitis E virus (HEV) antibodies in Serbian blood donors

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    Introduction Hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection is rarely reported in industrialized countries, but recent studies have revealed quite variable seroprevalence rates among European populations, including blood donors. In Serbia, very limited data about HEV seroprevalence are available. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of anti-HEV IgG antibodies and HEV RNA in the sera of volunteer blood donors in Serbia. Methodology Serum samples from 200 volunteer blood donors were tested for the presence of anti-HEV IgG by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using ORF-2 HEV genotype 3 recombinant proteins as antigen, and for the presence of HEV RNA by nested reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Results In total, 15% of the volunteer blood donors were seropositive. The prevalence increased with age; 21.5%, 14.2%, and 5.4% HEV seroprevalence rates were found in individuals older than 51 years, between 31 and 50 years, and in those younger than 30 years of age, respectively. However, no HEV RNA was detected in any of the individuals analyzed. Conclusions The prevalence of anti-HEV IgG among blood donors as representatives of the general population is quite high in Serbia compared to data from many European countries. One of the reasons for this could be the high prevalence of HEV among Serbian pigs and the traditional consumption of piglet meat in the country. The relatively high HEV seroprevalence found among Serbian blood donors indicates the need for further investigation. © 2014 Petrović et al